Time flies man
One more hour
not a new fag but who unironically is this?
>Not a newfag
>Doesn't know Mad Thad
First thing he's gonna say
>they never found my other drive
>they never found my other drive
This was a joke.
implying they're going to let him out at midnight
i wonder if he's all hard now after doing 5 in the pokey
He got Jow Forums for his waifu.
Cant believe he's finally getting out.
Do you think his life will be hard from now on?
I doubt any respectable employer will hire him.
I doubt any respectable employer wanted him before.
Someone this autistic would never have been hired by any respectable employer
Nah he is fucked for life. He can't have normalcy now since no one will hire him. All he can do now is become a meme streamer and cash in on whatever clout he has now and som how make it. Funny how much you can ruin your life just by looking at pictures.. he wasnt hurting nobody
People who were on to catch a predator have somehow found decent jobs after the ordeal was over. I don't know how.
Yeah, like his other "jokes" that ended up with him in federal prison? Honestly I could believe this guy is insane enough to ironically commit these crimes. How can a man be so shameless? Why on earth are they letting a shameless pedo out on the streets? His max sentence was 20 years. Are the prisons too full or something like what the fuck why is this guy getting out?
I'm surprised he isn't in a mental ward desu. He is just off no one would think that's something you do.
He has a lot of anime to watch. I hope he can find work and live virtuously and loyal to 2D from now on.
>what the fuck why is this guy getting out?
Because he's never hurt anyone and isn't a threat to society.
I thought people like him got killed in prison.
>he wasnt hurting nobody
He incentivized the production of that material
Will he be denied internet access? Seems pretty unenforceable, if so.
I thought sex offenders are automatically killed in prison. How did he not get shanked while having the reputation of a sex offender?
Why would someone increase their sentence just to curbstomp some retard?
>Look at picture of gun
>Further incentivize production of guns
>Someone gets killed with a gun, which is illegal
>Because of this, I get arrested for looking at the pic
because they're already doing life in prison and it's not like there are "blind spots" in prison.
>gun and 6 year old are same thing
Didn't he attempt to groom someone? At least people on kiwi farms said so. At the very least he should be put in a mental ward. He's probably going to end up in jail again seeing as how he is already joking about his crime. I honestly don't even know what to think of this guy, but even if he didn't hurt anyone directly his crime was still heinous.
Guards look the other way, no?
He was in a minimum security prison for low level offenders. People in those prisons are usually well behaved since they know they are going to be released in a few years.
Holy shit nigger don't try to justify what this guy did, it doesn't matter if he didn't hurt anyone he still commited a crime.
>Implying it doesnt prove how broken your logic is
They arent putting him with the violent crime lifers. This shit is well-regulated because even if you are a POS, you still have rights. Same reason prison-rape isnt a thing despite movies making it seem that way. When you go in you are a ward of the state and the state can be in deep shit if you get hurt.
>Guards look the other way, no?
In some cases, but if you get murdered on their watch, they can be held accountable.
He is considered a low level offender? Lol what. Isn't what he did a federal crime? I'm surprised he only got 5 years.
>it doesnt matter if he didn't hurt anyone
Yeah I bet you are all for sending people to jail for years just for possessing weed because its the law
Wake the fuck up you goody two shoes cuck. The law is not objective
Prison rape is a thing though.
A picture of a fun does not involve a gun being exploited because a gun is just an object. The pictures this man looked at involved a terrible crime being committed.
My logic is broken?
You just said looking at pictures of a firearm, which are legal btw, is the same thing as what thad did.
Thad, and guys like Thad are the reason those pictures exist. If there wasnt a demand for it on the black market, it wouldnt be financially incentivized.
Looking at a picture of a firearm doesnt incentivize the creation of firearms.
>Prison rape is a thing though.
In USA it's illegal and can extend your sentence even if you go gay and consent to it. Whenever that takes place, the guards investigate and take the offending party away to another prison for those sorts of inmates.
It's a thing, but its not a common thing. Its not a thing you should expect.
Lexplorer from /sp/ talked about it in his AMA on leddit
He is a first time offender who committed a non violent crime. His sentence was five to twenty years in prison. Federal prison does not have parole so him getting released after serving the absolute minimum of five years must mean he was a good prisoner.
The guy is obviously severely autistic and suffers from serious mental health issues. Even though I feel yucky defending this guy, he should've went to a mental institution instead of prison.
>Looking at a picture of a firearm doesnt incentivize the creation of firearms.
Then how does looking at a picture of cheese pizza incentivize the creation of cheese pizza? You are applying the rule to one thing but not another.
