>Chad and I got into a huge fight, user! How about I fuck you to get back at him?
What say you?
>Chad and I got into a huge fight, user! How about I fuck you to get back at him?
What say you?
>how about you buy me free food and i cry about it
No, because I am a man of JUSTICE and GOOD
have some self respect you fucking worthless whore
Of course.
If you want really want to get back at him, you should let me fuck you in the ass too. That'l show him
>implying I could get it up
Here in the park with all these people around? What if they see my penis?
depends if it where a bro chad or a brad
whaddya expect fuckin cuckaroo
(still feet dont fail me now but prolly some i monster next. who is she is waifu song forever)
This is girl is perfect. I would absolutely sleep with her. The only problem is I wouldnt know how to move from this point to having sex. I guess I would invite her back to my place.
>why don't we just talk about it, I mean I doubt revenge helps anyone here, especially because of how shallow that sex would be.
No. Bros before hoes. Any human male is deemed a bro until proven otherwise. Chad is a bro.
Bro-chads are pretty rare though
Chad would do it to you user.
so you are just going to chug that entire pineapple huh?
>be me
>dick literally doesn't work with someone new
>can't have one night stands
i could have been chad. why does god hate me?
You don't wanna do that, Stacy. I'm damaged goods
She had to pound a huge Mai Tai to make fucking a robot palatable.
I love I monster
You know as well as I that wont resolve anything. You should go back and talk with him calmly about the situation with an intent to apologize for being so brash, i'm sure you can both resolve it and then you'll both act like nothing serious happened between you.
This happens literally all the time and it makes me sick. I fucked some girl every day for a week until she ghosted me and 4 days later she makes this big post on Twitter and Instagram about her and her bfs 1 year anniversary. No fucking shame
Thotimus Prime! Why throw away your life so recklessly?
Fucking losers. Yall have no confidence
Id fuck her right then and there in the field. Id take a video of it and send it to Chad.
Chad would no doubt be impressed by my dominant nature and he would bare his boipussy for me. Id fuck that boiclit until it was sipping wet and Id have OP pic related swallow the remainder
I hope you like anal sex
Yeah sure I could do that
Let's go
>bros before hoes
Fuck that, pussy is harder to come by, i'm going in.
I'd strangle her or break her neck and hope no one was looking.
>she tells Chad
>Chad beats the shit out of me
I think I'll pass
>inb4 not being 120kg 200cm professional kickboxer and letting Chad beat you
Look, you're hot and all, but I find vaginas revolting. How about we make out a bit, you blow me and I cum on your tits?
voila le vierge, messieurs
You dont know that, and that doesnt make it any better.
You deserve to be alone my friends. But dont worry, you are not bros anyways, so its fair game.Its also fair game to kick the fuck outta you for enabling the roastie
No lie this girl is hot as fuck.
Long blonde hair, blue eyes, nice hips, sexy legs, and big titties...
*sigh* only in my dreams.
omg laughed way too hard at this
girls are never that honest about it, she'd just tell you chad and her are through and then seduce you to get back at him.
Holy FUCK am I glad I turned my life around so I won't be like you fucking failures. Getting some pussy tonight, most of you can't. Enjoy your 30 year old loser lives, faggots! :)
nah, not with those eyebrows
I have a better idea, Stacey
>use your makeup and style skills to make me look like a thot
>tell me everything chad is into
>i seduce him
>secretly film him fucking me with my little cock visible in the video
>spread it online with his full name and all social media accounts
>off to rent me out to other women who want similar revenge
You could make so much money this way
Id tell her to begone
Instead of fucking you how about you fuck off
>call Chad as soon as she's gone and tell him what she said
>grab popcorn, watch round 2 unfold