Vegan General


– Over 56 billions animals are killed every year for food, even though there are cruelty free alternatives –
– Animals are more similar to us than many people realise. They have emotions, feel pain, have families and want to live without suffering just like us.
– Sheep can recognise up to 50 other sheep’s faces and remember them for two years –
– Cows show excitement when they discover how to open a gate leading to a food reward –
– Mother hens teach their chicks which foods are good to eat –
– Pigs are said to be as intelligent as dogs –

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Other urls found in this thread:
tinyurl html


– “It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases” –
– “…The available evidence indicates strong associations of processed meat consumption with incident CHD [Coronary Heart Disease] and DM [Diabetes Mellitus], more modest associations of unprocessed red meat consumption with incident DM, and smaller or no associations of unprocessed red meat consumption with incident CHD.” –
– “…The World Health Organization has classified processed meats – including ham, salami, bacon and frankfurts – as a Group 1 carcinogen which means that there is strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer.” –
– List of organisations affirming that a vegan diet is healthy at all stages of life –
– “The use of carbon monoxide deceives consumers and creates an unnecessary risk of food poisoning by enabling meat and ground beef to remain fresh-looking beyond the point at which typical colour changes would indicate ageing or bacterial spoilage” –
– “Chickens for sale in Britain’s supermarkets are showing record levels of superbugs resistant to some of the strongest antibiotics, new research from the government has found.” –

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Meat is yummy though


– “Antibiotics are used more heavily in farm animals than in people. This may be the largest source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.” –
– “More than 70 percent of the antibiotics consumed in the United States go to livestock farms, one of the main triggers driving a rising crisis of antibiotic resistance in human medicine” –
– “70% of Human Diseases linked to animal agriculture” –

Attached: 5fb66b9.jpg (720x719, 59K)

– “Animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation”
– “Animal agriculture is responsible for 80-90% of US water consumption”
– “Animal agriculture is responsible for 20-33% of all fresh water consumption in the world”
– “2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef, 477 gallons of water are needed to produce 1lb of eggs, almost 900 gallons of water are needed for 1lb of cheese, 1,000 gallons of water are needed for 1 gallon of milk”
– “Livestock covers 45% of the earths total land”
– “Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction”
– “Livestock operations on land have created more than 500 nitrogen flooded deadzones around the world in our oceans.”
– “Largest mass extinction in 65 million years.”
– “3/4 of the world’s fisheries are exploited or depleted.”
– “We could see fishless oceans by 2048.”
– “For every 1 pound of fish caught, up to 5 pounds of unintended marine species are caught and discarded as by-kill”
– “Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon destruction”
– “Up to 137 plant, animal and insect species are lost every day due to rainforest destruction.”

Attached: 77fbeef.png (621x548, 343K)


This is the general where if you've moved past the tfwnogf, and you're literally so desperate, you want to marry anything biological from the animal kingdom, and you white knight online, for the welfare of sheep, cows, pigs and horses in one last desperate attempt at aquiring a life companion. Low.


Less mental health problems –
Less crime –
Less world hunger –
Less prejudice –
Less climate change –

Attached: 3fc1780.png (482x1002, 370K)

>chatting via chemicals to a THICC o2 brapleaf
>suddenly murdered by a vegan who proclaims that your life doesn’t matter because you’re a fucking leaf

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Creatine and D3 too and some essential amino acids

supplements, though


101 reasons to go vegan –
Dr Greger – Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death –
Dominion –
Earthlings –
Cowspiracy –
What the Health –


Vegan kit –
Veganism in a nutshell –
The Complete Vegan Arguments Guide –

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>Antibiotics are used more heavily in farm animals than in people.
That only means there are too many people in first place.

20 reasons NOT to go vegan, stay deficient.

B12 requires intramuscular injection, are you basedboys doing that?

A lot of these are the same and most are solved with simple supplementation. Just because there are some retarded vegans out there that can't handle supplementing doesn't mean the rest us can't do it.

Attached: B12.jpg (750x749, 57K)

show me the source of that, bro, that sounds interesting

nah, I eat meat, it's just way easier.

Shit happens when you mass-produce food
We all prefer organic.

I'm so glad Islam promotes butchering during the Eid holiday
Meat is the best and it makes me inhumanly strong
>b-but meat gives u cancer :^(((
Yeah, so does the sun, what's your point

Ah I see you advocate for the death of starving africans and asians as well.

If not the mass-produced food then we wouldn't have the overpopulation in first place.

