Did I just get friendzoned...

Did I just get friendzoned? She messaged me first and I barely even wrote a bio so I assumed she swiped right on my looks alone but why would she tell me about this guy she found attractive?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is this the new version of 'this girl won't leave me alone but she's actually hitting on me and I'm not noticing lol I'm such a sperg haha' pasta that used to go around?

She confirmed its not me

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why would you call a girl dude if you weren't asking to be friendzoned?

and nothing of value was lost (for you)

Is that a tranny pretending LOLZ IM SUCH A GIRL user XDDD

>acknowledging that shit she said without ripping it to shreds, mocking her, insulting her

holy spinelessness.


wtf, it's like she's screening you for cuck-ness and you're saying YEAH, YOU GOT ME, I'M A KEK. mind-boggling.

I didnt know that pronouns could imply that. I say dude a lot and I just wanted to seem casual

Holy shit what an asshole LOL
Rubbing her preferences right at your face and then rejecting you.

don't try to "seem" like anything. just stop giving a fuck. this bitch probably has the brain of a goldfish, watching netflix and posting instagram selfies carefully analyzed and approved by her automated roastie algorithms. stop acting like she's a human being and start viewing her as a fuckdoll.

This is fucking CRINGE to the max. Why would she say this at all? Maybe she gets 0 matches so as soon as she gets one she goes max autism.

Also, post pics of her, can't see shit.

Jesus fucking crist, im laughing at this. Holy hell its the first time i saw someone coming with that.

yikes indeed user. why are you still trying to go for her just call her a roastie and block her.


you do not want to end up with this kind of bitch on tinder

I swear to god if you do not instadrop this subhuman bag of roast beef after this conversation I will personally castrate you

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she's a woman and not visibly deformed or overweight in her pic, she gets more than half of all men as matches automatically. she's either autistic (in the non-meme way) or just pushing the envelop, seeing how disrespectful she can be to desperate men online before they call her out.

Forgot to mention that. She didnt reject me but yeah, i dont think girls usually bring up other tinder matches like that

Weve been talking for 3 days. Because she said she just saw that guy I assumed she wasnt talking about me

But we have a lot in common and I really wanted this one to go well

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>But we have a lot in common and I really wanted this one to go well
then start treating her like shit. stop thinking like a cuck and start thinking like a man

just unmatch her with no explanation.

you called her 'dude' like only a retard would, she immediately read it as a lack of sexual interest, and got so petty about it that she made up two paragraphs of bullshit about how she saw some hot surfer guy to friendzone you right back.

even if you do end up fucking her, i guarantee she'll be a psycho

Literally an emotional tampon. Lmao OP.

holy christ - "sure man" - you are literally implying you see her only as a potential friend

how you are oblivious to this is beyond me

This is the most logical explanation

Fucking drop her you supercuck betamale
She doesn't deserve you, just post her pics here

>just post her pics


No wonder she's talking about how much of a slut she is because you sound like the cringy autismal beta emotional tampon to soak it all up ready for gook-chad's entry

>calling a bitch dude
>not letting her know right away that you'd fuck her given the chance
You speak to her like you're talking to a man. The way you asked her on a date comes off like you're asking your buddy to hang out. Sounds like you friendzoned her.

Is there any possible way to fix this? Weve been talking for 3 days and other than this, weve had no issues whatsoever. We have a lot of common interests and we even share the same personality type and I dont think Id ever meet another girl who is so fun to talk to . I know Im a cuck but I just really want this to go well.

>Inb4 OP is going for the confusion ending
>He is setting her up with his "twin brother"
>Then enters as she and his twin are fucking and starts fucking his twin
The absolute madman

Nah man you're fucked for good


First you called her dude, then man, there's no way this was a mistake. Just try not doing that anymore and if she says anything about this dude then ignore it and change the subject or continue with what you were trying to say before she interrupted you.

women don't want a guy thats "fun to talk to," they want a guy who will fuck them and dominate them. you blew it

Bro she was testing you to see how you reacted
You failed

Despite how harsh they are, Im still thankful for the inputs guys. I cant talk to my friends about this because its kinda embarrassing but anyway

This convo happened 2 days ago. Was she implying she wanted to fuck?

