>have a job
>have a gf
>go to uni
>have a degree
>have lost your virginity

you are a NORMALFAG.

>b-b-b-bu sometimes I'm sooo awkward n sad :( i'm such a robot

if you in any capacity can funciton in the real world. you are a normal person.

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This. Gays, trannies, mtf, etc also. Too many normies on here nowadays.

Even wizards stay quiet now, it's sad.

I never said I wasn't, but I am still a NEET so i belong here. R9k is primarily a NEET board

>be a normalfag
>post anyway

I lost my virginity to a succubus that just used me and planned to try and use me to get pregnant so she could use me for child support and get attention like her sister. It was a complete fluke.

>able to construct an opinion and argument
It seems you have a capacity to function in the real world

cant stop me XD

what if i only fucked hookers?

>having the social skills to organise such a thing


You mean if your a actual human?

>>have lost your virginity
Only because I was molested by another male. I don't think I count on this one.

True, I don't suffer on the same scale as you but I still suffer.

>have a job
>have a gf
>go to uni
>have a degree
trade school
>have lost your virginity

>have a job
Tried, no one wants to hire me.
>have a gf
Women find me repulsive regardless how much effort I put in
>go to uni
Yes, but I'm 25, dropped out twice and will probably never learn my lesson that I should have just went to trade school.
>have a degree
See above.
>have lost your virginity
Women never answer me so I gave up, virginity still intact

1/5, I guess I can stay.

Basado y rojopillado, hermano.

yeah we need to take back this board

its full of low quality normalfag opinions

>have a job
I don't
>have a gf
Never had
>go to uni
>have a degree
>have lost your virginity
I didn't even kissed a girl

The thing is i'm not robot and no one should want to be one... sometimes it is fate worse then death.

>have a job
nope, never tried applying
>have a gf
nope, never approached a girl
>go to uni
picked a meme degree just so parents wouldn't bother me for a few years
>have a degree
>have lost your virginity
lmao of course not

>have job
>have sex
>still a robot
try to stop me

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Are MGTOW normalfags now?

Have always been.

>have a job
Never even tried to get one
>have a gf
>go to uni
I have to so that my parents don't kick me out
>have a degree
Not yet
>have lost your virginity
I fugged a girl(male) that I randomly met in a psych ward a year ago. Probably doesn't count since I still haven't touched a real girl

>if you in any capacity can funciton in the real world. you are a normal person.
I'm not a robot and I don't post here often, but I think you got the exact definition of what a robot should be right there in those few words, OP.
I hope you robots will eventually suceed in retaking your own board

Just for that you should hang, let alone not be allowed to browse this board.

Hang me then please, I want to die anyway but too pussy to kill myself

How can I stop you from being a robot when you arent one?

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>have a job
Never had one
>have a gf
Havent talked to girl since ordering mcdinalds 2 yrs ago, I still think of her as a potential gf even though she probavly forgot abiut me by the end of the day
>go to uni
Hs dropout
>have a degree
Hs dropout
>have lost your virginity
I gave up on this one long ago

>>have a job
yes, im a wagenigger
>>have a gf
>>go to uni
>>have a degree
>>have lost your virginity
had to pay for it with a prostitute

i'll stop being a robot when i kiss/fuck a girl and not have to directly pay for it

Ayayayay """"robot"""" BTFO

Feelsfags and wizardchan rejects ruined Jow Forums. It should have become /greentext/. Fuck you moot and your dumb mcdate.

Done none

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Reminder that nobody cares. This board was never the home for shut-in incels.

I go to uni so im safe, praise God amen. Why anyone would go out of their way to identify as a robot or try to monopolize the term is beyond me. Its like all those brain dead liberals on twitter having a dick measuring contest over how 'broken' they are.

I'm expecting a lot of angry replies with that truth.

Unfortunately it's all they have in life -- competing to see who is the bigger fuck up. The problem is in doing so they begin to take pride in being failures. Robots need help, care and understanding.

>if you have a broken leg you dont deserve going to the hospital, there are people that broke TWO legs!
the thread

I wish someone could help me from this misery

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hikikomori with mental issues
happened to stick my dick into a fat pig 6+ years ago
I wish I was a virgin I never fucked a GF or even had a proper one.
>if you in any capacity can funciton in the real world. you are a normal person.

well I assume the fact I literally cannot go outside without sperging, I am not a normalfag?
does my penis entering the hole of a obese pig regrettably, many years ago keep me from the robot club?

>i guess i can stay
Do you really think if you got 5/5 and stayed that OP would roll his disgusting flabby wreck of a body out of his mountain of bodypillows and crumpled tissues he calls a bed and track you down?

I work delivering milk at 5 in the morning because getting NEETbux requires going outside every day to socialise and I dont have the people skills to do that.
My only social interaction is with my depot manager when he gives me shifts and I spend most of my work bote posting in /jp/ in the milkfloat
Can I stay plox gatekeeper-kyun

>dont have skills to go out to ghet NEETbux
>works outside instead
dude, come on

I wish I could help you brobot. I feel like a lot of us would be happier if we just had a couple of people IRL to hang out with, talk with and expose us to new things.

The only things i see at 5 in the morning are foxes and rabbits
Unemployment bennies needs you to go to the unemployment centre every other day in the afternoon and you have to give them a sob story about why you can't get a job and then put up with their shit. I'm not applying for 5 jobs a day and attending at their mock interviews every week to get a couple of coins again

>have a job
>have a gf
>go to uni
>have a degree
>have lost your virginity

Actually I'm probably one of the biggest robots here. I have never even talked to a girl.

what if I only have a job to keep my trap cock sleeve around?

I'm not anything you mention but fuck you if you call yourself a robot in any case. Sadfag step up your game.

NEETs can't be robots Dumbass

then you're just a pathetic schmuck. Sorry.

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I always thought I was a true robot, but I was just fat with an attractive face underneath. If you're a fatbot, drop the weight if you aren't hideous. You may still have a chance.

>t. lost over 150lbs and now normie

damn sure feels good to be a normie

>have a job
nope, im a neet
>have a gf
nope, im a virgin
>go to uni
nope, im a dropout
>have a degree
nope, dropout here
>have lost your virginity
nope, im a virgin

guess i passed

you're a fool if you think the true wizards are shitposting. They consume mana from reoccurring digits on their path on destruction. You have done well to feed your local wizards. Keep up the good work.

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>have lost your virginity
is the only disqualification from being a robot. having a job has nothing to do with how many emotions you have left after being isolated from actual social connections. NEET is not a necessity in robothood, it's just NEETs are more likely to be robots.

>>have a job
>>have a gf
>>go to uni
Yes, but after a year here no one even knows my name
>>have a degree
Not yet
>>have lost your virginity

I had a job a couple months ago, does that still count? I'm looking for one right now since you can't live off of mommy's tendies forever, but everything else doesn't apply to me.

I can't function in the real world, but I'm forced to anyway even though I'm incapable
And my own brother contributes to my bad reputation and calls me the r slur maliciously