>what is nutritional yeast

>vegans are literally incapable of discussing veganism without talking about their victim complex or how dumb non-vegans are
>the fact that my food may have had eyebrows or been able to do math at some point is somehow supposed to convince me to go vegan
>animals we aren't in a symbiotic relationship with should receive the same status as those we are because of vaguely comparable cognitive function
>thinks that a lot of shitty/unhealthy people eating meat can only mean eating meat makes them shitty/unhealthy

I'm open minded. I eat animal products daily and have never had any health problems associated with it, and I do not give a fuck if the steak I'm eating will never achieve it's dream of being a movie star. If you can convince me to go vegan despite this, please try, because an irrational appeal to emotions never works and isn't going to start working any time soon.

Attached: veganism.webm (400x400, 1.76M)

What do vegans think of people who hunt for their meat?
>only hunt fully grown animals which gives the younger ones a chance to reproduce which ultimately makes population healthy
>one fully grown elk can feed your family for years so no need to go out every day and hunt
>animal gets to live a long life in its habitat rather than a factory farm
>hunters only go for clean fast kills whereas the animals predators kill in a brutal manner
Other than the fact that killing an animal hurts your feelings, you have to admit hunting for your own food is much more respectful, ethical, and humane than factory farming.

>I eat animal products daily
>have never had any health problems associated with it
Clench those cheeks pal.


Fixed it for you faggot, say thanks to my 3000 hours in MS Paint
That sounds fucking amazing

Attached: Veganfags BTFO.jpg (638x550, 61K)

>Less mental health problems

Attached: Vegans are mentally ill.png (1014x138, 27K)

Attached: Humans are obligate carnivores.png (1189x627, 1.49M)

These are troll threads right?

Cross those fingers pal.

I think I'm just going to listen to my doctor, instead. I don't know if vague fearmongering is supposed to work, but it isn't.

Animals deserve death kill them all

Veganism is as dead as the ideology it was built on way back when they made it up as a part of the eugenics project.

Agriculture without animal husbandry kills the land. It's been proven time and time again.

Enjoy the smoking arid wasteland that the world will turn into. The factory produced crops that taste like nothing even close to natural produce. The rich lording food scarcity over you and how all the animals you profess to love and care for die out.

We're as of this moment sustaining more than two times the world pop possible by producing fertilizer on an industrial scale. And we're including human and animal waste in that production.

We're killing the earth lads. Meanwhile me and other farmers enjoy veggies and meat that gas taste. Fuck off vegotards. You can't be a part of nature by looking at it through a window.

I'm not being vague at all. And you go and listen to a guy who's in the business of harvesting your money for decades as you succumb to health problems


My family has had the same garden for at least 3 generations now, on the same estate, in the same spot. It's about 1 acre of flat, good old Midwestern Ameriburger soil. We grow sunflowers, beans, corn, squash, and pumpkins. And I guarantee you that there isn't a single damn animal traipsing through there. So therefore I disagree, we must just be better farmers than conventional industry

> muh ethics
You can't force human concepts of morality onto non-humans.

This is retarded, husbandry still removes nutrition from the land it just returns more than crops

>Clench those cheeks pal.
>Cross those fingers pal.
>I'm not being vague at all.

So my doctors want to make money by milking my insurance company, and they're doing this by telling me I'm completely fine and don't need any treatments? Is the inability to speak specifically a symptom of vitamin deficiency or something? I guess they just forged all those blood tests and risked their medical licenses doing so to trick me into eating meat for some reason.

Are carniovorous animals evil to you? They kill and feed of other animals after all. When wolf destroyes a sheeps family by killing the offspring, is he less evil than a human who does the same?

vegans are on the same level of flat earthers, it's funny as hell

what works for 1 acre of land does not work for 100 or 1000. especially in different areas of the world. also your plot will eventually lose its fertility the rate is just affected by what you are growing and how densely you are growing it

Vegans know they can't change the world, protests are there to force their shitty lifestyle on as many people as they possibly can so they can hire retards into their club. Then tell everyone Francis is now a vegan because being vegan is obviously better if he chose (coerced into) the vegan life over any other lifestyle
Just like christians

Why do I have to pretend like I'm an ethical person though?

Oh, well, I'm not much of a big ag person myself. But I think we got gardening down fine. We compost a lot of shit and a lot of the waste from our cows help fertilize our soil. So believe me, this soil's gonna live for a long time.

