/creative/ robot thread/general

Comfy Thread Edition
These threads have been pretty popular as of late, frequently going to 200+ replies and hanging around for 24 hours or so. I've seen a few recurring characters, but generally a lot of new stuff too. Figured I'd try and put a general together. Open to ideas about information for the OP to pasta.

We are failures, lads. It's in our nature. There is a contingency of robots here who, if they were moots age in 2004, are pushing 30 now. The eternal originalfag walks among us. Jow Forums is clearly skewing younger for obvious reasons, but don't forget: you're here forever. 27+ Generals are evidence of this. It seems as though some of us who are oldbots and haven't an-heroed yet occasionally find more comples ways to cope because we're exhausted greentext as a mode of catharsis. And so, true to our nature, we take to failing at creative enterprises. ITT, we post the shameful artifacts wrought by reaching desperately for our creative goals, however meager.

If we were great musicians, we would be selling albums. If we were great painters, we would be making commissions. If we were great game designers we'd be working for a proper developer. That's not to say Robots can't make brilliant work. It is, however to say, that robots tend to aspire to comfiness, not marketable successes. We aren't the guy on /lit/ whose published 6 horrendous poetry chapbooks. We aren't the fag on /mu/ prattling on and on about >muh contract. We're more like the quiet fren at your local dead end job who is proud of a drawing he did last night but has no one to share it with, or who finally finished a song but has no one to bump it with.

We make things for ourselves, and sharing those things with like-minded people can be a good feel.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>trap/cloud/go st00pid
I don't know I just get really angry and suicidal and start withdrawing from heroin and I record myself

inb4 thread deleted because it isnt tranny/interracial porn related. I'd post some stuff I made if I wasn't so paranoid.

woudln't be surpised if it happened desu, but seriously, share your stuff, you can just post it on a throaway account if you're paranoid


This is my latest videos, It's a shame I only got 17 views at 4K and I don't know how to promote it

It's MMA with me commenting

>If we were great musicians, we would be selling albums. If we were great painters, we would be making commissions. If we were great game designers we'd be working for a proper developer.
Nah, that's just what capitalism wants us to think. I don't believe what is good and what sells are mutually exclusive, but they're definitely not the same either. Think of The Velvet Underground and Nico.

it's just a template, we don't go into politics, let's just share our stuff

>introspection on death and my acceptance of it, but with the added bonus of me being confused

>look at the shroud of confidence I place around myself and how hard it can break down. Sort of

>rhythmic spoken word about "normalcy" and isolation

I'm on the upswing again so I'm trying to make shit that's a bit less depressing. Got a bunch of songs halfway done that I'm just not happy enough to finish yet.


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Sidetracked is fantastic, thank you for sharing your work.

Thanks. I've done spoken word much longer than I've been doing music. Unfortunately, my style for poetry doesn't fit as well rhythmically, so I don't get to employ the structures and schemes I've developed very often. Glad you liked it.


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I like this. Is it actually recorded or was it done virtually?


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Can someone tell me if my writing sucks?

Got a sample we could go over?

Only the drumkit is virtual. I usually try to make it sound as human as possible but this is still just a draft. If these things weren't so loud I'd really want to pick up drumming.

Here's my latest vid, I have yet to gather relevant visuals for my follow-up vid.
The plot is set all it needs is some quality filler to run for 6 minutes.

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Whoops forgot to paste


There's some interesting stuff going on rythm wise. It's as if that was made for being read aloud, there's a musicality to the first stanza.
But man, that is very on point, when you dissect each aspect of our everyday lives what is there
left to enjoy?
I must ask you about your favourite authors and thinkers as well, I'm quite intrigued.

I read the first piece, you definitely use superfluous quite a bit, might want to try and mix up the word with a similar one with the same meaning. As far as the story went there seemed to be a lot of repeating or thoughts in weird order. Like how you mentioned it was a windowless room his bed was in a few sentences later. Good Grammer though (I put it in Grammarly to check) and I could see what you were going for.

Thanks user. I like Burroughs, Lovecraft, Dostoevsky, bukowski, Hemingway. Pretty much anything about isolation, existentialism, depression and surrealism.

Its very much in draft mode I was wondering if the writing style is okay.

Thanks user yea I haven't got on to editing it yet but definitely needs a tidy up. Did you like the style?

I actually did like it, it's very different from the way I write so it's new. I know how it is with first drafts though, I usually have to rewrite/reword lots of stuff when I'm done with a piece. Then I wonder if the old version was better or the new version. Good times. Keep up writing user.

I broke my guitar earlier. I give on everything. I'm gonna make myself bleed to death. Music is pointless. Everything is pointless.

The Universe has liked your comment

I subbed man, I'm an MMA fan so that's my sort of content. It's harder to promote amateur MMA I would think so I don't see you getting a lot of growth real quick. You might have to do more to grow your channel. If you look at the top MMA channels you'll see that they offer something unique. MindSmash, Alpaca Thesaraus, Ramsey Dewey, etc. Maybe you should make videos regarding more popular topics to gain some traction? Especially if they're current events in the community. Chael is always a good person to bank money off of lol. But there is his fight coming up so maybe do some preparation for content for that. Make a highlight video and post it that same night or something.