Okay so you fucked up romantically, but you could still hang out with her as a friend. If she gets flirty then flirt back but otherwise dont cross that line.

Oops forgot the pic orginallyy

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>Was she implying she wanted to fuck?

She was just fucking with you, as in "I don't really want to date you" kind of fucking with you

You are actually the most retarded and autistic fuck I've ever met holy fucking shit.

Bruh, you HAVE to lay into that bitch. Women are the way they are because modern men won't put them in their place. You won't get her, but help set these broads straight. TELL HER WHY SHE'S AWFUL

Holy fuck does nobody see the absolute bait this thread is?

No robot is this autistic. This is satire.
>no pics of girl
> easily faked messages
> obvious bait pronouns 'dude yikes man'

OP knows what he's doing, baiting you fuckers. Good job OP.

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Oh wow I changed my mind

What did you do OP haha oh my god why OP? You had the chance

>i want beer and sex
this woman is garbage

>watch Control (2007)

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Confirmed bait thread. He's legit laying all the triggers out as obviously as possible.

Hurr hurr how did you not notice sex part op!!!?!?

You all are the cucks she is looking for. She's just testing if OP is a total beta faggot and it appears he is.

>rice steamer


t. r/asian masculinity

>Excusing a woman's trashy behavior as "looking for a mate"
>unironically calling other anons a betamale


honestly op you could probably still fuck her.
who knows you could probs date her ngl, but she'll be the type to get very petty when she perceives any kind of slight against her

>no robot is this autistic

actually, you should go for it. be a bit more confident with her and try and make something happen. it'll be a rollercoaster but might end up being worth it in the end

>Calling trying to find a good romantic partner that isn't a complete beta and will be a dominant male trashy behavior
literallly incel-tier shit right there

Your response

>thats gonna be a yikes for me

Then leave that bitch, literal physcopath behavior. I would know because I am one

kek nice thread

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I swear im not baiting nor am I from asianmasculinity. I didnt want to post this because I know its a huge red flag but this is part of a lengthy discussion we had on feminism

I know shes a feminist but aside from that we have so much in common and the other girls im matched with are all just stacies with boring interests. I know its dumb but Im hanging on the hope that I can fix it until we meet

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yikes dude you better not pursue this

OP let r9k take the wheel. Come on. Make this fun.

Ask her if the asian was kissed by the rising sun. Let her answer then say 'yeah japan was pretty brutal to them in ww2'

Seriously WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU INTERESTED IN HER? Every fucking image is a red flag, do you just enjoy women dominating you? Is this whole thread a fetish or something? Do you get off of being a cuckold?

Both of you should kys. Not even being ironic.

Tell her she doesn't have enough privilege points to talk about white privilege. Best you can do right now is brown privilege, and if she feels like haggling, black privilege tacked on for free.

It will go well as long as you're looking for friendship.

You just follow along as she chops and changes dates and times. You are too available. Get on your purpose
Hope this helps cuck youtu.be/WAXdJpJwYzA

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shes baiting. asian men are literal bottom barrel with indian bros.

>Radical.. ideas... are more controversial... because white activists... came up with it...
What did she mean by this

>I want beer and sex
>does nothing
Its good that you set a date though keep it cool stop texting so much you gon talk yourself out of the pussy

Are you going to post her pics or not. You could have got nudes by now after that beer and sex thing

i haven't seen anything this bad in a WHILE - you quadruple text a girl you don't even know the last name of - you're still fucking trying to game with this fat bitch while using the tindr message function, do you even have her snapchat or number yet? absolutely foolish; you type like some sort of bot, or a woman, or a literal fag

>are you free this weekend?

