Why are drugs and prostitution illegal in the US? Why do we give a shit? They aren't hurting anyone but themselves...

Why are drugs and prostitution illegal in the US? Why do we give a shit? They aren't hurting anyone but themselves, so who gives a shit? This is supposed to be the land of the free damn it

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>Why are drugs and prostitution illegal in the US?
Drugs - because the Nixon administration wanted to disenfranchise hippies and black people.
I'm not exaggerating, if you google it, this is the literal reason for the war on drugs.

>legalize prostitution
>In Amsterdam a lot of the women are slavery-adjacent, basically sub minimum wage and dangerous work but they lack citizenship / contacts / any ability to do anything else because they're imported from a shitty slavic country
>not hurting anyone

This is liberal self serving propaganda. Weed is criminalized in most of Europe and all of Asia. Harder drugs like cocaine, heroin, and meth are extremely bad for you and so addictive it has subverted entire nations and is directly linked with crime. This whole "drug prohibition is racist!" meme is basically a leftist tool to somehow justify the high drug use rates of black Americans and make them seem less culpable. I disagree entirely and think it needs to be addressed with the successful antidrug campaigns we have been doing so far

>Not hurting anyone but THEMSELVES
Read the post

>Weed is criminalized in most of Europe and all of Asia.
..as a result of US pressure.
This isn't liberal propaganda. Staffers from the Nixon administration have explicitly come out and said that was the purpose of the war on drugs:

Yeah it is highly addictive and dangerous, but that's their choice. Do you actually give any shits about the black communities addicted to coke? Probably not. The only reason drug use is linked to crime is because drug use itself is a crime, so you get things like gangs, violence, turf wars, etc because people think "shit it's already illegal so might as well go all out." Alcohol was banned during the prohibition era and created such a huge amount of crime in the US we just relegalized it. I guarantee doing the same for drug use would stop maybe 50% of crime in the US

That'd be a good rebuttal if it wasn't for the profiteering that creates the jobs they get trapped in, in the first place.

It's human trafficking with extra steps.

"Themselves" in the OP refers to the people who solicit prostitutes.

But this is not true. Read "Erotic Capital" by Catherine Hakim. Study after study from police reports show that most women in the sex industry are not sex slaves. For most women they can make substantially more as hookers than they can in any other job with the same skill level. Many women enjoy it, prostitution has a flexible schedule for women, and many women enjoy it. This is also why many women decide to go into prostitution and why so many actually have high education degrees
It is more than a victimless crime, it is also good for female empowerment and makes their work safer and us robots able to hire pussy without getting sent to prison and becoming a sex offender

i don't know about europe but asia has traditionally been against drugs, on a hardcore level beyond simply arresting people, they straight up execute dealers. and they dont need the US to tell them to do that, because it's ingrained in the culture

>this isn't liberal propaganda
>links CNN

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>as a result of US pressure
No it is not. Your article never mentioned any international pressure on the world to criminalize weed, much less the other drugs that Nixon fought so hard like meth, heroin, and cocaine. Did we convince the Soviet Union to ban weed while fighting their proxies in the Vietnam War?

You're bringing up a very bad example of prostitution the way you describe it. I never condoned slavery, and legal prostitution would not require such a setting. What you're talking about seems more akin to sex trafficking

I still have yet to hear any good arguments to why such things should be banned. Drug use could be treated exactly the same as alcohol use, and there are many places with legal prostitution that are fine. It's only banned because of baseless stigmas we have about it, like so many other things

Because America was founded by Puritan colonists. Later attitudes disapproved of marijuana because of racism toward the Mexican immigrants whom enjoyed it as part of their culture. Its gatekeeping the pursuit of happiness and letting go the leash would call into question all authority in each branch of govt. Not to mention it would turn the prison system, BIG pharma on its head

europe and asia can criminalize it for whatever reasons they want, but the fact is weed was made illegal in the usa because hemp was becoming competitive with cotton as a textile fiber. cotton growers bought their lobbyists and congressmen. then launched ooga booga campaigns to outlaw it as a drug. the very people who voted to make it illegal had no idea they were outlawing cannabis (and hemp) because they used the mexican word for it - marijuana.

It is a depressant drug that alters your state of mind, it is still linked to chronic lung health issues and increases probability of car accidents to a point where you cannot smoke and drive even in Amsterdam. The Nixon expansion of the roles of the DEA helped pave the way for modern drug enforcement that has helped these minorities that the "evil, racist Nixon" was apparantly trying to oppress. But (((Adam Ruins Everything))) and (((John Oliver))) are absolutely right sources for everything! Why would comedy TV lie?

"puritanical" means what it does for a reason. There's a big strain of "no fun allowed" in America. The original freedom sought was the freedom to practice a particularly hair-shirty version of Christianity that said basically everything except working and praying is sinful.

There's still a lot of that around, plenty of folks very much do not like the idea that people might have something better to do than what they deem to be pure and wholesome and proper activities. See also, the hand-wringing about young men choosing video games over careers and relationships.

yeah, free thinkers only listen to unbiased new-sources like RT

>you cannot smoke and drive
good. it's dumb for people drive when they're stoned. i don't have a link for it, but as i understand it, research (probably from amsterdam and possibly colorado) shows that the best solution is to legalize all of it, but provide access to rehab for those who want to get clean

i don't know whatever gay tv shows you're talking about, so i can't really speak on that

Alcohol does the same shit you just described

>Alcohol does the same shit
that time dilation though