Who is lexplorer? Also nearly every prison documentary talks about rape in prison, it seems to happen enough they make you watch a tape about sexual assault before you go in. Sometimes even guards rape people.
I thought people usually got much longer than 5 years for this sort of thing. I'm just surprised this isn't considered a more serious offense.
>Martin Shkreli is doing more time than Thad for lying to investors about not turning a profit as fast as anticipated
Land of the Free. Home of the Brave.
People like Shkreli are political prisoners who have offended the elite with their rebelliousness. Thad is just a retard no one really cares about. Not saying I agree, just giving the rationale behind the judge's decisions.
I'm fairly certain it'll just be monitored. He got out previously, immediately went to Twitter and posted how the feds didn't find his external drive, they saw, and he was immediately taken back in.
>he didn't hurt anyone directly his crime was still heinous.
You're a mentally ill normalfag, fuck off. If there is no victim, there is no crime.
Fuck are you talking about? He defrauded the hedge fund by embezzling the money and inflating the shit out of the non-existent profits. Stop talking out of your ass.
He literally committed large scale fraud and embezzlement
Why can I legally look at pictures and videos of people getting executed by ISIS, then?
>live virtuously and loyal to 2D from now on.
his mistake was not taking the 2D pill.
he had one foot in the 3D and anotehr in the 2D.
Guess which D got him fucked over?
the 3D.
>I thought sex offenders are automatically killed in prison.
he doesnt know pedos get special areas so teh ydont get harmed in A lot of ocuntry.
he should not have been looking at 3DCP, I know not all CP encourages kids to be hurt but come on man it is 3DPD.
>Same reason prison-rape isnt a thing
lel, in australia it is desu you will get fucked by abos.
>Crimes against the jew should be punished more severely than crimes against actual 3 year old rape victims
Holy shit he's fucking free now.
I've been reading about the prison he was in. Apparently a large amount of inmates are there for sex offenses and CP. Those inmates usually stick together to avoid problems. Former prisoners write that it is one of the nicer prisons and that inmates are allowed email. I wonder if his family sent him anime.
Whether or not its a crime, we all know better than to download or view cp, its like punching a bear in the face. He deserves his sentence not for the 'crime', but for his stupidity.
Didn't say that, don't strawman me you shitelord. You're spreading misinformation. If you're going to use white collar crimes as an example at least be accurate.
We should get rid of jails and prisons are punishments entirely.
Violent crimes are punished with execution, financial crimes are punished by slavery until the debt is paid off. Minor shit is fines and that's all. Why the fuck we gotta keep deranged animals alive and then even release them after some bullshit amount of time.
>One man causes many people to lose money and jobs
>One sperg gets caught with cp on his computer. Didnt even do it himself
Yeah sounds about right to me
I mean it's kind of a weird situation. While looking at pictures of naked kiddies self really isn't that questionable, the fact that since it actually is a picture of a kiddy means that someone had to take that picture and make it available, which I'm not so sure how I feel about and while there might not be an actual correlation between MadThad seeing a youngling naked, causing it to be filmed naked, if you were to be under the impression that people shouldn't make pornographic material of children, then the question is how would you prevent that from happening.
I suppose it actually is way closer analogy to drugs than I have innitially anticipated. While creation of many drugs is generally highly punishable and illegal, in some countries the holding and consumption of drugs is decriminalized, which could have similar dynamic as creation and cumpsumtion of child porn, where the creators might be persecuted, while the consumers might be tolerated. Sure, the fact that picture is a medium and can be multiplied without the need of more children actually being filmed and fact that it's highly produceable pretty much for free as opposed with drugs, means that you can create it without really supporting the act self.
Honestly I'm kind of ambiguous about the whole ordeal, though the actual reason why it's such a shunned upon activity is that people have highly emotional reaction towards it.
>One man causes many people to lose money and jobs
They literally broke even and in many cases turned profit
>we should initiate force against people who look at pixels on their computers
>we should kick down their doors, shoot and kill them them if they resist for sitting in their basement
>we should use the taxpayer's money to house and feed these people for decades because we don't like the thoughts they think and the arrangement of pixels they look at when they masturbate
>though the actual reason why it's such a shunned upon activity is that people have highly emotional reaction towards it.
This. Same reason why you can shoot an old lady;s head off in fallout but can't even punch a kid in the face.
>One sperg gets caught with cp on his computer. Didnt even do it himself
Now what if several thousand spergs had cp? What a community people like this forms? This kind of thing is literally how CP rings come to exist, which then causes a demand for it. Then some of them start harming IRL kids to produce it, and all of this creates a black market.
