
How many of you anons have an waifu? What is it about and how do you feel towards your waifu/ Somebody please explain this meme to me. Do you actually fall in love with that fictional character or woman you'll never meet?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I had a crush on character before but I am not delusional enough to try to genuinely fall in love with a fictional character

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>but I am not delusional enough to try to genuinely fall in love with a fictional character
Why not? You already started it, why not go all the way?

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I've got a turbo normie waifu but she's what I got.

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because it would only lead to pain

I love Asuka very much

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Anybody else hate how things turned out for Misa from Death Note?

Light is such a fucking fag for not wanting to get with her. I would have married her right away so that our children could carry on the kira dynasty eternally.

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This girl is fucking disgusting user. Get the fuck outta here.

It's an ironic meme made by Jow Forums as a whole to laugh off suicidal thoughts. But yeah, after years and years of kinda liking a waifu and not liking a real girl, you actually become attached. I can confirm, I only got out of the downward spiral cuz I got a real girlfriend

waifuism is fucking bullshit and you know it and fuck you for spamming it

>It's an ironic meme
Nobody posts about the same character every day with a message about how much they love them for 10 years ironically

It is ironic. It's verbal/situational irony. We all know that user actually cares a lot, but we all laugh it off anyways.

I have a waifu and I actually love her. I know that it is not normal, or that she will never respond but I still love her. I think about her everyday. I cry few times a week. I tried to forget about her but I couldn't as everything reminded me of her. I never even intended or wanted to have a waifu. One day it just happened and all I could think about was her. Before falling in love with her I thought that waifuism is just a stupid meme, too.

don't let the ordinaries mist you waifufags are real and it's easy to fall in love with a fictional character because they are better than real people.

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A waifu is a manifestation of your deepest desires.
For me, I just admire my waifu for she is pure and embodies the right values and all other women are not and don't.
This is paradoxically the most dangerous form of waifu: when you set your waifu as an impossible standard for women, that no one could ever meet.
So you can only strive onwards, rejecting all hoes, for only your waifu will motivate you to do the right thing.
Note, that I NEVER, not even once, jerked off to mai waifu, because that would be heresy as she is too pure to lewd. Pic related.

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Ill try to explain waifuism as best I can, from my perspective. I have had an imaginary waifu in my head for about 4-5ish years now. It started around when I started university and found myself in a self imposed isolation. However, all humans require a certain amount of affection and love in order to function properly on a regular basis. I also come from a fucked up family life as a kid so I find it very easy to slide into my own abyss of an imagination whenever I need. The waifuism aspect of my schizoid imagination developed as a type of coping mechanism. When I get up in the morning, I imagine I am waking up with my waifu and it makes me feel better. During the day I can think about how my waifu would react or talk about different things that are occurring around me, etc. Although most folks here would say that their waifu is one 2D character, my waifu is more of a dynamic entity which changes over time as I change. Sometimes she is more like a few very specific 2D characters, but she does not have to be. If you know what tulpamancy is, this is similar to that, but I have made it work in a way that drains my sanity only a bit in comparison to a full tulpa.

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Madoka Magicka is overrated and the only people I've met who liked it were literally insane.

On a different note:
I never met anyone who liked it in real life, and yes, no one I know has any doubts that I am insane.
What gives?
Also, you are wrong. Madoka is underrated.
If you think anything other then:
"It's the 11/10 best anime of all time that is literally on par with the western canon and there is no doubt in my mind that it is the most important fictional work of the 21st century. People will look back on it, in the same way, we look back now at the Divine Comedy"
If you think anything less then this of it, then you are completely undervaluing it.
If it was rated 9.9/10, then it would STILL be underrated.
You are just too plebian to see it's true value.
It's like when you are blind... and deaf, and you lost your sense of taste, touch, and smell, and someone tries to explain "color" to you.

