Who /lottery/ here? You can't win if you don't play. At this point I'm dropping around ~$70 a week on lotteries...

Who /lottery/ here? You can't win if you don't play. At this point I'm dropping around ~$70 a week on lotteries, because I got a job recently.

Attached: lott.png (818x163, 7K)

you are absolutely retarded my man

Feh I blow $50-$70 on weed every week and don't even get high anymore

Being stupid twice doesn't make you less stupid, it makes you more stupid. If I spend $40 in a week on weed and smoke it all in that week, I can be high literally every waking moment. Cut back on chronic and stop buying lotto tickets you disgusting abomination of idiocy and excess. Buy some stocks or put it in a savings account or donate it to charity so it's safely out of your retarded hands instead.

That reminds me there was a 30% bonus for deposits online today

I looked at the poster count and realized you're a different user.
So you're both retarded

You also don't lose if you don't play, NPC-kun.

Attached: sure buddy.png (464x674, 344K)

my brain is so fried it doesnt release dopamine unless im high

>he literally pays the retard tax
Thanks for supporting social programs lad

I wonder how much of a hole you will dig yourself before realizing you are not special and that like almost every other addict, you will never win the big bucks.

Stop. You'll go back to normal, but you have to stop. I unironically hate people like you because I love weed but you're irresponsible and your irresponsibility gives it a bad name and unfortunately you make anti-weed faggots correct, at least about you. My only solace in the situation is that weed didn't truly make you how you are, you made you how you are. If it wasn't my beloved Coward's Leaf, you'd be abusing other shit. You already are, I'm sure. Example: how much time do you spend on the internet rotting your brain with instant gratification?

I'll repeat it because I'm sure you've forgotten by now. Stop smoking (and everything else bad you do) and you will return to your natural state because that will be your body and brain's only option. What else are you gonna do, die about it? Try to. Lay on the floor for as long as you feel like and dare your heart to stop beating. It won't. It's just a dumb pump, you're just a dumb machine made of flesh and you've been abusing yourself. So stop your vices.

yeah im not gonna do any of that

Then you're retarded just like I originally said. At least shut the fuck up and stop shitting up my board. Why don't you do yourself a favor if you need dopamine so bad user? Try some pain pills. They're great tasting and great for you.

what makes you think this is your board?

Body box me for it u littel bich

>hurr I dont get high anymore
>hurr my brain doesnt dopamines unless I'm high

Face it, you're just a greened out waste of valuable server space

you sure are agressive over petty things

I like to meanpost in the middle of the night

You know all that passion you've drummed out of yourself? I haven't

passion for yelling at people in the middle of the night on an anonymous imageboard?

>Buying into a Jewish trick
Shows how retarded you are.

Not exclusively, but I do enjoy my meanposts, yes. But I guess you've hung in there long enough, how are you /really/ doing user?

Sometimes I larp as a heroin addict to dissuade others from using heroin. I use my autism for good at least.

I spend 20 dollars a month, but your amount is pretty insane. Chances of winning are very small, but 1 ticket a month is enough for me to feel good sometimes thinking about what I'd do if I'd win