What would get me commited?

I need to go to a pysch to get a full diagnosis for disability.
I have never been honest with a pysch before as I am kinda afraid of getting locked upo and im also extremely shy.
From what I know I can only get locked up if I mention I want to kill myself and will do it soon, or kill someone else.
Also if I tell them I am a lolicon I would get reported.
will they get me committed for the following?
ill just mention the stuff I am worried will make them think im crazy, but too crazy.

>not finding real people attractive only anime girls
>being in love with an anime girl and actually self harmed to show dedication to her
>talking in my head to the anime girl I am in love with
>imagining I am posting on Jow Forums in my head when I lay down and shut my eyes and delusionally thinking that I am actually connected to the internet in my head and I am talking to anons on Jow Forums etc
>I have also been seeing really fucked up mental images when I shut my eyes and try sleep

there is tons of other shit but this worries me the most that I may get commited.
I am also a complete shut in and have a ton of other weird shit, some I wont mention because I would seem edgy.

If I tell the pysch about this and other stuff will they lock me up?
I just need a full diagnosis, for disability money...

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Other urls found in this thread:


I just told a doctor I have daily sui thoughts and they offered me 10 free appointments with a psychiatrist and recommend medication so its a bit of a mixed bag. Im so paranoid about being locked up though

I know being a weeb is stupid as fuck, but can you actually get on disability for it?

yes I have this daily also, I also think I will be with my Waifu when I do an hero but I will not tell the pysch that.
>but can you actually get on disability for it?
it is more than what I mentioned, I already have diagnosed clinical depression my entire life and a pysch told me I had PTSD, OCD, etc.

I will get on disability for sure if I am open about my mental health to them, I am sure of it.
I cant even go outside (shut in for 5 years), im already labeled disabled on my welfare system I just lack the official paperwork and that is what I need to get.
I am alcoholic who is trying to quit at the moment.

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my concern is I will get sent to a pysch ward.

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Tell them about the lolis and megumin. Only they will understand and be able to make you deal with it in a healthy way!

Rather than making my own thread
Can schizoid get neetbux? Pretty sure I have it

>Tell them about the lolis and megumin.
I will not tell them about lolis, I dont even like /b/ lolis BTW only wholeseome ecchi and yuri.
no, I will not tell them whois my Waifu also she is legally considered a loli.
>Only they will understand and be able to make you deal with it in a healthy way!
no man, they will put me on a sex offender list despite not even liking 3DPD.
I think you are trying to get me fucked over here as this is bad advice.

if I tell them I like lolis, when I mention I am uncomfy around kids and assume everyone thinks im a pedo near them, they will think im a pedo.
>Can schizoid get neetbux?
yeah if it is bad enough, I mean part of my condition is caused by this shit I am sure I will get diagnosed with that.
I dont feel lonely or ever want to interact with people IRL.

You should try get diagnosed, but please dont fake it to get on BUX as it makes those of us with actual mental disorders that stop us working have a hard time getting on disability

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If you're this fucking dicked in the head, then no SHIT they'll think you're crazy. Long and short of it, user: you'll get locked up and society will thank the doctors for it. You fucking weirdo.

>Self-harmed to show his dedication to her
I'm going to feel very dumb when I find out this is bait.

This is awesome
your life would make a great manga

that feel when nobody will pay for your committment

>talking to your psych about Jow Forums
That's instant lockup material right there.

Dude I was committed this past summer for a suicide attempt does this mean I can get NEET bucks too?

I too love my waifu and wish I could be with her when I die, but alas that is not the case. When we die, we're just reborn and live the same life again. We're stuck here for all of eternity, forever separated from our waifus. Such is the cruel nature of reality.

you're not going to get disability, you don't have symptoms that prevent you from working, you're just weird. again, you don't seem to be a danger to yourself or others, you're just weird. get a job though. you can have a job and think about anime girls at work.

>I'm going to feel very dumb when I find out this is bait.
I wish it was bait man.
>This is awesome
>your life would make a great manga
My life sucks, I sit on PC all day and night in a room with the windows foiled.
my life is literally what NHK would be like without Misaki and if he never went outside.

>That's instant lockup material right there.
I wont mention the website, I will just say forum.
I might even say reddit.
>you don't have symptoms that prevent you from working,
I actually get medical notes for being unfit to work, I cannot go outside and shit, my last one ran out and I need to get more.
trust me I cannot work.
>get a job though
even mummy says I cannot work,
we might be with Waifu when we die.
It is as possible as any other theory.

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No, I've already died countless times and so have you, you just don't remember like most people. It's always this. We're reborn into the exact same lives we always live.

Not true. We live over and over again, but are born thinking we've lived the same life over and over again, when it is in fact a different life every time.

what if you both wrong and we just go to where we want when we die?
for me, 2D world with anime girls.

When I became disillusioned with religion, I thought about that a lot, but I'm pretty damn sure I was wrong, I just wanted it to be that way so everyone would be happy. I sure as shit don't have any interest in coming back here. I wish I could go to my waifu's world when I die, but it just doesn't happen. I just keep ending back here.
The other guy is just fucking with me, he doesn't really think that's how it works.

Damn, I have some mental health issues and would like NEETbux but am scared they take my guns what do?

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Tell them you lost your guns in a boating incident.

>telling anyone you're a pedo
Sure way to get locked up, thanks for the shit advice user

This is /x/ propaganda

I don't think it can be considered propaganda for one guy to spout off about his experience.

If you can function well enough to survive in the real world or have someone to take care of you they wont hold you except as a threat to others or yourself.

Mental health facilities are stressed, youre a little weird but there's tons of totally malfunctioning people who would die or fuck some shit up if nobody was watching them. So you'll be fine.

Now mental health pros make their money off of providing "services" to people so they may try to get you to stay in a facility just so they can keep an eye on you or do some tests, and may get sneaky with their wording to make it sound like you have no choice or run some game on you. If youre a neet autist with so little mental fortitude you cant handle employment these people will eat you up if you dont keep your wits about you.

The system is designed to give you little agency, I consider myself sharp and capable, I run around the streets, do rough blue collar work with rough people and party with junkies and dope boys but when I went just to talk to a counselor on the bequest of my family because they gas light the fuck out of me for not going to college and being a straight laced press I got ran. I just wanted to sit down and let an expert ask questions, mostly to throw it at my parents but maybe I could learn something helpful. I ended up spending the night, which when I got the bill I realized was extra, not standard, left with some diagnosis like "adjustment syndrome" or some non-mental illness counselor bullshit like that, and a script for some expensive thorazine-tier anti-psychotic called zyprexa, because "you seem like youre doing alright, but try this and see if you feel better".

The memes are true, you'll get more honesty and less game from your local drug dealer than a fucking shrink.

Sounds like paranoia user I bet they'll sell you some pills for that

>Now mental health pros make their money off of providing "services" to people so they may try to get you to stay in a facility just so they can keep an eye on you or do some tests, and may get sneaky with their wording to make it sound like you have no choice or run some game on you. If youre a neet autist with so little mental fortitude you cant handle employment these people will eat you up if you dont keep your wits about you.
user, do you mean the fact that they try to make money off you?
I am australian and they really cannot do that bullshit here.>I run around the streets,
dude, I used to literally run around the streets at all hours making $$, and now I get scared if I am outside with mummy and I cant see her.

Sounds like AMerican doctors being jews to me man,
I am just unsure of how much to be honest to them about.
if I told them for example that I would rather be a cute girl, they would think im a trannie when in reality I do not want to be a girl I would have just preferred to be born one.
lots of us want to be with Waifu

Are you Madthad? Is this your first post out of prison?

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