It's bigger than just one individual.
Technically a bank robbery is just a vast quantum arrangement of molecules moving at determinate intervals through three dimensional space
A bank robbery involves violence against other people, you low IQ normalfag.
you have to be a literal retard to get caught with cp
Pedophiles have the most abysmal arguments.
His twitter is still up. I wonder when he'll treat again.
I fee that it should come down to action taken. If someone pays money for cp, that is directly supporting the industry and should be illegal. Obviously the producers should be arrested as well. But someone finding a pic of cp for free and saving it should not be in any legal trouble. If anything, they should get psych help to try to fix their mental state, much like alcoholics and drug addicts.
Not necessarily retard
I'm not saying its not stupid, but it is what it is. CP is the legendary great beast living in the mountains that the entire village knows not to fuck with. Thad is the village idiot who decided to go fuck with it and got eaten and won't be shitted out til tomorrow.
)Now what if this hypothetical what if group of people did this other hypothetical thing, which could then lead to this other hypothetical what if that could lead to other what ifs
Not him, but the difference is that pictures of guns are not the main point if guns. Even if no one looked at pictures of guns, the production rate of guns wouldn't change. However, CP is made almost exclusively for the purpose of distributing it. If no one looked at CP, there would be no incentive to make it. Same with ISIS and cartel decapitation videos. They aren't murdering people for the sole purposes of producing videos, so criminalizing the videos wouldn't do much.
made me kek so fucking hard user, have a good day/night
>Ad hom
>no justification for his sociopathic desire to oppress people
Go back to >>>/reddirt/
Yes, necessarily. Even if you rob a bank without a gun or anyone knowing you were there, the act of stealing another person's property is an act of aggression against them.
Thad is an idiot among idiots, this much is true.
The thing is, you have to rape a child to get that arrangement of pixels. That's the problem with it
Dude I'm against modern CP laws and what your'e against but you're arguing it in the most retarded way possible.
Pictures of guns are not produced with the incentive of gaining pleasure from said picture; a more proper analogy would be
>using a gun that someone else already bought apparently incentivizes gun production
People making CP are going to make it regardless of whether some random schmuck downloads a pic/vid of it, if viewing cp was legal we wouldn't have thousands of more people raping kids because that is still illegal and making the viewing of that material legal would not incentivize people to break the still very serious law on production.
The people who decided to break the law to fuck a kid without their consent would break the law again to upload that content; and yes I am bringing up the shocking idea that someone who is pubescent but under the age of 18 could want to engage in sexual relations in a consensual manner, shocking.
The only way one incentivizes production of CP is by buying it directly from the source, which is encouraging the producer.
After that transaction the file gets trickled down and trickled down and subsequently no longer holds any meaning to the original creator.
Also I recall reading that in places where viewing CP was legal the sex crimes against children was actually less, perhaps because these would be offenders could instead vent their sexual frustration to harmless images online instead of to their niece.
CP laws are insane and help no one.
I listened to this audio series about the effect that free porn has had on the world. In one episode he interviews this guy with pretty intense autism. When he was 18 he thought this 17 year old girl liked him, so he send her some anime porn and told her he wanted to rape her in the ass. He thought she'd like it. But instead she told her mom, mom called the cops, and the kid's on the sex offender list now. They talked about how he's not allowed to live within a certain distance of a park or school, he can't work. He can only sit in his mom's house and play video games at watch anime. I think that's the future of MadThad.
Production of CP, solicitation of production of CP, conspiracy to produce CP, and distribution of CP are all genuine crimes that should be punished. You'll get no argument from any sane person on these charges.
The anonymous consumption of pixels by an individual in his mom's basement does not hurt anyone.
>You have to fuck [insert pornstar] to download her porn video
This is how retarded you sound.
This is how retarded you sound.
Sad thing is he ain't allowed to use the internet anymore lol
Maybe I should have been more specific. You have to rape a child to PRODUCE that arrangement of pixels. Sure, you can copy it and paste it without hurting anyone. But it doesn't change the fact that raping children in necessary to create child porn.
>Consumption is just as bad as distribution!
If a man gathers a crowd in the town square and says "Let's go kill neighbor A!" that is a crime, and he will be punished. Can you justify punishing the man in the crowd that hears these words, secretly agrees, but does not join the man in his call to violence?
You're ignoring that having this content spread around revictimizes the children. I saw a news story about a girl whose father was making porn videos with her when she was 11, and it became a very popular CP video on the internet, and she as an adult talked about how knowing how many men had seen and enjoyed it was really terrible for her.
