>you can do it at home >cheap (like 10$ for a rope) >takes less time than running/jogging/whatever else is there >helps build your calves >the more your progress the funner you can make it
What are the negatives of it? Why aren't you skipping rope anons?
I like it, you can do cool tricks when you start getting better. I don't do that anymore as any jumping shit ruins my knees.
Angel Wright
>you can run literally anywhere >still need nice shoes or a boxing ring/mats to do it on (at least, I do if I don't want to get hurt; ymmv on this point, but the serious boxers I know don't skip on hard surfaces) >takes exactly as much time as anything else at the same heart rate to get the same cardio effect >didn't do shit for my calves >everything is fun when you're getting better
I'd rather run, though, thinking about it some more, it may be worth including a little skipping for footspeed/agility/ankle strengthening purposes.
Matthew Powell
>cheap (like 10$ for a rope) Lamo someone ripped you off? I got mine for 1€
Luis James
1 euro is like 10 dollars
Jacob Lopez
>jumping around in different ways is boring >here, just run forward for an hour, that's not boring
Jeremiah Campbell
this has always been my experience, yes
may be another one of those individual variation things
Cooper Myers
>>still need nice shoes or a boxing ring/mats to do it on Wrong. I did it barefoot for a year, only problem I had was right at the beginning - my toes would be sore as hell. Went away after a few days.
>serious boxers I know don't skip on hard surfaces That's because they're boxers, brainlet.
>>takes exactly as much time as anything else at the same heart rate to get the same cardio effect Skipping rope is one of the most effective ways to do cardio and burn calories.
>>didn't do shit for my calves Shit genetics.
>>everything is fun when you're getting better Cope.
Jeremiah Moore
Autistic experience. Not surprising, since this is Jow Forums.
Josiah Carter
>Skipping rope is one of the most effective ways to do cardio and burn calories. You're missing the point. What makes cardio effective?
Ethan Thomas
high heart rate
Lucas Parker
>american education
Asher Gray
(well, not actually--work in different heart rate ranges causes different adaptations, see joel jamieson and mike prevost for more discussion of this, but it's a start)
(there's also goal specificity and impact/interference with your other training to be considered, but again we can ignore that for now)
so you go and skip rope for 20 minutes at HR 180. next week you go and row for 20 minutes at HR 180. week after that you run for 20 minutes at HR 180. in what sense was skipping rope "more effective" than rowing or running or shadowboxing or whatever?
Lincoln Myers
>implying I can't just go at it like Floyd Mayweather from the beginning.
Landon Flores
>coping this hard just because you want to run around like a nigger in the bush
Adam Martinez
>run Can skip rope home when it's raining/snowing/no fear of niggers jumping me.
>row Cheaper equipment for skipping rope, also doesn't take up place at all when you finish and don't use it.
>shadowboxing This one's cool for all purposes.
Adrian Cooper
>living in places full of niggers sounds like a personal problem
Julian King
>implying only niggers are scum >implying slavs/chavs/gypsies/turks/rednecks won't jump you for whatever reason Snow/rain is still an objective issue, not a personal problem.
Jonathan Howard
must suck to not look intimidating enough that people don't fuck with you
>Snow/rain is still an objective issue, not a personal problem. well this is just flat wrong
Jayden Wright
How do I get started? How do I learn the form so I don't trip? Any tips for beginners?
>look intimidating enough that people don't fuck with you Lmao, implying a pack of slavs care about your 80kg shitty frame when you're wearing a sweater.
>flat wrong Not everyone's living near the equator, Bobo.
Easton Phillips
post body
Juan Hill
Shit tier cardio, hard to control HR. Incline walking is the king.
James Watson
>incline walking Since when do soccer moms browse Jow Forums
Colton Turner
Who do you think makes the high test threads? It's just soccer moms posting themselves
not everyone is an ectotherm either actually, I don't think anyone is
seriously, have you people actually been mugged before? have your friends? the "intimidating" thing was more a joke than anything, but I think people have tried to fuck with me about once in the last 25 years, and yeah, I live in a white neighborhood now but I lived in a 73% black census tract for several years
I learned skipping rope within 4 days properly with good form. And it really works your calves and once fatigue kicks in you will trip if your not used to jumping rope.
I do interval tho with 3 min 1 min rest with jumprope, shadowboxing, squats, pushups, lunges and finish up with one last jump rope set. This will make your sweat for sure.
Brayden Fisher
Redpill me on shadowboxing Do you just punch the air? Never trained for boxing before. How do I learn the proper form and stuff
Ayden Turner
>shadowboxing name a more fedora exercise
Jacob Scott
start out slow, make sure you get the technique down before you start going harder. It's important not to do too much when you're starting out, only do like 20-30 second intervals at first, you can give yourself shin splints if you don't gradually work your way up. As someone who has had shin splints as a teenager, they're not the end of the world but they suck and take a while to heal
Dylan Harris
get instruction from someone who knows their stuff, shadowboxing is pretty pointless for somebody who doesn't know what they're doing, but can be an effective way to hone your technique and work on practicing your combos
Logan Butler
>all ropes are equal
Andrew Collins
You just practice throwing punches basically lol not much to it best to do it in front of a mirror with correct form and punching technique to get most out of the workout.
Just practicing so that my jabs cross, hooks and uppercuts are ingrained in my muscle memory so I dont have to focus as much on technique. Just watch some youtube videos there's even virtual shadow boxing videos on youtube where a man in punching the camera so you get the Pov shadow boxing for the real larpers out there.
just do it infront of a mirror and check if your gaurd is solid, movement, punches defense etc etc etc
im a newbie boxer so it really helps getting it down and you workout a sweat