How can you eat this?
How can you eat this?
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With a knife and fork normally.
with my mouth
Seasoned and with mash.
I dont eat pork (inb4 muslim)
No I just dont like it.
I dont like lamb either.
Only meat I like is Chicken/Cow.
With scrambled eggs.
I wouldn't. I would wait till it was bigger.
With BBQ sauce haha LMAOOO GOTTEM
I don’t, pescatarian master race
I don't eat sentient beings unnecessarily because I'm not a fucking heathen
Have you tried eating dog? It tastes like beef and mutton. Tough, but stew it for a while and it's pretty good.
unlike the 14 year old edgemaster cringelords trying to sound like le cool dark minded sociopath in here, I dont take pride or happiness in knowing that cute friendly animals die so I can be fed
but humans have evolved to eat a primarily meat-based diet for millions of years, and veganism will destroy your health so I do it for health reasons (I'm keto if you're wondering)
Hopefully one day I can afford organic grass-fed meat where animals are slaughtered painlessly and I can stop supporting disgusting industrial farming practices
Porco Dio...
Killing animals for the sake of consumption is not unethical, nor does it mean we can't appreciate animals while they are alive.
>humans have evolved to eat a primarily meat-based diet for millions of years,
Literally what.
I have no idea why people keep assuming this, even though all scientific logic defies it.
Ill never understand why people on Jow Forums feel the need to justify their eating habits.
Appreciate them in life, and appreciate them in death for their tasty sacrifice.
>unlike the 14 year old edgemaster cringelords trying to sound like le cool dark minded sociopath in here
Yeah, you sound more like a cringe worthy kumbaya singing faggot. Congratulations.
Humans evolved to be hypocarnivores, less than 30% of our diet is supposed to be meat.
Because those that do have no other self-percieved "noteworthy" qualities
Less than 15%, really. And most of that 15% consists of seafood and poultry.
Haha imagine if it rubbed against your dick like that haha
Are you asking for recipes?
>Killing animals for the sake of consumption is not unethical
One slice at a time
no u
>t. jew
unironically neck yourselves as soon as you get the opportunity, you worthless, shameless brain-atrophied insulin resistant diabetic grain industry SHILLS
"Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. "
-Genesis 9:3
thanks God
>implying every plant and animal is edible
"But anything in the seas or the rivers that has not fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is detestable to you."
-Leviticus 11:10
friendly reminder that the overwnelming majority of grain is fed to livestock. A true (((grain industry shill))) advocates for higher meat consumption
>b-b-b-b-b-but m-m-m-muh grass fed!
1) you dont eat grassfed nearly as ofte as you say you do
2) even if you do, about half of the animal's diet is grain and soi
3) grass fed is extremely unsustainable for the environment, if more people ate grassfed there would be no land available for anything and the prices of grassfed would be sky high
>believing in 2000 year old plagiarized fairytales from middle eastern desert nomads
>not believing in 2000 year old plagiarized fairytales from middle eastern desert nomads
For, for a man to be proud and high conceited, that he is not proud and high conceited, is of all kind of pride and presumption, the most intolerable.
grassfed ruminant animals cause soil to regenerate and are the only option to reverse desertification
I never eat pork. Chicken and sometimes beef and horse for me
All sorts of ways. Boiling a hock to make some soup right now.
filthy w*Sternoid shut the fuck about your semitic fairytales I worship SVAROG and PERUN only
>grassfed ruminant animals cause soil to regenerate and are the only option to reverse desertification
here is another option to reverse desertification, stop depleting the soil by planting and harvesting too much grain to feed to animals
and something about crop rotation
based and krasnayapilled
That's a quote from Meditations, written by Marcus Aurelius who was not Christian
The Stoics are honorary Christians
usually with rice or a baguette
Which translation is this? Long?
because an adult pig would eat you as easily as we would eat it
pigs are monsters and deserved to be eaten
Thanks for the advertisement OP
Slava brother
Nerve gas?
This explains nothing about the diets of EARLY humans, who were primarily scavengers, you dumb fucking nigger. Hunting-gathering was not a thing until the neolithic era. God, I want to put a fucking bullet in that brainlet head of yours.
go choke on some wheat high carb subhuman
>Hunter-gathering was not a thing until the neolithic era
UNIRONICALLY go choke on some wheat
There's a human exploit that allows you to not give a shit if horrible things happen far enough.
Pigs are social herd animals and you shouldn't keep a single young one as a pet just cause you think they're cute, it's not good for them.
Also I work on a pig farm so ama
what are your lifts?
how many pigs you fucked? how does it feel?
delusional retard
Quit pretending that you arent the one who makes all these threads and samefags all the v*gan responses
Leviticus a gay
~55kg OHP (but injured shoulder so can't atm haha)
90kg bench
125 squat
160 dl
Ask your mom.
You dont really believe that tho so why do you pretend to? Stick to your muh morals arguments and go back to the cuck shed
I don't, vegetarian is the way of life
>favorite meats are pork, veal and lamb
All of them are insufferably cute and delicious beyond comparison.
grilled with paprika pepper
I'm not even vegan, but carnivorecucks are just as retarded. Thankfully, natural selection will get you all.
So you agree veganism isn't a nutritional sufficient diet, yet you say meat is also bad. What are humans meant to eat lol, air? get over uself
Porcodio padre pio?
>humans have evolved to eat a primarily meat-based diet for millions of years
What? Hunting animals is a significantly more labour intense process compared to gathering plants. Examination of the stomachs of our preserved ancestors show we consumed a diet that was predominantly (like 90%) plant based. We were gather-hunters not hunter-gatherers.
