How the fuck do you guys get rid of body hair? I shaved my chest for the first time in my life yesterday, now I got so many red bumps on me it's not even funny. How do I prevent this shit in the future?
Body Hair
There's literally nothing wrong with body hair.
why the fuck would you want to look less manly
is there a way to make your butt go bald and your head to stop going bald.
Just trim instead of shaving.
use an electric razor, don't need to clean shave
no such thing as a hairy chad, friendo
norelco body groom
Trim it.
How do I grow MORE hair besides test ?
Epilator for most of the body except pubic region
Magic shave powder for the pubic region
Dorco disposable razors for the face but I'm thinking of trying out safety razors
i had not heard of "magic shave powder" as i am not a nigger, but it seems to be the same as nair/veet, but less convenient
It's marketed toward black men and their facial hair, but it's really an open secret that it's very versatile and can be used on whatever part of the body for anybody. Works better than nair/veet imo and is way cheaper. Search youtube and you'll find a bunch of white chicks explaining how they use it on their junks. It is truly the cooch-hair removal system for the people. No I do not work for magic shave I am just a satisfied customer.
clean where you want to shave first, then shave it in a hot shower to the follicles open up a bit and then shave WITH the goddamn grain, it won't be as clean as going against it but it will have a closer cut than clippers or an electric trimmer
dont they offer special permanent hair-removal options to tranny's so that they stop growing beards? Why wont they give us cool hair removal options for our butts? just becuase we arent trans?
>dont they offer special permanent hair-removal options to tranny's so that they stop growing beards?
Those have been a thing for women(female) forever, before trannies. Unfortunately hirsute women get that shit done and women with PCOS. And yes you can get your ass hair lasered as well, as either a man, woman, or tranny. I can understand why you think like this, because you're on Jow Forums and are exposed to Reiko's tranny spam, but seriously think about this shit user
Hairybro here.
Get a good electric razor/trimmer. Take a shower using a body wash w/scrub and moirsutrize after.
In my opinion, it's better to trim your bodyhair than to shave it, since your hairs begin to show up again after a day or two, which takes away from the "clean" shave look.
Always electric shave
My only problem with my body hair is that it hides definition. Electric shaving does the job for me in that regard. As for women, just embrace it. If ur fit women will not care the slightest. Some even like it.
>tfw she plays with ur chest hair post sex
Rasor and sum glue and you'll be curly haired jew
I don't know what it's like to shave the chest, but I find that there's much less irritation if you moisturize regularly and clean the skin thoroughly before and rinse after. Also, razors with more blades. I shave against the grain regularly for dat smooth feel, but if I do these things it works fine.
i trim it my nigger
Only söyboys don't have body hair. You should see the size of my bush, every woman who I've slept with have complemented it.
Not him but if nair burned my scrotum then i shouldn't use that powder then right
I trim mine because I only have an average peen
do while taking a shower you brainlet, you shampoo
I'm a grower, not a shower. The only problem I have is sometimes the hair gets caught in my foreskin which can pull the hair when I start moving around.
Epilator it's a little painful but you get used to it. It's not time consuming and you dont have to do it often. It doesn't give me razor burn or ingrown hairs either.
>his parents loved him enough not to have him mutilated
>adhering to society's standards
Nair/veet does not go on your balls while magic shave powder can just as long as you don't leave it on for too long. Telling people to nair their balls is a cruel joke. However, if you're apprehensive (as you should be) I would suggest doing just a little test patch about the size of your thumbprint or something and go by the same length of time the package says for one's beard.
It's more that my country isn't completely controlled by the Jews (yet).
Minoxidil apparently as well (not only head, I mean you grow more hair in general all over your body) although I haven't noticed that in my case.