You have 30 seconds to explain why you're wasting time on milk when you could be drinking filmjölk
>more protein
>healthy gut biome
>drink of the vikangz
You have 30 seconds to explain why you're wasting time on milk when you could be drinking filmjölk
>more protein
>healthy gut biome
>drink of the vikangz
Just make kefir for free
This. Swedish fagshit vs bulky Slavic staple. Easy choice.
So it's just onions?
>17g sugar
>0% milk fat
oh no no no no
This is so fucking stupid.
It's the carbs (sugars) that are bad for you, you fucking idiot. Not the fats, not the cholesterol level, not the fiber, etc. It's the carbs you should worry about.
And this POS product has 17g of sugar per serving.
Drink it so you keep looking like a POS yuorself, you deserve it.
Not economical unless you live in europe. Generally harder to get ahold of and insanely expensive in the states. Not nearly as versatile as milk.
>And this POS product has 17g of sugar per serving
i bet there are at least 2 servings in those bottles
I have at least 200g carbs daily from fruit alone. Post body rn faggot
Did the clen ruin your brain? He said "bad for you". What effect do you think megadoses of sugar have on your endocrine system?
Don't take my word for it. Robert Lustig, the leading expert on childhood obesity and pediatric hormone disorders at University of California School if Medicine has a lecture up on Youtube about it. Go check it and post your ass no homo.
>Drink it so you keep looking like a POS yuorself
This was his post. Regardless of the fact that I'm healthier than him as well, his primary contention was "I look better than you because you eat sugar"
enjoy your sugar drink, user. Just drink it plain
I hope he posts his pic too. Be reasonable, it's also a safe bet OP is a POS.
You look alright but sugar is still bad for you bro. I'm just saying look into it.
Drink that shitty drink into your 30's & 40's and see if you feel the same.
Hello fellow Skeltal
>University of California
>hormone expert
>the same retarded state with a tranny epidemic
I fell for the keto maymay a few years ago for a few months. It's an anecdote, but I felt like garbage. I'm definitely not saying refined sugar and food like pop tarts are good for you, or should ever be consumed. Personally, I even think grains are pretty bad too. But the relatively small amounts of sugar found in fruits and vegetables shouldn't dissuade you from eating them for all of the countless micronutrients and fiber they provide.
Dude you ain't muscular LMAO
You're just a skinny twink.
You probably tell everyone online how fucking jacked you are by drinking Swedish semen
He's very much so /ourguy/. He's mentions the recent epidemic in hormone disorders is largely due to obersity and excessive sugar.
Agree, fruits and veg are fine. It's processed shit that's a killer.
nice meme buddy post body or kill yourself
definitely. Whole foods should constitute the large majority of everyone's diet
Getting your carbs from fruits and vegetables is one thing, posting pics of a fucking drink with added sugar and hail it as a Jow Forums elixir is just asinine
Gay. Also probiotics from yogurt pretty much never survive long enough to make a difference in your gut
>falling for the fermented jew
So we're all agreed OP is a fag, processed food is trash and fruits/veggies are good for you.
Good thread lads. OP is a fag.
>fruits/veggies are good for you.
Don't forget to add meat!
Nah you're still the retard who tried to claim that carbs in general are unhealthy.
OP looks good and you are both a retard and a soiboi sounds like a better conclusion.
>You have 30 seconds to explain why you're wasting time on milk
>higher fat content
>no added sugar or sweetener, fucking delicious anyway
>peak bioavailability
>comes in a gallon bottle
That wasn't me, OP. It's ok there's lots of fags here.
I'm not the OP of the thread. OP didn't post body but some retard claiming some
dumb shit wasn't gonna slide
>I came here from Reddit and I am so smart!!!1!