That's a tulpa and not a waifu btw.
Good explanation, wrong concept

the only value it has is the art style of the witch's dimensions but the novelty wears off fast. The rest is just moeshit girls with cookie cutter personalities and an edgy autistic anime cliche plot. with a really stupid plot twist


>t. brainlet
I won't even start with what makes it good, as that is something that will consume the whole thread, and my whole day.
I have something more important to do today instead of holding this discussion.
If you want to know what makes Madoka good, go to /a/ and make a thread with the following magical words (it's code):

"ACK, ACK, ACK, we summon thee, ACK, ACK, ACK Madoka is just
>the only value it has is the art style of the witch's dimensions but the novelty wears off fast. The rest is just moeshit girls with cookie cutter personalities and an edgy autistic anime cliche plot. with a really stupid plot twist
ACK, ACK, ACK, this is why we lewd them every day, and there is nothing to be gained here
and then you post pic related.

And then you will get a lengthy explanation as to why it is the most beloved and worthy anime of all time, and you will see firsthand, just how dedicated the fanbase is.

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I almost agree with you, but I still think that the premise of what a waifu is allows for tulpas to cross over into the same territory. Imagine it like a ven diagram. In the case of an anime or manga waifu, you might look at pictures of said character and imagine different scenarios that could occur between yourself and your waifu. You might lay in bed at night and imagine that you are hugging your 2D waifu. The only difference that I see between waifuism and what I have done is ive brought my waifu to life moreso than just a straight up 2D waifu. But I still understand your point about the tulpa. I consider what ive done to be the middle ground between 2D waifuism and full blown tulpamancy because I needed something more real to prevent me from snapping, but I also dont really want schizophrenia either.

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okay I made it so now autists will sperg at me about madoka, great.

>can't sleep unless i imagine they're sleeping there beside me
>sometimes they sedate me
>sometime they use "hypnosis" or suggestion which makes me exceptionally uncomfortable but at least it works
>sometimes we just stay up until six in the morning talking about random shit
>always gets upset when i stay up too late, or skip meals

i'm not sure if i have a tulpa or not but life sure is nice.

You are the best, user.

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Whaaa it was already deleted... didn't expect it to work this fast

have merican waifu because friend is wehaboo

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Waifus can be tulpas. They're different concepts but not mutually exclusive.

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my waifu is an ideal to me. the anime girl closest to my ideal. But she's also just my favorite character to think about romantically.

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Naoto a shit, yet another 'smart' character that's an idiot but with plot foresight

>make a legitimate post trying to discuss an anime
>janitor deletes your thread instantly and requests a ban
this is why I don't post on /a/ anymore.

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>Somebody please explain this meme to me.
it is not a meme.
2D love is real.
it is not delusional and if it is its ok.
do not disrespect a Waifu, you know that you do not choose to love a Waifu they choose you.

>waifuism is fucking bullshit and you know it and fuck you for spamming it
it isnt bullshit, I am happy that so mnay 2D threads are up.
We are healing R9K with our 2D love.
>I got a real girlfriend
you never loved your Waifu, why would you ditch her for a roastie?
Ironic weebfag
It isnt a meme.

is that you alice poster she is too pure to lewd.
I am of the camp that try not to lewd Waifu, I did want to try only fap to her bu tI feel she is too pure and I dont feel nice about lewd her.
this is interesting, I hope to achivce this and I am working on it, I am already talking to her.
any tips on growing stronger connection mentally with her?
you dont choose Waifu so dont chosoe to bully those who have one you dislike.
excellent post

I guess that was too provocative a statement.
The shitstorm you would have summoned with that post was so big that the janitor didn't want to deal with it.