Gotta conform to the norm of you want to talk to normies, pretending to be ethical is alright because you don't sound like a dick and it keeps everyone happy :^)

Mass producers use artificial fertilizers that do not have as much variety in nutrients, so they slowly kill the land.

>Over 56 billions animals are killed every year for food
And that is supposed to be a bad thing?

>All bullshit

This is the real deal on vegans--

>>Veganism is kind to animals!


allow fake macefag to give a demonstration of low scale compost so that everyone ITT can begin composting for their soon-to-be gardens

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Far more humane than factory farming, and can provide a crucial ecosystem service when done right (population control). I wouldn't do it but I don't mind hunters.

t. vegan

its just how the food chain works bro.

>Obligate carnivores who have to cook their meat or fucking die and lack canine teeth
Vegan trying to make omnivores look retarded spotted!

>They have emotions, feel pain, have families and want to live without suffering just like us
stop fucking projecting, no matter how developed their brains are they aren't human. Stop trying to anthropomorphize animals.

anthropomorphism is a cognitive bias, not a reasonable expectation.

>only hunt fully grown animals which gives the younger ones a chance to reproduce which ultimately makes population healthy
How is the older generation being dead allowing the younger a chance to reproduce? If anything its allowing the sick, weak, and beta cucks of the species to have no competition for females, causing overpopulation

>one fully grown elk can feed your family for years so no need to go out every day and hunt
Seems exaggerated but I'll bite. But at what cost? I can see this working for just meeting caloric needs, but for the long term and so that nutritional problems don't rise up, there're issues.

>animal gets to live a long life in its habitat rather than a factory farm
Can't necessarily complain about that. I'm in my own natural habitat and I sometimes wish a glow in the dark would just pick me off because he's bored. But you don't know the animal's will, so to him, living his entire life naturally may be a small consolation in the face of his murder

>hunters only go for clean fast kills whereas the animals predators kill in a brutal manner
It depends on how you hunt the animal. You can't guarantee painless kills.

But on terms of quality, hunting is more respectable than factory farmin, but it's unethical and inhumane all the same.

It's as if you think that being susceptible to initiatory violence and exploitative actions are unique to humans

im talking about giving as much weight to an animals life as you would to a human. its unreasonable and its absurd.

you and your family come before animals, starving yourself on principles is retarded.

We're not talking about how much you "weigh" anything because that's subjective and therefore not good enough to base reasoning off of.

>How is the older generation being dead...
Drop the guns, use bows at max. we would quickly switch to weaker targets

>Seems exaggerated but I'll bite...
Eskimo, Mongols, Finns in old times were doing alright on meat only/majorly diet. Animals are similar to us biologically, so they need the very same nutrients as humans.
The supply of animals fats (first via scavenging) allowed us to develop bigger brains.

>Can't necessarily complain about that.
Ask the elk how it feels about being hunted by wolves or other predators.

>You can't guarantee painless kills.
Sad, but inevitable in either human or animal hunts.

everything in your day to day life is subjective you fucking mong

you can't feel like you need to go to the bathroom take a piss, because how much you feel like youre about to piss yourself is subjective, and therefore not good enough to base reasoning off of

just bc its subjective doesnt mean its not used to reason with

I ate bacon and eggs today. Was yummy, made my tummy feel good.

>use bows
Yeah this still doesn't explain how the "younger generation gets a chance at reproducing"

>ancestors ate X
I mean, I come from a family of alcoholics, yet I've never touched alcohol.

>fat make brain big
The use of FIRE sir, made the brain big

>elk discusses is opinion on wolf attacks
At least he can fight like nature intended.

Then don't lol

>like nature intended
The doublethink is off the charts!

>everything in your day to day life is subjective you fucking mong
Wrong. Existence is an objective fact, your point is null

>you can't feel like you need to go to the bathroom take a piss, because how much you feel like youre about to piss yourself is subjective, and therefore not good enough to base reasoning off of
I'd assume something in your nervous system is alerted that you have a full bladder, or a relatively full bladder. Yet that threshold objectively exists, and the signal it fires of is objectively real. I see you're trying to be clever with a quantitative sort of example like that, so how about this?

1. Consider a sphere
2. A pure sphere is an abstract concept with an infinite amount of points creating a perfectly round surface
3. Can a sphere have edges?
4. No. Guess how that was figured out!

