Reasons that stop you from having a gf

I have a sunken chest

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I have a sunken soul

I haven't genuinely liked someone in years. Most girlfriends are people you tolerate for sex, not someone you want to spend time with. Porn is easier.

Short and black

Girls do not want me. That is what's stopping me.

not even memeing, i want to be confident and charismatic but I physically cannot, its like a twitch.

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Working too much trying to get my career.
I'll be stuck driving trucks for months before I get a shot at being a full fledged driver. Then I can just ignore women all the time while racking in the dough.

I always end up scaring them away
doesn't feel very nice frend

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I'd like to blame it all on being ginger, but every other ginger guy I know are total Chads... So that's not it.

Short and ugly face

I make no active effort in order to get one

Because I am killing myself and I have better things to focus on until then

>dumb voice
>dumb brain
>my looks get rated 4/10

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Is it stopping you due to insecurities or are you just unable to attract a girl because of it?

over 25 and don't have a job.

I'm a hapa, and I'm skelly

I live at home in my parents house.

>filipino american
>always depressed
>shaggy hair
>small dick
>no car
>extremely boring person

yeah i think thats all of em

Be my Filipino friend and introduce me to your cousins please

i have a sunken chest it doesn't prevent anything faggot. Heck even my bald uncle has a sunken chest and he has a hot gf

im usually too autistic to talk to a girl. every time i do i come off as creepy. i don't have a social circle to introduce me to girls to bypass that creepy awkward phase.

i dont even talk to my family. theyre all a bunch of stuck up pricks. if you are interested to talk hmu on discord


Excuses you're making up because you have fixable flaws you're too scared to fix, and it's easier to blame it on something that's 'not your fault':

Potentially legit excuses, but there are ways around them:

Mix of the two:

ooh nice. rate me too, bro:

You cannot fix being scary to women.
>If you try to be nice you come off as creepy
>If you bee yourself they tell you you're scary (actually happened few times)
>If you remain neutral you're weird and potentially hiding something

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I'm not a nice person and I can explain why and how I fuck everything up... give me 30+ minutes and I'll post I have something else to do right now

Phone posting wagie

how am supposed to fix an unattractive face, height and voice?! and im dumb as fuck, tell me how to fix that

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My autism. I'm so clueless on human relationships that I don't even try anymore. I'm not ugly or anything, I'm even tall. Somehow I still fuck it all up

>I'm not ugly
The only reason you're single is because you're ugly. Women don't care that you're autistic if you're good looking.

I have good morals and a spine

>I have a sunken chest

Arrr, too true, too true

How much did ye lose?

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Do we really need to cherry pick pathetic looking guys with gfs? It happens all the time.

these people have something to make it up. like intelligence or money
i dont have any of these

my ex bf had and i drank sangria out of his chest valley once

it was nice

had that chest thing*


I used to be interested in relationships, but I grew out of it.

I am just shy. How do I overcome this? Do I just have to get it over with like ripping off a band-aid?

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No,you have autism and no girls want to be around that disaster.

too lazy and nervous to pursue girls

> girls don't like me cuz muh sunken chest

My brother's got a deformed sternum, and my dad's friend has no thumbs and one arm half the length of the other. Both get ladies. You're fine.

A lot. The hardest part is when I'm in a relationship the girl wants to see me shirtless and she's keeps insisting. I brake up with her.

>I have a hunchback (kyphosis)
>objectively ugly face
>skinny arms and doughy body
>no jawline. Fat neck.
>peeled lips.
>ratty curly hair
>bad personality traits for attracting women (INFP anxiety and depressive tendencies plus autism)
>too nice and beta
>eyes always look tired. Blind in one eye (kyphosis)