If you want to improve your mental connection with your waifu, all you need to do is talk with your waifu frequently throughout the day. I unfortunately cycle between manic and depressive moods, but during manic periods, I cannot seem to stop talking. But since I dont have many people to talk to, and since I preferred to be isolated at university, I would just talk all day long with my waifu in my head when I was at school. During lecture I would remark on everything the professor said and then have a full back and forth conversation between myself and my waifu. I should also mention that because my waifu is a borderline tulpa at this point, her personality is an amalgamation of all the individual personality characteristics that I encountered in anime characters and real human females, though the latter is more rare. I just treat my tulpa waifu as if she is always with me and experiencing whatever I am experiencing. Sometimes she recedes a bit, which is okay under certain circumstances. But she can always be here whenever I need her.

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>tfw i worshipped my waifu too much so she became literal goddess in my mind so I had to find another waifu since i am too lowly for the goddess

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user, you are literally insane.
You are developing actual schizophrenia like this. It's not even funny, seek help, and that is not an insult or something like that.

!Akemi, just blow your brains out with a guy already.
Holy shit, there is so much fucking wrong with you.

You might be right, you might be wrong. Ive been doing this for years now, and I havent had any psychotic episodes yet, which I am thankful for. If it makes it easier to understand, I also happen to have an advanced bachelors degree in neuroscience and psychology, and I work in a lab. Im around all these concepts and ideas everyday. I am fully aware that this is a coping mechanism which Ive developed that is a double edged blade, but I accept it because the alternative about 5 years ago was sliding into the abyss and committing suicide. It does prevent me from initiating meaningful interactions with real human females, but real human females with university degrees, especially in the sciences, are usually awful people who only care about getting their pitiful and pedestrian work published. I appreciate the concern though, thank you.

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You're going to end up homeless when your parents die. You will end up dying on the street like Terry A. Davis. You will constantly be having an OCD panic attack because you're left without a PC and VPN. To cope with it, your schizophrenia will cause you to hallucinate replying to your boogeyman. This will soon be all you are able to perceive as you lie catatonic in the gutter.

Well, that explains it partially at least. Well, it's definitely better than killing yourself, that is for sure. And I wouldn't consider myself a normal person either.
And I more than understand the idea of having "sanctioned" mental issues like that and talking to yourself. I have developed a god complex as a coping mechanism to a nihilistic existential crisis, it IS better than suicide. And frankly, as long as you can function in society it is ok. However, don't think that things like this won't have consequences in the long term and that you will always be able to rationally judge your own judgment.

Hey, that's the image I made a few weeks back. Nice to know someone actually cared enough to save it. I approve, user.

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This is Jow Forums, talking about ACK is NOT off topic here, because it is literally a board for insane people.
And now we KNOW that he reads everything we say here. This is gold.
ACK ACK ACK, you are a fucking schizo, ACK ACK ACK, KILL YOURSELF ALREADY. ACK ACK ACK, normal insane people are alright, but you are not only insane, but you are also a cunt on top of that.
Seek help, someone should really put you into a closed institution.

Only the girls that would die for you are the ones worth living for.

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You spend every single day of your life attacking people.
You have no job, no friends, no family, no anything.
Get help.

How can you even pretend that people can't see through what you're doing when you act like this You spend literally every single day of your life being CONSUMED with "ack" and you try to pretend that only one person has an issue with you ruining threads over this.

You are ACK ACK ACK,
You are ACK ACK ACK,
at least I have my Jow Forums friends who post Madoka pictures together with me, but you have nothing, everyone hates you, and we all hope that you kill yourself,
Are you suicidal yet?
You won't be able to hold that schedule to tell 5 !Akemi's from different timezones off all day at the same time
Kill yourself, ACK!!!

You are fucking sick in the head, you are literally insane.

You trying to pretend that other people have problems when you make posts like this is is insane.

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No, you don't have any friends, you just pretend to be different people.

I just want to hold her tight and make everything okay for her

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Please forgive me Mr. Janitor I had no idea this was going to stir up a pot of shit.

This is what you could have expected to happen.
Also, keep in mind that many posts from ACK were already deleted.