>just bc its subjective doesnt mean its not used to reason with
You can "reason with" anything, just whether or not it produces solid reasoning is what determines if it's worth it or not. You can't base "the importance of a living being's conscious experience of live" off of... actually nvm in you literally didn't give a reason why I and my family are more important than an animal

>not allowed to use expressions
I mean, the elk has more than a fighting chance against a stupid wolf, is that what you're looking for?

>>Anorexia General.

Why? This was a mistake OP.

Attached: Follow Arnolds way to superior Vegan Dental Health.jpg (894x538, 62K)

>lack canine teeth
We literally have teeth called canines retard
>have to cook their meat or fucking die
We don't, retard. Have you heard of Sv3rige? He eats nothing but raw meat and he's healthy as a horse. Cooking it allows us to harvest more calories, but we evolved to eat it raw. Just look at chimpanzees, they eat raw meat

Vegans confirmed for all being retards

Attached: Dairy good for kids.png (1094x707, 43K)

>>Starvation Cult General


Attached: More Vegan Legends.jpg (1333x498, 113K)

>Yeah this still doesn't explain how the "younger generation gets a chance at reproducing"
Well, I'm not the guy who wrote that, but I guess simply more space and food.

>I mean, I come from a family of alcoholics, yet I've never touched alcohol.
Good for you

>The use of FIRE sir, made the brain big
Fire helped us to get to that marrow, but making it more liquid.
Monkeys could use fire, too to enlarge their brains according to you. Early humans used fire produced by lightnings, they were SMART ENOUGH to toy around with it and see the benefits

>At least he can fight like nature intended.
Some birds use tools to get grubs, what now?

Sup carnivore? Have you seen this new thinking-- Veganism isn't even good for the environment, and the intensive farming required for vegan crops kills (29X) more animals than pasture raising cows--

Attached: 100_3103.jpg (320x240, 24K)
Oh wow the cherries are sure ripe this time of fuck me winter

Cunt how are you not aware how much more plant matter it takes to feed and eat animals over just eating the plant foods directly.

Even if animals were 100% efficient meatblobs with a 0kcal TDEE for their ENTIRE LIVES it would still take more space and therefore plant destruction to house them.

>– Animals are more similar to us than many people realise. They have emotions, feel pain, have families and want to live without suffering just like us.
yeah and they also kill and eat eachother, so what does that say about the vegan diet

>God says it's ok to eat
>I eat it

Holy shit, that was hard

Attached: becomeonewiththepaint.gif (645x773, 3K)

Both endogenously produced from plant precursors you cretin

Also name the aminos. Even if I eat nothing but pea isolate as a protein source I get >100% in all essentials

>but I guess simply more space and food.
But that's wrong, as I've mentioned earlier, it just reduces competition in the species and causes overpopulation

>ancestors ate meat
>descendant doesn't eat meat
So there's no problem with this

>Fire helped us to get to that marrow, but making it more liquid.
Monkeys could use fire, too to enlarge their brains according to you. Early humans used fire produced by lightnings, they were SMART ENOUGH to toy around with it and see the benefits
More like natural selection favored smarter people as we moved from the fruit and nuts in the trees to the starches that [spoiler]needed to be cooked[/spoiler] on the ground. You can give me a million of your eating bone marrow stories, all that sounds like it would do is cause some type of cancer

Hurr durr at least grubs have this faint notion that they should hide in tree bark, are we going to bacteria? Humans are an invasive species to these ecosystem when you go and hunt, you're fucking shit up when you peel entire trees to lick the grubs off and sell the rest to fat americans, you kill all the grubs like that

>Wrong. Existence is an objective fact, your point is null
imagine actually being mentally deficient. MY existence is a fact to me otherwise I wouldn't be able to experience this. But you can't know that my existence is a fact. You could be dreaming and so you would have no way to determine whether Im actually typing this. You dont know if youre properly observing objective reality or just something awfully close

so existence is a subjective fact, your point is null

but thats existence, thats not reality
just because you know that you exist means absolutely fuck all with what you experience. This is the 101 of knowledge, you can't know anything outside of your own existence.

everybody knows what vegans look like IRL Mr Skelton. Plus it turns out veganism is actually in no way good for the environment. The way I eat is good for the environment.

Attached: Yes, eating meat affects the environment, but cows are not killing the climate.jpg (1322x809, 504K)

If you're Jewish, which is just a petty antireligion.
Christians don't take moral teachings from the OT. All comes from the J man himself.

