Hello herzjager how you doing tonite

Hello herzjager how you doing tonite

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Would be better without you existing

pls tell me that's a guy

that's an awfully cute nose for it to be a guy

>tfw she'll never even acknowledge my existence
she seems so nice too

Returning orbiter here
Who's that qt?

There's something about that cunt that makes me want to punch her violently but also feed her grapes or some shit. Maybe it's my virgin rage but I have a thing for tomboys.

Goes by herzjager on ig, names audrey or aubrey

>she's reading this right now
your pie looked nice, thank you for sharing. also pls be my fren thx

Also ur pies look diabetes-inducing go easy on that stuff

is this really her? post timestamp bitch
And tits

Creeper big gay, just talk to her wtf

Hahaha I go to school with that roastie. Dresses badly and only hangs out with some autist kid.

>Tfw she'll never notice you
>Tfw no far right gf
Why even live lads

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Isn't this the chick that fucks spics or chinks or something

it's official, we're friends now. nice knowing you lads it's been a fun ride

drop that doxx nigga

How did you do it user? Somehow not original

Can't tell you much without doxxing myself. Lives in central FL, is a senior, idk what else to say

it was simple, really, all I had to do was ask.

Isn't this the same girl?

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I think all this attention might be getting to this bitch's head, it happens to every girl. They just love the attention and crave for more lel
Happened to muffy, happened to fritz, tahlia, you name it

>deleted the confirmation post before I saved it

what's her pooper taste like
but really does she have nice t&a

Fuck it's private
Cool name though
Is she into scifi or something?

Yeah it may sadly corrupt her and turn her into a narcissistic thot, if that didn't happen already. Honestly I hate all this orbiting thing but at least she seems to have personality unlike those others

>how you doing tonite
well just had a good fap, jerked it off to some brother and sister incest porn, quite the good nut if I say so myself.

thanks for asking opie,

Don't be fooled user, they're all the same. Suddenly she got orbiters like a month ago and bam, started camwhoring and looking for attention and sheit. just look at her stories

if you're reading this what is your pie recipe thank you

Guess you're right fellow user, tho she's the first one that r9k obsess about which I actually find kinda cute and interesting.
Lets see how this plays out

I will give you a good pie recipe, first ingredient is my cock

Dunno, as I said she dresses like shit with camo and stuff like that. We don't have any classes together but I've talked to her before and she's just meh, funny as shit that I found her here of all places

okay but what are the other ingredients? is this a pot pie?

How is she like? Anything weird? Is she short?

It was a cream pie joke but thanks for joining in

Not that guy but
>le epic le nazi quirky gurl xD
>bad taste in art
>kinda obese
yeah real interesting.
I miss tahlia, she had something to say and was actually a fembot

no time for jokes user I need her pie recipe quick

>actually a fembot
lmao no bro.

She's kinda weird, more like edgy and aloof, may put people off, idk how to explain it. Not my taste but then again I don't feel anything lol.
Not short, not tall, just regular for a girl her age.
I'm going to bed, maybe I'll see her tomorrow. Peace out robot.

well she's from Florida, everybody's a subhuman coalburner down there so it wouldn't surprise me
plus she looks like a downy happa

Was anyone in the thread where a guy said he was edating her and got super salty about something? Dumped some tasty rares too but I don't remember if it was in this board