Why are you still watching porn? >countless psychological studies proving adverse and possibly irreversible psychological effects, literally makes you see women as not people >literal rape on tape, all the actresses out of the industry say it's hell on earth >causes decreased pleasure during sex >causes erectile dysfunction >causes all kinds of ejaculation issues >literally addictive and as your brain gets used to the easy dopamine rush you become less productive >the porn industry is directly linked to the human trafficking and child porn industries
All around waste of time that causes suffering both to you and to the people around you
i basically am a lonely fuck and use it as a tool to feel good. I have been a month or two without no fap before, i am waiting for that wave of energy to take the craving to fap out of my mind.
Any tips on how to not watch porn when you are stuck inside on the pc?
Samuel Murphy
1-2 months with nofap ********
Carter Perry
fapping is okay as long as you're having some healthy fantasies with it like thinking about someone you like instead of watching gangbang porn
Alexander James
doesn't jizzing daily reduce sex drive and arousal (when looking at normal women)
Gabriel Gonzalez
I've been a week on no porn. Only change I've noticed is that I now get horny when looking at pictures of girls with cleavage, or in bikinis, when before I would only care if the girl was naked.
Sometimes when I browse pol and there's nudity in a picture there, I would get an instant erection.
Leo Sanchez
avoiding the nofap meme while quitting porn wasnt that bad to me. just whenever I felt like having a go at my stiffy go somewhere away from the PC and jerk off to my imagination. I only ever looked at porn to assist jerking off, so forcing myself to separate the 2 made porn useless to me. eventually your imagination becomes more vibrant and grounded in your own reality, it eventually kinda seems superior to porn anyway
Cameron Walker
>Camgirls are pure Feelsgood
Robert Gonzalez
I fucking hate my job also. Wait till these bitches are making 1/5 working 10 times as hard and see what happens.
Justin King
Why don't you do gay porn? You could make 5 times more while working 10 times less.
Christopher Torres
i think porn and fapping has eliminated my ability to cum during sex, though i'm not certain. I was never able to cum when i had sex with my ex unless i masturbated, we had sex countless times throughout the year we were together, it would never happen. I could fuck her for an hour and nothing happened. I've done nofap and noporn to try to fix it but i don't know if it worked because I haven't had sex yet. I hope it does work though.
Luis Brooks
probably temporarily yeah, but a big trait of being addicted to porn is basically your fap routine becomes: see porn (can happen at any time, likely to happen multiple times a day even by accident) -> feel need to fap because brain associates lewd imagery with blowing a load.
when (if) u kick porn addiction horniness comes first: I'm horny -> fap to imagination (setting allowing ofc), which is how it's been since the beginning of humanity before porn and comes on more naturally ie. not every day necessarily (unless ur like 15 or something)
Jack Ward
what's the most optimal amount of times to fap a week? Can i be good with once a day with just imagination?
Easton Rogers
you are gay af.
>seeing women as objects
those women are LITERAL whores - to be bought and sold.
so i jerk off to some porn now child trafficking is my fault? gtfo social justice warrior this is Jow Forums
Kayden Wright
Optimal is once every 7-10 days, to your imagination only.
Justin Morgan
buddy - i was in a long distance relationship (exchange for school) and you start to check out every chick and your standards will fall. Nofap turns men into caged animals. excessive porn use is probably not good - but it's wayyyy exagerrated here.
That wouldn't apply to me; I'm not a virgin, I just had (have?) A serious porn addiction. Many times after having sex, I would go to the washroom and quickly jerk off to porn because having to last long during sex and having to follow the rules that the girl has (no anal, no oral, etc) made the whole thing not as pleasurable as porn, where everything is accepted.
Isaiah Morgan
Guys, I broke... I can say I was stressed with school and exams but the truth is I'm just a weak piece of shit. A month+ progress of noporn and 2 weeks nofap down the drain... The best part of nofap was that I was so focused on everything I wanted to do I felt beyond simple desires. What do I do now? I'm so disappointed in myself
William Turner
You sir, need to nofap.
Ian Rivera
>having to follow the rules that the girl has (no anal, no oral, etc) lol
Jeremiah Thompson
Dude, keep going with your attempts at nopron or nofap. THE ONLY WAY TO MOVE IS FORWARD.
Progress is progress, no matter how slow you crawl.
Let's make threads like this a regular thing, please guys. We MUST help each other. Killing this dopamine shower and reclaiming control of our lives, small step by small step, makes our mind sharp and the controlling jews very angry.
Just fap whenever you feel like to, using only your imagination, but please completely cut off porn from your lives. You'll realize you have less desire to destroy your dick alone in your room and redirect this energy somewhere else.
>literal rape on tape, all the actresses out of the industry say it's hell on earth
Then quit...
Carson Allen
Ayden Wood
It's so people feel sorry for them and the shadow hanging over their head is one of sympathy not disgust
Angel Martinez
I love having sex and watching others have sex. I've even participated in 2 porn productions. Why would I not watch porn?
James Foster
2D wins again.
