A tiny 15 year old girl deadlifts more than you. What's your excuse?
A tiny 15 year old girl deadlifts more than you. What's your excuse?
She doesn't though.
I don't even know how much that is lol
Learn how to read.
Why the fuck do obese whores like that get attention for the worthless shit they do when I’m over here lifting way more back at the same age and now much more than even some roided out freaks? Fuck this gay earth time to hit the roids hard I suppose
user I think you may have the gay.
take it back please
But she doesn't, and I do everything raw. I don't even use chalk, or mixed grip
Keep fucking your shit up dog.
thats not even 400 lbs, Most ive done is 505.
based polish steroid children
>tfw can't even dl 3 plates
looks like bad form to me
I guess the goal of powerlifting is to have as shitty form possible and fuck your joints and everything up as badly as possible all for some popularity contest?
It's not a popularity contest. It's a "who can lift the most weight under the specific rule set" contest. That person isn't you.
MOST people lift more than me honestly, I'm used to it, and used to constantly getting shit for it.
She certainly lifts more than 15 year old me did, mirin.
Her coach is a fucking idiot though for letting her lifts in training look like they do/not making the little shit do more/accessory work. Rounding like that bleeds power and tends to be sub optimal if your name is not Konstantin Konstantinovs (RIP)
This just proves there's nothing manly about powerlifting and powerfatters are just denying reality: the only important thing is aesthetics.
Strength is learned by rote repetition
Beauty is attained by dedication and hard work
>Mixed grip
>strength does not require dedication and hard work
>beauty does not require rote repetition
She doesn't deadlift more than me
i dont roid
let's see how many nu-anons will reply with "cope"
>This just proves there's nothing manly about powerlifting
No it doesn't, that girl lifts a lot less than most male powerlifters. Admiring male bodies is for homosexuals.
>and powerfatters are just denying reality: the only important thing is aesthetics.
What is important depends on who's judging what's important, besides you can train for strength and still look good
> Strength is learned by rote repetition
Yes, but you also need to learn how to be more efficient in the powerlifts and learn about strength training
> Beauty is attained by dedication and hard work
Strength too, and training for aesthetics requires rote repetition of exercises too.
Fuck off lol
She doesn't, her lumbar was disgusting but that's still impressive as fuck and anybody who says otherwise is a coping DYEL
I would have to give a fuck about powerlifting first to have an excuse
You don't pull 210kg double overhand.
I do brosplit, eat pizza, noodles, fried meat, fries, burgers and fuck thots. Pretty content with my excuse
Sounds like me except the brosplit and fucking thots part.