seriously? have some god damn respect for yourself, jesus christ. there's no life in your words, no drive or personality, "lets decide the time at a later date", this isn't mount and blade you tight ass - she straight up mentioned "i want beer and sex" and then you respond with "yeah lol controversial topics tend to be very energy draining"? what does that even mean? and you're just super hung up and needy and obviously anxious about pointless shit like a movie recommendation? you just seem annoying as shit, and judging by your bug language denoting the date in you're some sort of native asian trying to get with a western, chunky, white thot, who are NOTORIOUSLY shit women

if a chick on a dating app literally starts pining to you over some dude she didn't match with, she either thinks you're gay, has zero friends and is a venomous loser herself, or you've already put it into her head that you're not interested - i'm guessing it's a bit of all categories

my advice? unmatch, try again with a little more vigor next time, you door mat

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>calling her dude
>acknowledging the other guy

you dun goofed
abandon ship
seriously OP, you did fuck up, but you also dodged a bullet with this feminist rice bitch.

This is hard to read, oh shit nigger what in the fuck are you doing. I'm not even a feminigger and I'm put off by your betaness and autism. Hopefully you'll learn your lesson.

>ok, are free sunday?

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Fuck You you lameass bitch, at least I get matches

>Yikes that's unfortunatr

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As somebody who has ghosted more Tinder girls than some people have had matches, let me give you some friendlier advice than you appear to be getting, in a systemic criticism of what I'm seeing so you can get better results next time.

1. Do not have political conversations with somebody you haven't even met in person on Tinder.
2. Do not continue a conversation longer than several texts on Tinder.
3. Do not discuss ANYTHING serious or controversial at all with a chick until a few dates in unless unavoidable.

Conversely, do not waste time with a girl like this one who starts immediately raking shit up to people she doesn't know about feminism, politics, or "radical" ideas. Do not waste time with a girl who refuses to move conversations past Tinder with a snapchat or a number. Do not waste time with a girl who constantly has a stick up her ass, has something to prove, or is in a constant state of self-perceived oppression, injustice, or scrutiny - these are not only signs of immaturity and toxicity, but often some deep rooted onset of mental illness or past trauma. In short, I would put money down that this girl is broken.

I think the advice you need most however is that the context of Tinder for men and women are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. Woman benefit from the natural system of being the one that is pursued, men however are the pursuers; for a man to use Tinder, the implication could be as little that he simply doesn't have a viable dating pool, or that he wants a cheap one-night stand, however, for women? Women do not have to necessarily jump through all the hoops men do, as they are usually the prize at the end of said hoops, and our society has done much to cement this idea, especially recently. For a woman to use Tinder, more often than not, there is some underlying reason - for me personally it's obvious to see - many women on Tinder are fat, or ugly, or have some significant deficit of character/personality.


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goddamn this bitch is autistic as hell

It's not fair to say the ENTIRETY of the female demographic on Tinder is composed of these broken women, but it most likely is a majority - it would be factually and intellectually dishonest to disagree with the notion that, for a decent looking girl, her chances of getting a date or a long/short term romantic partner are far enough above the male average to not even have to worry about Tinder. Therefore, if a woman is on Tinder, the chances of her having some physical or mental fault that has so far stopped her from finding a boyfriend just in her immediate environment are pretty moderate.

What am I trying to get you to understand from all this? Tinder is bottom of the barrel, baby. You're gonna run into some of the pettiest, most awkward, ruthless, unfeeling - frankly insane - cunts in your area. Keep that mindset. Don't forget it. Get interested in a girl if you really like her. Show her your interest in her. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CUT A GIRL OFF. Never accept a girl that is essentially openly shit talking you and speaking to you about how hot somebody else is.

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You did fine bro. Everyone in this thread is a faggot, that's why theyre acting like you messed up.

You got a day + a time. If she flakes out never talk to her again.

That's the only relevant thing. Agree to a place to meet or pick her up. That's the last thing you need to do to seal the deal.

Posting a literal wall of text about how some guy is lame yada yada. Im not reading that.

>because you are a fat ugly virgin

Am I caught in a time war or some shit? I have seen the EXACT text and thread opener before. Especially that blessed and lord take the wheel and calling him a stud, just not the following pics tho. I thought this was an old pasta? Have seriously none of you seen this before?

