Are you a typlet, user?
Top 3% reporting in. Feels good knowing I have a wpm that normie wageslaves dream are lusting about.
Are you a typlet, user?
why the fuck do you care about your wpm? go outside
I consider myself slow, my brother hits 170s easy.
>words per minute
words are all different lengths, minutes are all different lengths, how can you measure this?
I'm a wageslave and I have a WPM of around 109. I work in data entry. You're forgetting that everyone who doesn't work with computers or uses them regularly is also included in that statistic. Maybe get a job and then pay for an education?
it's just characters divided by 5
>elite wageslave thinking most roasties aren't pecking away at a casual 35
I admire your skill, but I can't respect your politics.
Amazing genetics, user. Simply astounding. A million roast wagies weep at your superior genetics.
>minutes are all different lengths
whats it like working in data entry?
thought about it for a bit, ended up working my summer off at shitty retail instead because figured it wasnt worth effort to get a real job just to quit a few months later
I just came here to laugh at bitter incels, I didn't think I'd be able to dunk on them too
>677 keystrokes
That's legitimately ridiculous. Do you play any games that require high apm or do you only type?
nah i just type, its probably bc i had a lot of typing classes during elementary/middle school
>minutes are all different lengths
Amerim*tt education
>minutes are all different lengths
what the fuck?
most useless skill ever
I'll never exceed 100 wpm. My hands are just too big. They're not quite as big as this guy's but they're still too big to fit on a keyboard properly. I type with three fingers on my left hand and two on my right.
>Swallowing the bait, shitting it out, and eating the bait again
i cant even get to 40 wpm
how do you guys type so fast?
I'm sure it has to do with being an incel. You guys have nothing better to do than get the "highest score"
been a while bit it's decent.
index, middle and ring finger on the left and index and middle finger on the right by the way.
left ring hovers, middle on the W and index on the D.
right index on the L and middle on the P.
>taking picture of screen
If you don't want to know why stop reading.
I did this about 2 years ago on PC (duh) and wanted to send it via whatsapp. Instead of connecting the phone I just made a picture, much faster.
Now I recovered the image via an old backup of said phone on my PC as I saw the thread and wanted to contribute.
I also repeated the test just now but only got 109 WPM.
Anyone that can't get at least 100+ WPM when they're on the computer all the time is subhuman tbqh.
>anyone else who can't do as good as me is subhuman tbqh
classic r9k m8
>t. jelly 80WPM cuck
This is my highest ever score.
not really as you can see above.
not him but, what is your score then, fag? you haven't posted anything.