Consumption of animals only increased and became preferable during ice ages when plant material became scarce and animals did a decent job of pre-gathering and concentrating the nutrients we need (only problem is that consuming them via animals means they come with less than desirable ingredients). Again, historical examination of the stomach content of preserved humans demonstrate this shift in diet (a relatively recent one in our history).
Those who subscribe to the paleo "we must eat as our ancestors did" philosophy then should really only be consuming meat once or twice a month. It shouldn't be processed, it should be grass fed and free range, and have received no hormones (so at this point we're getting closer to discussing wild game). This isn't even going into the cooking/preparation (which should be minimal at best).
I’ve made the conscious effort over the past year to follow all the meat and dairy I eat to its source. Modern warehouse farming is abhorrent to me, and while it costs more to buy pastured meat, it’s well worth the trouble.
He's talking about that recent fad where people do extreme meat only versions of keto. Not like omnivores. So you can stop shaking your fat fist.
They also like to forget we are bugs and were likely coprophagic
Well theres my stroke post for the day
Is the industry as a whole really as Jewish as we are told? I hear a lot about them being crammed into tiny pens to maximize profits.
What are the practices your farm uses?
How can you not?
Yeah he's cute, but what do you think happens to all the cutesy little animals leaving in that big field of wheat when the combine goes through? You didn't think it was empty, did you? It's full of birds, lizards, and rodents. And when they grow your fruit, it's interesting how deer and raccoons and shit don't come and eat it, right? Yeah, pesticides aren't just for insects, they poison everything that would want to come eat it.
If you've ever worked on a farm, or even visited one, you'd know that there's no getting around the fact that something is going to die for your dinner. Might as well eat what you want. I don't feel bad about it, either. Try meeting a chicken or a fish one day. They are totally mindless creatures, basically an insect. Yeah, pigs can be smart and can have personalities, but most food animals are about as capable of cogitation as a plant.
>humans evolved to be carnivores
>dies of scurvy
this board is stupid.
> Outside of circumpolar regions, where animal products make up the bulk of nutrition (Bang, Dyerberg, & Sinclair, 1980; Draper, 1977; Kuhnlein, Appavoo, Morrison, Soueida, & Pierrot,1994; Kuhnlein et al., 1996), many of the diets are dominated by plant resources.
My country is very good on animal welfare, especially with pigs, so we don't have that. Obviously there are factory farms in other countries and those conditions are terrible.
In our farm the sows hang out in these areas when they're pregnant, then we move them to individual pens where they have space to move around. We don't lock them in crates/cages.
I couldn't. I wouldn't go on my way out to kill someone's baby pet pig.
However I have no problem going to the grocery store and buy already killed pig. Someone's going to buy and eat the meat regardless so why not me?
Me going vegan or not has no ACTUAL real-world impact whatsoever and I don't have moral problems eating and buying a piece of meat from the grocery store.
Hoooly fuck please tell me I'm being baited. Humans are OMNIVORES. There is absolutely no reason to exclude ANY type of naturally available food from our diet.
>sees picture of cute animal which is the same species that has been a staple of the human diet for centuries
>omg I'm vegan now!
is very much akin to
>sees picture of dead kid on the beach sent on an incredibly dangerous trip because parents aren't satisfied with refuge outside of Europe
>omg we must open the borders!
Imagine being this easily persuaded by propaganda that plays into your emotions to override rational thought
>supply and demand doesn't exist
>i'm a drop in the ocean, it's futile
do you also not vote?
People are fed with this misconception that humans have always been apex predators, when in reality that's only been true for the last few thousand years or so, out of our 200,000 year history.
>There is absolutely no reason to exclude ANY type of naturally available food from our diet.
1) there is not a single essential amino acid, essential fatty acid, vitamin or mineral, that is hard or expensive to get on a vegan diet
1b) therefore eating animals is unnecessary
2) it is immoral to unnecessarily cause harm
Therefore, it is immoral to eat animals
Bad analogy. Eating meat is unnecessary and harmful, so you should go vegan. Keeping the borders closed is neither unnecessary nor harmful, so we shouldn't open them. Did you even think before typing?
I cut out all beef, lamb and pork from my diet.
I mainly eat fish and occasionally chicken.
I'm not one of those screaming vegan types, but the whole process of mass producing animals purely for slaughter seems barbaric to me.
What are you vegans trying to accomplish?
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.
How do vegans feel about eating produce treated with pesticides?
what a facile argument
>immoral to cause unnecessary harm
thats just your opinion
also if it is immoral to cause harm what about all the life that is harmed because you are alive? kill yourself
don't project your morality on me faggot. I'm an American. Only thing immoral where I'm from is to lose
Based on what I've seen from what happens with long-term vegans, I think I'll pass on that. I respect you guys for trying, though.
Why should we care about these animals?
L0L IM l i t e r a l l y IN TEARS RN!!
i personally feel indifferent. pesticides cause necessary harm to animals.
also, eating animals causes harm not only to the animal you eat, but also to the animals harmed during harvesting livestock feed for said animal.
>what about all the life that is harmed because you are alive
it's necessary harm, unlike you eating meat.
also, eating animals causes harm not only to the animal you eat, but also to the animals harmed during harvesting livestock feed for said animal.
cringe and bluepilled
I'm talking about the way that the OP is trying to persuade you into veganism by appealing to your emotions, not about the morality of veganism and open/closed borders. Eating meat is not harmful. The practices by which some the animals are farmed etc. probably are for the environment, but that's a different topic entirely. As for being unnecessary, it is. You could supplement this and that and jump through hoops to get the required micro nutrients and such but that's a shit argument. Get your head out of your ass
Because we are compassionate creatures. The methods for producing your food are kept secret by state and federal laws, why do you think that is? Is it moral to torture the beings you raise for food?