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What a load of BS
None of this makes any sense

Anytime a guy posts a wall of text on r9k female related it only teaches you 1 thing.

He doesnt know anything about girls

t. roastie that uses tinder

I'm sorry that you have terminal brainletism, but my post isn't for you, it's for our clearly helpless OP.

Ok maybe you guys are right. I guess Ill just give up on her. Im just incredibly sad right now because this was my 4th attempt at online dating and my first match which I had really high hopes for. Ive lived in korea for years now after moving back from abroad and Ive constantly tried to get a gf but its really been difficult since Im even more of a bumbling autist when Im talking to korean girls due to my severe lack of fluency in korean. I just thought Id have more luck if I tried girls who spoke english.

Anyway its not really relevant. Im only mentioning this because its partly a foremention before I post more screencaps revealing where Im from and partly me just venting it out because I really tried this time you know?

Anyway I still appreiciate the comments despite how harsh some of them were so I want to make it up to you guys and have some fun. Ill post some screencaps of the profile of my other matches and maybe you guys can help me pick one out

This is one of many

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Agreed. Have some gold kind stranger

Not a roastie nor am I a brainlet (140 IQ)
I just know everything that he wrote is utter shit and contaminated by the 3 shallow whores he happened to be ghosted by on le epic flame app

Seriously dont project your shitty life onto everything and then act like you figured everything out ya dumb dingus

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Can you just put a trip on so I can filter you? Your post quality is already in that abysmal range.

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Shittest don't even acknowledge it

>140 IQ

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Number 2, shes an american

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Give r9k the wheel in a new thread. If we roll dubs you need to write what we say in the post.

She seems cute but
>heavy makeup

Number 3, shes a korean russian who likes tattoos. I hope you guys can understand why I cant post their bios.

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>Your post quality is already in that abysmal range
He said, while crudely shitposting with low effort. Thanks for the (you) loser :>)

Triggered by my intellect, eh?

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Jesus christ the makeup and filter/photoshop is strong.

Protip: NEVER let a conversation on tinder go longer than 5-6 messages before moving it to another program such as Snapchat/phone text. It gives the interaction a sense of permanence and if you try and keep it solely on tinder she'll simply ghost you pretty quick.

> 4th attempt at online dating and my first match which I had really high hopes for.
>Ive constantly tried to get a gf but its really been difficult
>since Im even more of a bumbling autist

Here's your 3 main problems right here, perfectly and unknowingly laid out.

1. You're either lying to yourself about having high hopes, or you're not actually that attracted/interested in that girl - because from what we've seen you put barely any emotion into the conversation and make little real attempt to make any actual ground.

On top of this, your "4th attempt", your "first match". Stop scaling yourself, stop placing this race to get a girlfriend so high on a pedestal. You're clearly desperate and that comes through and causes you anxiety, which in turn just makes the entire prospect of what you're doing that much harder.

2. Once again, you're not only setting this goal on some metaphorical mountain top you feel you HAVE to attain, but you've projected these preconceived difficulties and excuses onto doing it. Stop trying so hard and idealizing this magic shift in reality that will occur when you finally get a girlfriend.

3. Stop calling yourself an autist. Stop setting yourself in some preconceived boundary. Stop limiting yourself based on past failures. Stop excusing failure because you believe something is out of your control or out of your ability to learn or change.

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Number 4, shes a stylist.

Im not going to do that. Korea is a very small country with a strict punishment for sexual offenders. I could get in serious trouble if I said anything reprehensible

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if he isn't desperate he's retarded

Number 5 shes from hong kong, likes hip hop, and is bisexual

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>Im not going to do that. Korea is a very small country with a strict punishment for sexual offenders. I could get in serious trouble if I said anything reprehensible

Jow Forums is surprisingly good at chatting up girls on Tinder. I have let Jow Forums do an entire convo for me before and got a number and moved it to whatsapp .Then I fucked it up talking without r9k to tell me what to say lol