
be good to mummy, she deserves it, edition

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dub be goo to mum

so is user gonna be getting some pussy off his mum tonight?

mummy's aren't for lewding
you rudeypoo

its the only way to end a date with mummy tho

Got the best seats in the house
I'm a good boy for always booking cinema online

you shake her hand and say that was fun

>you shake her hand
its not a fucking business deal get in there


state of this country when it comes to handing out sentences. I am reading an academic book for uni and some nonce only got two years for sexually abusing a 13 yr old girl

I think ur cute desu

what are u fucking gay lol

Had a foot long rotisserie chicken subway before cinema
Feeling a bit full
Snuck a Pepsi. Max ginger into cinema tho

Fully grown bald man on the train has dinosaur socks on.
I appreciate him.


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it's not a sex thing either.
you pervert

Hit me with your best nonce hunting videos

Yes but in the opposite direction

U know what this would make a great thread on /b/
Off u pop

The sad thing is this pic is pretty spot on why was I born like this

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If I put a plate with food in the oven to heat up for 10 minutes, the plate won't crack, right?

so ur gay for pussy

Anything to protect the ruling class

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roadmen dont listen to 2pac laddy

might plan a date with my mum
need to get my dick wet

What's it made of batty boi

Probably not good to heat it for that long. What takes 10 mins?

How long should you go between talking to people?

>Want to buy a MASKA-1sch helmet off eBay
>All in US dollars and expensive as shit (Like 100-200 quid)
Should I just wait until Christmas or take the risk and post my eBay Wishlist in a Secret Santa thread in December?

Put it in the oven its real hot in there

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>can't shake these ftm hips
>it's the only giveaway

phwoar that first sip of beer of the day

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If you care about one another doesn't matter if not prob 2 months

just seen 2 blokes sat on a bench together haha benders

Time stamp or gtfo whore

It's titlad, how new are you?

>tfw would give anything to fuck a qt black girl up the arse

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>literally your first thread
lurk more

goes into cold oven

Is the modern Maska-1sch helmet better or is the old one better?

What are you doing with your life then

who cares its a piece of milsurp

Moar Now plez

And sisters, mine's making me tea, but I've just got up so not hungry, but she said just take it home.
I didn't even think of that/10

fuck all lad other than looking for work

sniffed my sisters tights and touched my willy

I sniffed my mums knickers once lad

Here we go again ppl like you are the reason we have BLACKED

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Not any more of that her specifically but gimmie a number between 1 and 194 and I'll post a qt black gf

I wonder if that guy passed out from the braps

What never you can never have to many BRAPS

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Oh right, anything in particular?

What in this thread doesn't belong on /b/?


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here you go, should've said that not all of them are nudes or sexual, just hot black chicks I've saved from r9k and other boards

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Why is our perception of black ppl different from our Yankee brethren

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anyone got any tips for removing cum stains from a new sofa cushion

>there are people who ship amberprice over pricefield

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nothing particular just shit jobs

How is this allowed on YouTube, lads?

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>Oh no mummy is gonna find the cum catcher
Your so fucking dead user

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my mum has seen me jizz

its my fucking sofa so she can fuck off

borderlands 2, football manager 18, ASMR and kpop

Day well fucking spent, fuck a girlfriend, she'd take away form my me time.

>user watch love island with me
>lets go on a double date with my boring corporate normie friend and her boring corporate normie bf

Fuck off non-existant strictly hypothetical girlfriend yo shiiiet

my birthday is the 15th of the 4th, post 154

Pretty sure my mum found a BDSM doujin I have.

Yeah so I'm gay but in the opposite direction.

Pretty sure my mum caught me fapping to a 3D hentai game

Hot, fresh and steaming 154 straight off the grill, lad

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Cmon lad, it's not a voluntary thing

Salty water but before you do that spray some deodorant or some shit cold or really smelly it works

Post all the nudes user NOW

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ramen for tea tonight lads

yeah but i also put 0 effort into getting a gf and days like these are when I'm reassured im doing the right thing

i got caught in the middle of cumming while watching babestation

ffs I got cum stains on my church trousers

Just nibbling one a frozen brick of cum lads

That's shit iam avin pizza with spicy cheese in the crust in a min

locked in the shed lads.. stupid bloody brother locked it while i was inside, gonna be stuck here all night at this point.

beg for it you little white bitch, you want black goddesses? you better grovel for them!

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Call 101 then you mong

Save your battery user

or the house phone you bel

No bener plz

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dominos or papa johns lads? the street right by my house has both and I'm torn

just kick the door open lad, it's only a shed not a bloody bank vault

Oh hohoho
What a brotherly jape

Is this a black women thread?

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why does this drive me wild? i really dont get it


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papa johns lad, better deals and shit

called my mum a nonce the other day

Dominos has better taste
But papa is a a racist so go papa

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Just locked my brother in the shed lads
Kek he's gonna be there all night.

Papa Johns
t. happy shareholder

at this point I don't even care. if they look like a girl from the waist up I don't mind what they have in their pants

i cum in my pants, throw them under my bed. My mum cleans my room and picks up a pile of my crusty cummy pants on a weekly basis. It's been like this for like 8 years now. When i do a nofap streak of like 8 days, and theres a week where she doesnt have to clean a pile of cummy boxers I like to think that she is proud and impressed by my streak. We of course have never spoken about it so I guess she doesnt mind. Gives her something to do I guess instead of sitting watching the tv all day

Uhh we get it user

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I'm living the dream (literally)

>at my new workplace I've established that I'm an Iron Maiden/metal fan
>no one else there likes metal and so they all think it's really unique and I'm interesting
>I listed bands I like, another guy later just assumed Iron Maiden were my favourite band (just like the quirky guy)
>I've also gotten several laughs - people laughing at me, such as when I fistbumped a guy he remarked how I didn't tense up
>also I overeactied to getting a quiz question wrong (threw my notebook on the floor and shouted "fuck"
>the training person said "likes Iron Maiden and attacks notebooks, not so mr innocent afterall" - if they only knew

there was another crack about my gender - they think it's insulting

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That looks like the most boring sex ever.

That best be a comfy local arthouse cinema