One of those days when i actually get bothered by loneliness

>one of those days when i actually get bothered by loneliness
>the crushing weight of it and the societal expectation of people my age being outgoing and have large friend groups is genuinely bothering me (i'm 21)
>ask someone i talk to online for advice
>"just go out and meet people"
>tell him i can't really do that, seeing as literally everyone has an already established friend group
>"just make friends with the group lmao"
thanks chad, i will make sure to transform into an extroverted socialite overnight
i just want a couple close friends i can hang out with one on one, groups make me anxious and i get ignored and talked over in a group every fucking time
should i just give up and try to embrace being alone somehow or what

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ive had this problem with family members and it sucks

i hate other people but desperately crave intimacy and i have no clue on how to go about it

I also consider myself an introvertrt (although I have a few friends.) I've been able to meet people at live music events. In Houston they have a bar that brings in DJ's on Mondays with free admission I usually go to that. I've met some pretty cool people there and have had interesting convos

>In Houston
Damn bro. Where is this bar? I feel really lonely and I'm that city.

Last Concert Cafe

1125, 1403 Nance St, Houston, TX 77002
(713) 226-8563

The music is usually house, dnb and some other stuff

I hang at stereo live sometimes when I do mdma or at white oak hall. Usually the people at stereo are bunch of chads, stacies, or Kandi kids but they'Re ok. Still never made any friends. Kinda sucks that all the cool places are downtown or on the eastside though.

I've never been to stereo live honestly

Its not bad whenever they do one of those big parties, and it helps if you're on drugs like a few other people there, but honestly edm is pretty shit when it comes to electronic. They've added a few better djs on some nights on the terrace recently though. Matthew Dear played a set recently, too bad I couldn't go.

You've been to white oak music Hall or warehouse live?

Nope, I'm honestly not a raver or anything I just enjoy the music... I probably would have a hard time getting in because I'm 18...

Best I can tell you is trying to pokerface and feign interest in what they talk about by snagging up one item they talk about and asking a question about it.
Since people mostly just want to talk about themselfs and not care for you anyway, that can make you quick "friends" when done right.
I get the "talked over" shit in big groups too, can't be helped.

We are all alone in our own experience. Even with people. The trick to life is finding people that make that fact a little more bearable.

Today sucked for me too user - but being alone is just a fact - just as being a human is a fact.

The loneliness is just a byproduct of your experience. Try connecting with nature and try to meet people who share your interests, even if you don't meet up with them in person. It's nice to chat on the phone or while playing videogames or whatever you like. You remind yourself there are others going through the same stuff.

And to be honest, as a normie, almost all people just hide their loneliness more, or ignore it more, or are just too stupid to realize what life is like. Even the outgoing happy looking ones.

try being good at vidya and start talking over the in game mic

They do check Id but if you're 18 you're fine. Check out the foam or paint parties they do sometimes. Tickets are free on their site, and its best to go during the summer, a few half naked thots here and there ; )

I get this feeling almost everytime I'm in public. Looking at all the groups of people laughing, holding hands... a whole world of happy and fulfilled people that I'll never be a part of. It's one of the biggest reasons why I stopped going to college and visiting my family, I fucking hate being the biggest fucking loser in a crowd. I hate having to put effort into one-sided conversations that don't go anywhere because I'm too boring and awkward to keep anybody's attention outside of stupid jokes and shit that nobody knows about. I hate that obvious, palpable feeling of disappointment and boredom from people when they discover that those things are all I'm really capable of. I hate being cold and dismissive towards nice people because I'm sick of that said feeling even though I just end up feeling worse about it through the day. I can't even make friends online. On the worst days I feel uncomfortable just walking through a crowd and imagine that people are staring at me - looking at the strange way I walk, my babyface, or just how distant I can be from everything else.

I'm not even sure if it depresses me. I rarely even think about these sorts of things until they actually happen, and even then it's not long before I distract myself and forget. After a day like that I rush back to my room whenever possible, jack off, consume media and push the day out of my memory. If I'm unlucky, I'll stare at my ceiling thinking about the shit that happened and everything I'll never accomplish and shed a few tears before going back to my pathetic routine like nothing happened. If I'm really unlucky I'll have a panic attack and my chest will feel five pounds heavier for a few days. I sometimes fantasize about jumping out my window or some taller building, but I'll never commit to it as long as I keep myself entertained. Maybe it's for the best.

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>be homeless
just buy a house lmao wyd nigga XDDDD

A lot of people struggle with groups user, you just don't see them as much because they aren't out and about partying in groups. A couple questions: are you autistic/extremely socially awkward or are you just really introverted? Also, do you attend school, work, or anything similar that could be used to meet people?

I ask myself where that pic was taken...

Somewhere in Australia or New Guinea. It's a mud lobster in a mangrove forest.

I'm a typical 26 y.o introverted doomer who does barely anything but work and then go home and I could still make a few friends after going out by myself.

Word of advice: alcohol really helps and it's not weird to show up by yourself in a bar and get to know the staff if you become a regular. Also if you're anxious about being in a group and seeming like you're just being ignored and just following around, well don't take that shit personally and just enjoy the company. Normies have such small attention spans, even the most extroverted of them get in those situations where they are being drowned out by the noise and no one pays attention.

This guy gets it. The loneliness and alienation does not necessarily get away once you meet new people, make friends with random people you meet in a club/bar or get a gf, speaking from experience. Every single human goes to sleep with their own thoughts and feelings encased in their own skulls, so loneliness will always be there, it's part of the human condition. It's much more important that you connect with people who you know share your interests and can understand you.

Dedicating yourself to a craft or hobby that truly interests you may not necessarily make you meet more people as if you were going out every weekend but I've found out that it is a much more reliable way to deal with the feelings of loneliness.