are you gentlemanly enough to thank a woman for having sex with you mid-intercourse?
Are you gentlemanly enough to thank a woman for having sex with you mid-intercourse?
>celebrity gossip/drama
NPC spotted.
Ariana is probably already roasting on the side.
If he recanted his liberal ways, he could probably find a trad wife that would appreciate his weird sex habits.
>ugly Jew dating hot Latina
Makes you think. How do all these ugly fat Jews get women?
If only you truly knew...
Always thank the bus driver xD
She said she found out she is greek. She thought she was italian, but it was apparently a meme.
>hot Latina
Shes a Mexican dwarf twiglet. Her music implies shes hotter than she really is
By having a respectable personality?
Only ever thank after ejaculating, no point in giving praise if the sex is not good enough to get my desensitized degenerate nympho ass off
Why the fuck would you ever thank a woman for sex? That's like telling someone "thank you" after they say "I love you"
God is a woman and she deserves worship
>she deserves worship
Why the fuck is she wasting time with a beta jew who used to jerk off to her then?
not mid intercourse but after yes.
>"thank you" after they say "I love you"
i-is this bad. i assumed that's what you were supposed to say not that i ever heard anyone say those words to me before haha
You're supposed to say it back, dumbass.
you are supposed to say i know
it is the alpha response
No I'm not. As a matter of fact I expect a thank you when I'm done.
I'd say it after, not during.
How did such a bluepilled ugly jew get a solid 8.5/10?
he's 6'3. need i say more?
>he doesn't yell "I love you" when he cums
I would be saying thank you like I was accepting an Oscar if I looked like Pete Davidson and got laid. Seriously, what a fucking monstrosity.
This makes me feel like I could pull Ariana Grande.
Seems like Ariana has a thing for ugly dudes, she was with mac miller too