Can't say I'm familiar with this one, I'll have to check on his works.

I make a lot of movies in my spare time
Being bored all the time made me depressed so i figured i needed a hobby

How long are they on average?

I only started a few years ago in i think junior year when i started making video projects for my classes and i ended up having a lot of fun making them. Im currently working on my first non-education related short film and its gonna be about 20 minutes long give or take

been making music over a year now


>melodic trap

hmu with feedback

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What's your setup?

snowball mic + fruity loops + swag

Recently posted ep

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Thanks dude I was asleep but I'll look into this. So far the only stuff I have is from my own footage

>Rap shit

I don't really know how to categorize my stuff but here's a playlist of some shit I made that I'm proud of.


I like Turth of the truthless. Your music is really interesting. It's poetic and kind of old school, normally not my cup of tea but I like it. Anyways I followed, looking forward to what else you drop.

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Man you guys are shit at keeping these threads alive

What did you break? Chances are it's fixable. Don't give up on music

You are the guy that was discouraged from writing because his friends didn't wanna read his stuff, right? If so I'm glad you kept on going anyway

I like the vibe of this one a lot. Around the 27 second mark it does get a bit swamped though. Plan on adding any vocals?

Thanks man. My biggest influence is definitely just Romanticism Poetry. Leave the listener with a feeling that describes the concept of your song, but give everyone that reads into it a different interpretation. Weird shit, you know?

I really like some of your songs dude. Tryna Shine is really simple, but I love the sound. You have a really good grasp of what's catchy, but still interesting. This has always been my biggest problem. Followed you back.

Something I'm working on right now. Recorded on phone, and converted to mp3 from 3gpp so expect shitty sound quality.
Also, I fucked up more than once on the pacing and the bending, but I suck at guitar anyway, and I get even worse when I try to record something.

You can type that again.

Good shit user. Great style, interesting story, vivid visuals. Keep it up.

Hello party people. I'm Halahan and I make music and never had a gf. I don't know my genre but I'm largely inspired by folk/bluegrass, singer-songwriter, classical, and metal/rock music.

Here's my latest music. At the risk of sounding pretentious, I recommend listening to the songs in order. I imagine that if anywhere, people on this thread have the spare time to listen to it. youtube.com/watch?v=VjyXr_y5TUk


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For the sake of discussion I also have questions for other musicians, or creative people in general:

1. What, to you, is something important for a song to have in order to be "good?" Differentiate between subjective good and objective good.

2. How much can someone's music taste 'actually' tell you about their personality?

3. Why is your favorite song or album or artist or genre your favorite?

4. There is a toyota commercial called "Style Never Goes Out Of Style," it's on youtube. This commercial has always made me uncomfortable because it travels through different time periods and their cultural images, before eventually reaching what is supposed to be modern times. Except, the depiction of modern times looks really bad. I guess, what do you think of that?

5. Are you a regular browser of these threads, or just visiting?

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im making a comedy short film with a friend in January and i need a trap to VA for me

1. For me something's good when it gets my imagination going. When music portrays a feeling or a situation it's good for me. That's subjective though. The whole objectivity thing in music is complicated. I think you can rate someone's skills objectively. Whether's someone's good at their instrument or interesting techniques they use. But that's just 1 aspect of music. As all art it can have many meanings and work differently in various contexts.

2. Not that much, I think. I met a bunch of really smart people who listen to shit music. It's just what you get into when you're young. When you decide to get into movies instead of music it's fine to just go for repetetive music that makes you feel good and want to dance.

3. For me it's The Downward Spiral. Other than the reasons from number 1, I love that this album feels like a 100% finished piece. There's no moment I feel like something's missing. Everything is in the right place and it's just satisfying to listen to.

4. Don't have an opinion on that.

5. I've been on these threads since I first saw them like a couple months ago.

I tried to draw deckard

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berry vaporwavy. What donyou mean by plot?

Why not use a woman?

1. Cop out answer but I don't think there's such a thing as objective good. However, I have my own subjective opinions of music, I'm not very fond of music that is produced without heart or intention behind it.
2. I think it really depends. Some people will say they like something obscure which might indicate that they are posturing to appear hipster-y when they are very uniteresting people. On the flipside, plenty of people might enjoy something you think is bad just because they have different tastes, which doesn't mean they have a bad personality.
3. Kinda hard tbqhwyf I realize its a meme but I listen to a lot of different stuff. Sometimes its country, other times experimental jazz, other times midwest emo, other times its minimal drone. Lately I've been listening to a lot of AMULETS.
4. I didn't like it either but I think that might have been due to the fact that depicting today is difficult because it's still happneing. It's easy to generalize the past into what we remember it being like, our nostalgia and rose tinted glasses, but today, just like back then, a lot of different things are happening, whoch we'll forget about later and it won't look so weird looking back
5. I browse semi-regularly and post rarely

1. I think a song has to have some sort of message. It doesn't need to be overt or deep, but it does need to exist. The message needs to be coherent in some way.