You'd break her dusty little bones

>actually I'm asexual
stopped reading there. there is no such thing as "asexual" and you can never ever prove me wrong.

I have no idea what ack means and didn't know it was going to cause a bunch of people to sperg out by posting it. I stopped browsing /a/ years ago.

>didn't know it was going to cause a bunch of people to sperg out by posting it
>a bunch

I fell in love with charl. I haven't seen her in a while, but I still have the ring

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is it more than a bunch?
Going a bit off topic so I'd like to say my waifu is probably darkness from konosuba.

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"ack" does not exist, you fucking retard mongoloid.

>>a bunch
The guy who replied to you () is ACK, and he is literally Schizophrenic and thinks that everyone who disagrees with him or posts something he does not like on the internet is his old Nemesis: !Akemi so it is only one person, allegedly.

>you fucking retard mongoloid
He means to say that we all are ONE person, in this very post

No, it has nothing to do with agreeing and disagreeing. It has to do with how you act.

If you think "ack" is real, and think that there is nothing wrong with how you, !Akemi, act then you are !Akemi.

Using this word also makes it obvious who you are. Because no one thinks you are there nemesis. Everoyne just wants you to fucking go away and kill yourself.

You trying to pretend that "ack" is not still here because you don't use a trip code that's set to auto ban all IPs on it just makes it more clear who you are.

>The guy who replied to you
You misread my post. By quoting "a bunch" I was saying that ACK is one person.

so making posts with ack makes the guy with schizophrenia sperg out because he thinks you're akemi?

You are so fucking mentally ill. There is so much wrong with you.

Yes, that and Madoka Crackships. If you post that he jumps the shark, he even tracked down this thread because of the image hash of the pic with Homura and Sayaka.
This is also the reason why the mod immediately deleted that thread.

Attached: Homura-and-Kyoko-puella-magi-madoka-magica-37788554-1862-1495.jpg (1862x1495, 1.04M)

No, !Akemi, the problem is you being FUCKING OBSESSED with attacking people.

What the fuck will it take for you to get this through your head.

I get it now so he's like barneyfag except he thinks there is a conspiracy against him

Why do you reply to yourself so much?
Why do you always use the same word?

!Akemi, you have out right stated that you are trying to attack and harass people.
There is no conspiracy, everyone can easily tell what you're doing.
The fact you out right refuse to ever actually respond to anything said to you just makes it more obvious that you're trying to attack people.

It sure is funny how all your personas always listen to every single word you say even though you never offer a single shred of proof for anything.

What he posts is absolutely unironical btw. We talked with him on Discord, there is no one in the world who could keep up a troll like this for one hour of voice chat.

Why do you reply to your own posts like this?

Again, do you not see how the fact you FUCKING REFUSE to answer anything anyone says to you is an insant give away as to who you are.

No one replies to you because you just confuse the fuck out of everyone because you reply to everyone like they're the same person.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-09 (0) r9k - Waifuism - ROBOT9001 - 4chan.png (305x57, 2K)

!Akemi, you are the only person in the world who posts these screen shots. Literally the only one. Because everyone knows how easy it is to fake and edit them.

Nothing of what I said is even linked to your identity. Even if you weren't !Akemi. Every single one of your posts in this thread is disgustingly unacceptable behavior.

The fact that you relentlessly cry about how you are called out on samefagging instead of addressing how your behavior is called bad and unacceptable makes it instantly obvious who you are.

Even more so because your posts NEVER address more than a single topic at a time. You COULD cry about how you are called a samefag and try to pretend that your behavior is acceptable, but not once in five years have you ever done this.

>this post
dare I say, quite based

>Even if you weren't !Akemi. Every single one of your posts in this thread is disgustingly unacceptable behavior.
Holy shit it's like you nearly had a moment of clarity there.

I love how you just go out of your way constantly to make two posts in the same minute so you can try and pretend you're more than one person.