Jaxon Hernandez
But why is it always literal "who's?" complaining about this or that industry? Why don't successful whores complain? You might make a ton of money at your job but still be able to admit the hours suck, or the work is hard, or that your boss tends to promote unqualified women who bring him coffee every morning. But I have never heard of a name brand pornstar complaining about how she gets treated. In fact, I've only ever heard the opposite; that no one cares about the stud at all (pushing men to perform homosex to make money and get screen time) while dvd-tier women get treated like D-list celebs.
>anecdotal: I've been watching porn and jerking it 4+ times a day for nearly a decade now and I have NEVER had a single erectile dysfunction issue. My only explanations are that I also have been having tons of sex with women that entire time, and that some of you must be dead ends / not meant to breed. I have never not been ready to fuck a chick I'm attracted to. There isn't an amount of beating my dick to porn that compares to a soft, supple woman, or soft tits, or a wet mouth, and so I've never psychologically felt any sexual competition. My ex-gf used to recommend that I jack off before we had sex so that I would lay down and sleep next to her after we fucked rather than waking her up to go over and over again.
>there are obviously bad things about porn. It's vile shite that appeals to our basest nature, but I think you are making porn a scapegoat for your own mental and physical deficiencies
You haven't really nutted until you've edged for 2 hours while browsing your fetish erotica of choice.
Jaxson Harris
Yet men get paid disproportionately less than women. Male suicide rates are higher. Men are depicted as muscular gods with huge penises.
Zachary Wood
i watch amateur porn, but i couldn't give a fuck about some whore who were happy to destroy their bodies, soul and dignity for a quick buck. that option is available in one way or another for most people, but they don't do it for a reason
Joseph Clark
Carter Gonzalez
what about crossdressers fucking huge dildos and shooting a big load while squirting fake cum out their ass
Jackson Bell
I fap to porn probably 2 or 3 times a week. I can also beat off without it and have no trouble getting hard for my wife. I've considered giving up, but I just can't find a good enough reason to other than simply to spite the jews.
Charles Reed
I only watch porn with my gf. Most of the time she’s the one who wants to watch it
I failed No Fap November so I'm doing Deny Porn December. If I break and fap, no big deal but absolutely no fapping to porn. Porn is an evil and insidious industry and I hate myself for using something I loathe so much.
Luis Cook
looking back, i think porn helped me understand the world more objectively. women are objects. so are men. everything is an object, even myself, and the way to do better in life is to learn how best to manipulate them. this doesn't have to be a bad thing, as most people i meet are able to be made happy by a good joke or a comforting thought or an artistic spin on an everyday subject, especially if i can fathom this within the very conversation that immediately is relevant.
i did quit porn, eventually, but when i did watch it was multiple times a day for decades and was almost exclusively amateur porn anyhow. was always the best genre, with real or mostly real reactions from those that have that deep need to share dark, intimate moments. you can't find those moments people watching, you know. unless you're cucking a guy.
women in porn know what they're getting into; i have no sympathy
Oliver Cooper
did like a 6-month long noporn just fapping to imagination, then lost v-card, got a gf, ldr for a while, break up and now back on my bullshitp
Ethan Smith
I watch camgirls. I let the other cucks pay while I enjoy the show for free
Bentley Ortiz
Look nigger, you are just a weak little bitch. It doesn't matter if you watch porn if you are a normal functioning man. I watch porn daily (editor for a set of studios) and if anything it makes me enjoy having a wife who is vanilla. Im not a spineless cunt like half you sad sacks who sees a titty and instantly cum. You are the same as those drug users who spend time and money on rehab only to relapse again and blame the drugs instead of the fact that you are worthless as a human being. Porn isn't the problem, jerking off isn't the problem, you not taking responsibility for yourself is.
Juan Torres
Fucking this.
Ian King
>countless psychological studies proving adverse and possibly irreversible psychological effects For the record, there are also countless people saying they prove that traps aren't gay, but they aren't fooling many people
Post the studies or fuck off.
Tyler Butler
Hello jew
Adam Thomas
>chad is out there fucking prime pussy, jerking off when not slaying pussy and having the time of his life >while you're a pathetic virgin hoping that not touching your dick will magically teleport a girl to suck you off and let you creampie her
Jaxson Bailey
Why do ex pornstars always beg for empathy?
Easton Garcia
Yeah, I'm the Jew. Everyone who tells the truth that you don't like is a Jew. Truth be told, if I was a Jew, I rather that then be the weak willed bitch who can't help touching his winky when the rest of the male population is normal.
Jeremiah Roberts
What's funny is that alot of the good name's go into directing and their own studios. Lisa Ann owns percentages in quite a few studios and holds contract on some actors
Aiden Hernandez
Because after their cooters are all used up they have no way to make money because they’re undesirable with no skills so they beg for attention and sympathy
Elijah Mitchell
Traps are gay, but so is eating pussy. So it's whatever.
Anthony Roberts
Nope, A-OK
Gavin Sanchez
That wouldn't happen until they are ~50 years old though.
Thomas Phillips
>>literal rape on tape, all the actresses out of the industry say it's hell on earth
They get what they deserve.
