Guy and I have been doing sex despite him having a girlfriend

>guy and I have been doing sex despite him having a girlfriend
>hanging out with him while he's hanging out with his friends
>they're exchanging playful banter and "yo mama" jokes
>one of the guys makes a joke about his girlfriend
>guy gets super defensive and says his girlfriend is off-limits
>he didn't get defensive when the guys were making fun of me

What sucks about being a fembot is that you'll never someone want to protect you. You're just someone's fuck toy or emotional support.

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I want to believe this is fake but I know situations like this are more often real. and you can't give proof if its real since it would be doxing.
I'm shaking my head
A-t least you have friends?

Have sex with someone who is single that may change the way they think of you

Boo fucking hoo you whore. I hope they shit on you about being his 2nd.

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>having sex
>especially with a cheating manwhore who has a girlfriend
>unironically calling yourself a fembot at the same time
yeah kys
t. actual fembot

Maybe you should try seeing about the guys here instead of some dirtbag cheater, user.

I mean he's literally sleeping with someone else behind his girlfriend's back so I feel like this guy really isn't doing a great job of respecting anyone

>have sex with someone thats cheating
>get treated like shit
>wonder why
gee its like you're mentally disabled.

She won't. She's just here for (You)s and male orbiter validation.


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>But guise being a cum dumpster is the only way that a fembot can get with Chad
>If I dated someone who was single, they'd probably be a robot or something and I'd be embarrassed to be seen with them!

This certainly backfired, huh, OP? Gonna kys or gtfo? Gonna cry? huh, you little bitch? Gonna cry to your Chad in a text that he's not gonna answer because he's having din din with his GF(actual)?

Haha just messin'. Have a good night's sleep.

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So you're helpimg someone cheat and yet you want our sympathy? Nah fuck you. You know he has a gf. You are doing something morally wrong. Fuck off slut

>is some dudes self heating onahole
>gets sad when shes treated as such
whats the logic behind this?

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He obviously was not that good of a character if he is cheating on a current gf. What did you expect? Find another Chad and ride his dick. You can probably find another dude who is even better at sex

i'm too dumb to know if this is bait

Based if an actual female, cringe if LARPing faggot

you guys don't get it. women don't give a fuck about your character as long as you tend to their needs. women and children have "needs" that need tended to.

it's weird and needy and i can't fucking stand human beings.

Women really fall for being mistreated amd treated poorly, so long as you're handsome. The reasoning is as follows
>like a guy
>treats you like shit
>right after treating you like shit, treats you really well
This fucks with the woman's emotional system. She'll want to stick around and try to get to a point where the guy does the second thing withoit the first thing happening.
Again, only works if the girl thinks you're handsome or is attracted to you in some way

>i can't fucking stand human beings
I'm not excusing myself either.
Humans are a blight, and an insult to all life everywhere

heh girls pass themselves around for decades than wonder why they cant get a guy in their 30s/40s. most guys worth a damn dont want a pass herself around slut that cant pairbond after decades of riding strange dick for selfish pleasure and not thinking of the future.

No wonder more and more men are ignoring females and their sad pathetic never laid brigade of manginas and fluffboy soys

>actual femb-
Still based though