Jow Forums BTFO
Jow Forums BTFO
>get fit gf
Never looking back. I really can’t believe people can be deluded enough to think like this and support it.
Fat people aren't human
ngl i would probably do her
Yeah you’d see her asshole and change your mind
>busy trying to lose weight
>dedicate a few months (depending on weight) to fasting and lose the weight
>get to live the rest of your life not being a fat piece of shit
>she continues being a disgusting waste of life
wow so hard
Fat girls pulling their underwear above their entire stomach to make it look like their hips is always hilarious
some people may like fat women (braphogs, slampigs, thicc etc) but NOONE likes fat men.
Only in the sense that they want to pump and dump them after a week of no fap. No one with any self respect would settle with a fatty.
there are some female fat fetishists out there
>Implying I don't cum to fat stinky brown anuses
well, no shit Tyrone
>my brother is a fat fetishist
i tried to convert him back to normality by showing him my 600lb life but it didnt work. i want him to be happy but i also dont want women to take advantage of him because he's pretty timid
Don’t commit. Just swerve in for the A+ head game then go back to fit qt’s
im persian but yeah I have a nigger like fetish for thicc latinas. (even though this one is fat not thicc)
well she better enjoy the 5-10years she has left before diabetes and heartattacks kill her
There's actually a lot of chubby chasing gay men.
Nah, thanks the advent of modern medical science these fat fucks live longer than ever. Subsidized by the taxpayer of course.
settling for faggotry is a fate worse than death
I ve only been with 1 fat chick and it was rhe worst sex experience ever
Might work for her now, but I guarantee you that when she hits 25, her looks will deteriorate at a pace faster than normal and she'll hit the wall hard and fast and with twice the mass.
Make a fat female Tinder profile asking for sex, now make a fat neckbeard Tinder profile asking for sex.
Who will be more successful?
Holy shit I didn’t know this until you pointed it out.
Swarthy women were a mistake.
This. The dad bod will work so long as you keep the body fat under 20 percent. Women on the other hand can go well up the body fat chart and still be desired. Oh, and you may as well hang yourself if you're a short man.
She says busy trying to lose weight as if being a lardass is standard. I spend no time out of my day trying to lose weight because im not a fatass in the first place. Fat people are so god damn delusional. And what is she doing with all that time shes saving not losing weight? Eating garbage and taking pictures of herself in her room because she hates herself
What a dumb fat hoe.
I'd still gladly blow my load inside her tho
When you see people like this, you have to realize that they're not trying to convince anybody else, they're trying to convince themselves. So they gain followers of people who are trying to do the same. Convince themselves.
Social media is literally a system set up and used primarily by people in an effort to construct a parallel reality to live in, instead of the one we all inhabit. You have to realize them for what they really are. Pathetic creatures looking for meaning in a world that gives no real answers.
I view them like overgrown children.
She could sit on my face, 2bh/
Loads of chicks like big guys. One chick in my college was dating a 400 pound malewhale and was vocal about how much she liked fat dudes.
Why do you think Dad bod was a meme for like 3 months?
>fast forward 10 years
Wow haha this cake is so good haha why is the room spinning oh shit I’m slipping into a coma
Brrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaappppppppppp pppppnnnnnngggggggg phhhhhooooooooootttt
Holy shit, kek.
insecure women """like"""" fat men because they feel that he won't be able to get anything better so she can control the relationship. they still don't find fatties attractive.
i wish that we could
>drop anti-free market practices in the health insurance market
this way insurers could decide to raise prices of fats or just refuse coverage alltogether
>eliminate medicaid and other socialized healthcare practices
so that poor fats don't get guaranteed coverage
>allow hospitals to choose who they treat
so that fats that the hospitals know will never pay, and non-compliant fats that don't listen to their doctors would be refused care
Of course. This is why girls with average/fat boyfriends get so upset when they start dieting and hitting the gym hard. They are scared they will lose their position of superiority.
Sounds like she's coping
i want nothing more than to have the power to kill chinese immigrants that refuse to integrate, fat women, and mutt women who all wear tonnes of makeup to the point where they all look like the exact same fake eyebrow black haired whore.
do some calf raises
People who are lazy and selfish in everyday life tend to be lazy and selfish in bed.
She's getting absolutely demolished in the comments and is griping about it on her TL
>tfw your panties are as wide as a lifting belt
>to not look like me
This is how shallow her understanding is and so she projects that level of understanding on others. From her ignorant perspective, she really is living her best life. She's young, so she doesn't have joint pain/damage, diabetes, heart disease YET, and so she thinks she's living healthy and exercise is literally just vanity.
>Brags about her looks
>Has to fucking tuck her stomach into her underwear to try and hide how disgustingly huge her gut is
This always pisses me off
>tfw Chad laughs at your face
>Go hide in your taco rape cave, contemplating
>put on your mask of Ziggy Stardust
>dress in shower curtains
>put your shit rug on wall
>take a 5000000 selfies
>pick 2 where you look like you just finished shitting
>go attention whore on twitter
>get validated from other fatsos, men hungry for fish and reddit
SUCK IT Jow Forums
>tfw her whore choker gets burried under her second chin
>Stacy when she compliments her to get rid of Chad's orbitals
You must have been good at Where's Waldo
>fat girl
>not guy
How is fit btfo here?
What the fuck is this face but damn those cow milkers
damn, Mal looks like shit nowadays