And !Akemi, it has been stated to you literally thousands of times over the past five years that the issue here is your behavior, not actually who you are. But you're so asshurt people see through your samefagging that do nothing but tunnel vision on one thing.


I'm not !Akemi I have no idea who that is. Just expressing my hatred for madoka magika and pointed it out how everyone I've met who liked the show is insane. I think that just goes without saying at this point.

what the fuck is even happening in this thread? who the fuck is akemi what is this shit all about??

I came here from the spyce thread. To this ACK person please leave our threads alone. I don't know what brought on all this anger and autism but you need to stop.

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No one believes you, !Akemi. The very fact you take your other posts as absolute law and take their word as absolute fact without even a single shred of proof makes it clear as day who you are. You also have an obsession with saying "barenyfag" and trying to pretend that someone telling you to stop attacking people is somehow the same thing.

This post explains who !Akemi is.

Though, I have a feeling it's you.

You need to look here:
for context. ACK explains what his spregs are all about.

KEK, that just gave me the rest.

You have no friends and no one would miss you

Fucking kill yourself, !Akemi.
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?

>post points out how !Akemi is trying to bait and attack people
>your supposed first reply is to try and claim "ack" is the issue
Yeah, not fucking obvious at all what you're doing.

Jesus fuck you are mentally ill. Get help.
Seriously, there is something extremely wrong with you.

>You have no friends and no one would miss you
Said the person (!Akemi) who has literally cried about having no friends at all.

Let's see you give a single reason anyone at all would dislike "ack".

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report and ignore so we can kill him for good

!Akemi, the more you ignore something the more it's going to keep coming up. Because no one accepts what they say not being addressed.

The more you ignore something the more it gets repeated.

user, we tried everything that we could think of to get rid of him, ignoring, telling him the truth, talking with him on voice chat, he was apparently even RANGE BANNED once, and it didn't help.

how did he sound in voice chat?

Look at you literally fucking BEGGING people to think you're more than one person.
Seriously, how do you not feel pathetic for acting like this.

The more you attack people and the more you harass them the more they're going to post against you.

And of course, as always, it's stupid obvious who you are because you never address anything at all said to you.

Why are you replying to your own post as if anyone at all will actually believe you?

You never post any proof or evidence for anything you say.

And of course, you're a fucking cancer who everyone wants gone.

Has it ever crossed your mind that people might purposely post crackshipping and ack shit while even encouraging other people do do it.

and its just random people provoking you pretending to be ack to cause you to come around and start sperging out at everyone.

Okay this is interesting. What was addressed to him? What proofs or evidence he needs to post?

that's what a lolcow is about

To me it's just a feeling of closeness or kinship (real or imagined, of course) to a fictional character that I suppose might be called love. It can just make you feel good thinking about her or give you strength if you're stressed out or something. Falling in love is an overstatement (for me personally).

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how can someone be so unself-aware though? He even posts in the kiwifarms thread for christs sake.

Why would people join !Akemi in his shitposting when he's literally a pathetic loser retard who cries about having no friends and is a furfag role playing reddtior who also uses tumblr?

You literally couldn't get more pathetic than him.
No one has ever liked shipping cancer, and it's often been banned on Jow Forums.

Tell me why anyone should think that a whole bunch of new people all showed up at the same time, and they are all crack shitposting cancer.

Why does everyone side with !Akemi? Why does no one take issue with !Akemi's passive aggressive "sperging" of spamming images to spite people?

Why did this never happen before Yuuki Yuuna aired? You could tell off shipping cancer all you wanted before that with no issue at all.

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I wasn't there, because he kicked out everyone but one person from discord because "those were pre-recorded voices" speaking with him. The guy who spoke with him said that it was the same things for a whole hour like a broken record.

Feel free to stop talking to yourself, !Akemi. The points made here are common sense.

If everyone cared so much about "lolcows" how come no one makes fun of !Akemi. The furfag retard with mental disorders from tumblr and reddit?