Anthony Johnson
I'm atttracted by the fact that the girls on screen are taking huge dick in their fucking asshole and slobbering all over giant cock for one thing.. money. Hahahaha. Imagine how many females would do this if it wasn't on camera or the internet. They would line up. Hahaha. Fuck females. I want to watch them get fucking used and sodomized and I'll bust my nut Fuck spending time with a real thot
Landon Jenkins
I watch porn because I can't control myself. I jack off minimum once a day, or I'll get an uncontrolable urge to the next day. I had an LDR gf at one point and I didn't jack off as much then, but I also had ED caused by psychological issues such as nerves and performance anxiety and probably porn too.
Women turn to empathy because its their natural reaction to adversity, read a book
Asher Jones
I'm on day three of noFap/noPorn. I relapsed for 2 min today and looked at nudes but didn't fap. I had a huge productivity burst after and cleaned my room, helped my brother fix his car and autistically organized my bookshelves. Gonna start learning to cook tomorrow. Wish me luck
Get back on the horse idiot. Good on you knowing you failed and admitting it. Weakness can't turn into strength without the weakness being accepted. But that self disappointment? That not knowing what to do? Yeet that shit. You already know that it felt incredible. You already know that if you're in that place you'll be happier. You will get back there again. You'll leave and return as is the nature of all things, but you will return. Don't despair something so insignificant as using porn for the first time in months. You already know what you were doing was best for you.
Carter Nelson
100% this.
Sebastian Peterson
6 days no porn Feeling good, I've cranked it once since then and while it was frustrating without porn I think it's for the best. They are pushing incest porn way hard on every site and I don't want to get sucked into that
Charles Flores
This happens to me too This is why you need no porn but still fap occasionally
Brayden Jones
>Why are you still watching porn? I finished watching 2 hours ago, I don't keep it on after I've shot my load that would be weird
James Morgan
If you get off by cross dressing and fucking a huge dildo while squirting fake cum out of your ass then that’s fine. Just don’t jerk off to porn videos.
Brandon Rogers
Anyone got any recommended content like this? I find it helps me knowing I'm not supporting this shit. youtube.com/watch?v=oOnD0PDB9yQ
Hunter Nelson
I haven't for ~2 years. Almost nothing changed desu
Incest is the next big thing for the Frankfurt left. They tried pedophilia but then put that on hold after the righteous backlash, but since Sartre and Foucault pushed for abolishing the age of consent expect for a revival soon.
Eli Carter
I have no gf, no friends, and no social skills, porn gets me off and helps alleviate loneliness
Jordan Anderson
too late for me, the only thing I want is a mommy gf.
Matthew Green
Daily reminder. You don't have to be an antisemite to realize this man is an evil person.
Had the exact same idea, this should become a thing
Joseph Myers
Fucking hell this is blackpilling as fuck
William Flores
Yea its pretty chilling watching her describe something that is not okay as all good.
Ayden White
if you dont fap or have sex with a woman regularly, your T levels will steadily drop. You MUST do one or the other. NoFap + InCel = Test pills at age 35
Gabriel Mitchell
you know sex for women is mostly transactional, right? Those whores in your pic, they extracted value in the form of cash & fame and now they're extracting further value in the form of pity and victimhood status by pretending to have suffered from fucking attractive porn studs.
The Louis CK thing, for example; Women consented to watching him jack-off, expecting to extract career advancement from the exchange. When that didn't work out, they claimed to have been sexually assaulted - extracting fame and pity from the sexual event.
You know how they say the American Indian uses every part of the buffalo? Women try to extract maximum value from sex in the same way. They let nothing go to waste
Daniel Evans
>woman >people
Choose one
Ian Torres
>caring about how porn whores are treated
end yourself my guy
Jose Lee
Just blew like my 5th nut tonight. I'm a fucking wreck. Every day it's like this. I've probably killed off billions, maybe even trillions of potential heirs.
Dylan Gray
only counts as a potential "heir" if someone is willing to fuck you
William Peterson
>Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong >Can you hear me, Major Tom? >Can you hear me, Major Tom? >Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Because I'm a fucking addict. I've been watching porn for 10 years now.
I think I'm going to give noporn + fap a chance and just fap to instagram thots. Technically it's still pornography but it's soft and you're not watching a girl getting railed by another man
Daniel Butler
Come to Jesus, the road to quitting is tough but once you get started you'll realise its a problem
Based. Women are mostly objects anyone who objects is an sjw cuck and doesn't even lift.
Wyatt Watson
Was like you, off it now first 4 weeks was constant resistance and relapse, next 2 still craving and had to stay away from fit and "thot" posts now I dont even feel like watching it or masturbating 2-3 times a day. generally only fap if its been a while and im going to meet up with a girl. On that subject I can actually talk to girls without spilling spaghetti, feel more confident in my self and dont have mood swings like before. I actually WANT to go out and meet up with women instead of being in the "i'd rather stay in" and "im just a disappointment" endless loop. quitting video games also helped in this too, one would support the other. But in general its something to get away from, the way I see it is if its something you wouldn't allow your children to do, then you shouldn't be supporting it. Free yourself from (((porn))) and its normalization, be the step in the right direction