>CP is made almost exclusively for the purpose of distributing it
Incorrect. CP is made because there are sick fucks that can stand to monetarily benefit from uploading vids of kids getting fucked. Without money, there is no benefit. And if there is no benefit, and the people still distribute it, then they are literally distributing it just to distribute it.
Therefore one can posit that people who PAY for cp are increasing demand, and those who merely find and save cp are not, as the distributor gets no benefit from that. If you are suggesting that just the act of downloading a cp item without paying for it is enough for distribution to be motivated, which would offer no benefit to the distributor, then you must also assume that they would do it with no downloads.
>you can copy it and paste it without hurting anyone
We are mostly in agreement then.
>raping children in necessary to create child porn.
I would count self recorded content as CP, and there is no perpetrator or victim in this case.
In your analogy that man goes and kills the neighbor
I cant believe you idiots are actually defending this. I cant tell if I'm being trolled.
By that logic, no one would create anything for free. This obviously isn't the case.
I've been on Jow Forums for years, and I really didn't know much.
>be him
>be weeb fag
>be pedo
>go to jail
>now he is about to get out
>In your analogy that man goes and kills the neighbor
Then that is an entirely separate crime. So you agree that consumption of CP is not a crime, only child rape is? We are in agreement then.
I guess you have a point there, but It's definitely possible that the child in the photo or video was being coerced into making it. In my opinion, if you're too young to consent to sex, you're too young to do porn.
Exactly. So you agree that there are people who create things for free, with nothing to gain? There are people who create things for free, with nothing to gain, with no demand, like music that nobody listens to or books nobody will ever read. Twitch channels stream with zero viewers all the time simply cause they like it.
Cp producers will still produce cp regardless of people download it or not.
While that sounds like a pretty solid and decently justifyable statement, I think it's a tad too narrow. While I'd probably agree that the questionable part of cp is incentivising its creation and financial gain being the main motivator, it would kind of ommit different cases where people could be motivated by other factors.
People in general are attention whores and could have weird motivations, thus possibly allowing such circlejerking behaviour ro flourish might have similar effects, though not to same degree as financial one.
The years here have started to blend but all I remember is
>it's definitely possible
It's definitely possible Kavanaugh is a serial gang rapist that throws ice at people. After all, there is no evidence he didn't do it.
>In my opinion, if you're too young to consent to sex, you're too young to do porn.
And you're absolutely right. I'd say no woman regardless of age should engage in porn, but the fact remains that some do and some people harmlessly(at least to other people) view these pixels on their computers. We should help these people as they are clearly mentally ill, but there is no reason to initiate force against them.
shkreli is contained in a comfortable room and not allowed to leave on his own will
madthad got his boipussy stretched open
When I pee and tug my pee pee too fast some pee squirts into my underpants and it makes me smell of urine for the rest of the week
Let me revise this statement. It isn't that there is no perpetrator or victim, but they are one and the same.
How does this shit find its way into every argument now, no matter how unrelated the topic is. What the fuck
America and the world is literally ruled by satan
drugs get punished worse than CP. i mean pills and weed are okay i think they should only worry about meth and heroin and shit. i live in a junkie town and everyone is covered in track marks and they just go to the doctor and lie about doing heroin and they perscribed suboxone like its candy and they just go home and shoot it up
Because it's a good and relevant comparison and it shows how you're acting as though you were a sub-90IQ SJW trying to punish thought crimes and "crimes" with no evidence.
And nothing changes the fact that some random schmuck viewing it days, months, and years after the fact does nothing to that producer.
I'm more upset with whoever told her that her cp was popular, that's not something she would organically find out I think.
What victims in this are going to see their own cp unless they are looking for cp themselves?
The victims and the people viewing the trickled down pictures are so far apart their lives will hardly interconnect.
And in the rare chance they do, that sucks but tough shit. Yes you were a victim but no one is shoving that past incident in your face, certainly not the people who are viewing it either.
This user has the right idea; everything besides the viewing and saving of cp should be punishable offenses.
PUNISH THE PEOPLE CREATING, DISTRIBUTING, AND DIRECTLY PURCHASING IT / ENCOURAGING THE PRODUCER OF IT, not the people who click "download" from these already omitted crimes.
They're just looking for pixels to jack off to.
>Not a newfag.
>Doesn't know who MadThad is.
Are you actually fucking retarded? Please eat shit you nigger-faggot.
Why's this nigga defending pedophiles so hard?
It is natural to defend those being unjustly prosecuted. Those without virtue are surely confused by the actions of the righteous, but that can't be helped.