2. I think it can tell you a bit, but not everything. Some days I'm listening to indie rap, and others I'm blasting Foo Fighters all day. Just like other methods of understanding, you would need an aggregate of their music habits over time to really get any use out of it.

3.My favorite anything changes often (my therapist says this is a symptom of my autism. To allow my brain the change it needs, it flips itself every now and then in order to prevent me from changing external factors) but right now my favorite album is Aesop Rock's "The Impossible Kid". Aes has always been an artist I love, but this album is definitely his Magnum Opus. Every song has a message of its own, and the album itself is him working through the problems in his own brain and life. I relate to the music, he has amazingly smart rhymes and patterns, and the messages are astounding at any time-step.

4. The video seems to be focusing on the mood and stereotypes of the eras, and for a depiction of "modern culture" it did an okay job in regards. I don't mind it, but I don't like it either.

5. I was actually here the very first thread back in July if I'm not mistaken. Posted my work, got some feedback, and came back every week. My depression kept me from posting anything most of august, but I still lurked.

Since today is leif erikson day, here's a goofy beat I made


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bump and contribute originalio

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Muchas gracias compadre!
I usually follow a character from point A to point B, this to me, is the main plot.
Then I'd intersect his progression with clips taken from another file or superimpose stuff on top.
For the upcoming vid I've already placed the character progression along the track.
I just need to fill in the blanks.

waddup /creative/ it's your local mental hospital escapee.

based keanu, hope you get off that H tho
based doesn't matter, your recent synthwavey stuff is quite cinematic

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Angelic trips it would seem.

not angelic enough to save the thread though

I have a soundcloud
>Chill Rhythms


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This goes to page one.

apparently not, friendo

>he never added leftopia

Why the fuck do so many people on here make music.

There actually aren't many. It's damn near the same people posting every thread.

I have a YouTube channel where I make dogshit videos

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I lost the motivation to be creative. Now I just listen to music, watch youtube, and eat all day

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shiet nice trips and this is me the past 2 weeks desu

That's the most heartwarming thing I heard today.

Thanks for the compliment. Had some internet trouble but now I'll try to keep this thread alive some more. The best threads on this damn board can't just die

You don't need motivation to do things. Force yourself. If every artist only made shit when they are motivated there'd be no art.

Not a visual artist but the head looks too big, either that or the face is too small. Think away her hair and you'll know what I mean

>1. I wouldn't know about objective good in terms of music because, I never bothered with music theory.
On a subjective level a good song either evokes memories or a specific feeling.

>2. I'd say a lot. People who did me the best impression often were into jazz or classical music.

>3. Because it's melancholic,

>4. I think nostalgia is a common trait shared by robots.

>5. Regular browser, I think my stuff would have higher chance of getting understood than if I were to dump it on /mu/.

it's in my genes to be obscene
mad schemes to make the cream
i'm jealous of my own self
quite blessed i quell the stress
black belt in weapon aggression
killing fags to teach them a lesson
the more i preach, the more you see
because i'm smarter than a magic genie
lol. i just wrote this o.o

There's this weird german point and click adventure about a young woman escaping a mental asylum. Might interest you a bit. Probably one of my favourite games

I got a mug

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This how it works

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1. Something that sticks with you. Be it guitar sound, a bass line, lyrics, or a certain atmosphere or message

2. Not really anything. You can speculate based on it and there are certain tendencies based on musical taste but it's not really solid.

3. Simply put, the atmosphere. It's opressive, depressing and yet energetic. It's music to commit suicide to and yet you could also dance to it.

4. Current year will always be portrayed badly. It's easy to look at the past with rose tinted glasses. Not that I'm saying that the current age doesn't suck shit

5. Been in quite a few of these. At first I just posted vocaroo uploads. Even before that I posted in those shitty ass vocaroo threads that are always made by the same guy

send dem links!

is it in english though?


Here's the link, and yeah it has both german and english voice acting. Can't tell ya how good the english voices are and how well the humour translates though

thx lad, a little turned off by the graphics, I thought it would be darker but at this price I'll give it a go

It's light hearted at first. Won't spoil anything but the tone will change

Only robots are allowed to play this tune

Suprised with how much I liked this one. Normally not much of a fan of oriental music. But this here was pretty relaxing

Everyone's asleep again, eh

Seems like it. That or they all gave into the dark abyss like some gays

Well shit. Guess I'll post a useful link for anyone that might stumble upon this. It's a chord database and much, much more. Can be pretty helpful at times


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>that face
not orignal obv

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Top of the morning to you me old pal.

You need a better mic.

i'm probably too late at this point but here's something i wrote a week ago for my friend


I don't normally like this type of music but I like what you've done here, the long drawn out 7th chords build up the perfect atmosphere to go into the general fast paced rhythm of the song, and compositionally it's constantly changing and doesn't repeat itself too much to become boring.

Here's my song about being a cowboy.

Attached: npc cowboy.png (300x338, 48K)


Heres some music for any metalheads on this board, I make any type of music tho check me out


Yeah i am tired of this ambient experimental shit but here it is

mf is really liking his own tracks

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