You don't have to "house" cows, except overwinter-- They like to live naturally eating grass, it's literally what they were made to do, unlike sickly vegans, grass fed cows eat the appropriate food for their species.

Attached: 1542429508199.jpg (650x491, 56K)

Remind me did Jesus come here to change the old laws, or to confirm them?

>not to mention the irony of a jew telling Christians what they should believe loll

Attached: Dr Michael Skeletor.jpg (793x596, 103K)

>You could be dreaming and so you would have no way to determine whether Im actually typing this. You dont know if youre properly observing objective reality or just something awfully close
I'm not getting into philosophical puzzles that have been solved hundreds of years ago. You may think you're smart for bringing them up here but the fact remains that you exist, I know you exist, I am not dreaming up your existence, these are objective facts. This has fuck all to do with Jow Forums, take it to /his/

Effects of a long-term vegetarian diet on biomarkers of antioxidant status and cardiovascular disease risk. [Nutrition. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Red meat and colon cancer

Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish

Like Bacon, Sausage and Hot Dogs? Then Beware: They May Raise Your Risk of Death, New Study Finds

Study Points to New Culprit in Heart Disease

"Neu5Gc elicits an immune reaction that might contribute to a whole spectrum of human-specific diseases"

Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Harvard School of Public Health » milk is NOT the best source of calcium

Eating less meat and dairy may help reduce osteoporosis risk, Cornell studies show.

Milk--the promoter of chronic Western diseases
PMID: 19232475

Attached: de2c9c6.jpg (500x520, 52K)

Are vegans sentient, or just large vegetables?

Attached: Appeared on John Stossel Show.jpg (236x177, 9K)

He came to FULFILL them. He completed them. He ended Judaism, Mr. I-don't-read-the-paper. If you've ever read a Bible in your life you'd know that

>I know you exist,
you literally dont you half iq nigger

Due to measured levels of dioxin that exceed safety standards, the National Academy of Science has for years recommended that people avoid eating a diet rich in animal fats.

Change in quality of life and immune markers after a stay at a raw vegan institute: a pilot study

The role of diet and physical activity in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer survivorship: a review of the literature

Interindividual differences in response to plant-based diets: implications for cancer risk

An impact of the diet on serum fatty acid and lipid profiles in Polish vegetarian children and children with allergy. [Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

Effects of a long-term vegetarian diet on biomarkers of antioxidant status and cardiovascular disease risk. [Nutrition. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Understanding the Problems with Dairy Products
1. Osteoporosis 2. Cardiovascular Disease 3. Cancer 4. Diabetes 5. Lactose Intolerance 6. Vitamin D Toxicity 7. Contaminants 8. Health Concerns of Infants and Children

Nutrient Density of Animal and Plant Foods:

Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets (a summary)

Attached: 3aa87cf.jpg (750x750, 66K)

IGF-1 Levels of vegans and others:
IGF-1 in blood correlated with cancer:
IGF-1 and Cancer growth:

95% of cattle are given estrogen to increase growth:

Mammal estrogens are 10,000x more potent than xenoestrogens and meat can contribute to 40% of estrogen intake:
tinyurl com/yayt4qlc

Adolescent Daily Milk = 302% increase prostate cancer:
Increase in prostate cancer with dairy Japan:

Attached: 2a195f2.png (501x496, 209K)

Confirm them

Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

t. Muslim

Yeah, of course there's an infinitesimally small chance that the sun won't rise tomorrow as well, but it is reasonable to suggest that it will rise. Excuse me if I'm being too direct with my verbage, but I am certain you exist

Post physical body with timestamp


Flaxseeds and its effects on prostate cancer:

Flaxseeds and its effects on breast cancer: html

Onions and prostate cancer:

Attached: 4cc52cb.jpg (713x713, 81K)

If your diet requires supplementation, then rethink your diet.
>but most meat eaters are deficie-
Most '' meat eaters'' are normies who eat a plant based diet with lots of grains and shit. If you ate liver and brain you'd never be deficient in anything. I love drinking blood.

Attached: tumblr_inline_o9frh8VzTP1qz8o02_1280.jpg (1024x679, 228K)

lol vegans are gay


Based Mohammedan
>"He who helps his fellow creature in the hour of need, and he who helps the oppressed; him will God help in the Day of Judgment.” - The M man pbuh

t. Catholic

Hey fucking jew don't worry so much about the New Testament.

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You know what I meant. They have space requirements. You're literally nitpicking a hilariously charitable FANTASY hypothetical to seem less retarded and still manage to lose.