What's the biggest meme you fell for on Jow Forums?

What's the biggest meme you fell for on Jow Forums?

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8-12 reps for size.

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Squats and deadlifts

Lifting culture.

Lifting is all well and good and makes you look buff and stronger and it's great, but do not speak of it to other people. I think there is no more autistic hobby or conversation then one which is about lifting.

Seriously. Keep it a secret. Find literally anything else to talk about.


W-wait how many reps are you supposed to do for size?

I don’t get it

>The big 5 are everything you need for abs and big arms

That burpees are the worst thing ever. I was so convinced they'd be torture I never did them until today because that dumbass lifting manga had a chapter about them so I tried them today. Wtf! They're efficient, an amazing warmup, and they are fun too. I like jumping. I

Studies show 5-8

Lyle MacDonald has an article about this

>fucking twinks

3 for max strenght, 5 for max brap, after 5 it's basically Zyzz cancer


How many "Hide Your Power Levels" threads do we need to have before Jow Forums realizes they need to stay quiet about their autistic hobbies when around NPCs?

squats and deadlifts

How is fasting a meme?



Natty lifting


Neck pill. Am not a paraplegic. Thanks Jow Forums


That it gets better

>yeah bro just do heavy squats and deadlifts haha that will make you buff bro
>who gives a shit about a compressed spine bro
>strength training is the only thing you need for size brah
>squats and deadlifts brah
don't fall for the strength meme

Don’t know man, for lateral raises I see growth on 14 reps.

Fasting is legit if your goal is to drop bf% without losing muscle. I've been doing it 1-2x per week for a few months. My muscle mass gains slightly slowed down but I look a hell of a lot better.

It isn’t. He mad he can’t do it

Could you guys tell me how you should fast for fat loss?

How many times per week and for how long?

Not doing cardio.

Yeah, sure, it's the other people who are NPCs.
Not the people with a secret hobby where they repeat the same motions for hours in exchange for moderate gains in strength and size.

I say this as a lifting NPC.

Work your way up with intermittent fasting. Fast for x amount of hours a day and have a eating window to get all your food in. When you can do 20 hours of fasting and can get all your food in 4 hours then try for longer.

I found the most success with fasting for 36 hours, fasted weight training then using the next four hours to eat and fast again for 36 hours.

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You're not as smart as you think you are, mate


Mirin that shoulder to hip ratio bra
>tfw forever in fridgemode

Aka getting fat

twinks detected

Get some focus on chest and you'll be perfectly built, also don't listen to me because you're bigger than I am.

god i just want a sense of belonging to something

This is a painful red pill desu

I really don't think I'm smart at all. I'm stupid to the point that it actually causes me physical pain on a regular basis. I make awful decisions and can't think straight. Thanks though.

Thanks for the advice. It’s something I’m working on actually, that and trying fix imbalances.

I wouldn't recommend every day. Maybe 2-4x per week to get the most bang for your buck. Up to you though. I'm not super strict on the feeding window. Sometimes it's 8 hours. Sometimes it's two. As long as you're just doing it, you'll get results. Also recommend doing HIIT and lifting while you're in your fast NOT after your break it. For food I don't do keto but generally just low carb/sugar and no processed shit. Mostly bone broth, kimchi and other fermented veggies, elk and fish I caught myself, eggs, and some light supplementing with whey isolate and creatine

Height, lifts?

I fell for the deadlifts meme
Also fell for the strength meme, spent too long chasing numbers

>being so insecure you can't talk about your hobbies, and demonising other people as too stupid to understand

Top kek.

SS being a meme.

thinking strength wasn't LITERALLY 100% about leverages and that anyone could get strong.

there are fucking 18yo 80kg twinks deadlifting 300kg+ after a year and a half training. I'm done, I'm fucking done, I'm gonna stick to some faggy bodybuilding routine, doing some light supersets or something.

what's the point of living when there are belkins and haacks among us? how is this life fair?

Your mentality is revolting. You're not gonna make it and don't deserve to.

SL, it didn't take me long to realize numbers mean nothing.

Just like taking advice from Rippetoe or Blaha. Look at MacDonald. I'm not taking advice from that DYEL who can't hand criticism.

Studies also show full body 3x a week is optimal. We all know that's a meme.

Heterosexuality in general tbqhfam

This only goes for women though. Talking about exercise with other guys interested in lifting/exercise is fine

Eating another dude's ass is gay

False, it's high test


intermittent fasting
brown rice being better than white rice
carbs make you fat
nuts don't make you fat
cruciferous vegetables being healthy

I think vegetables in general are a meme. I’ve barely eaten 3 heads of broccoli all year and I’m still alive. Blood pressure is fine too.

This. Your size is determined by your genetics and how often you eat and sleep.

Take two individuals who train in the 8-12 rep range with the exact training, sleep and eating pattern from day one.
One will look like a bodybuilder the other like a DYEL.

Similar case for me and a friend of mine. He's way stronger than me, squats with 4 pl8s for 8 reps and benches 3 pl8s for 5, I squat 3 pl8s for 6 reps and bench 275 for 1.
He looks like he never went to a gym in his entire life, I look stronger than I'm actually are.

most people won't make it. lifting for strength on a lift where you're not in the top 0.01% only leads to disappointment and suffering.

People can suffer from deficiencies and that results in bad progress

How can I get massive shoulders like that plz

Burpees are better than jumping lunges,
Those things are cunts

He is right. If you are not trolling you have extremely weak way of thinking.

train dude
being a weak faggot is the requirement to post here

Preach. Guys who talk about lifting are the basic bitches of men.

Also, fuck anyone who wears a "bacon & barbells" shirt. Pic related.

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I want that hair style

This is both a meme and a real thing though.

Most people don't train hard enough to overtrain. I life five days a week and run three days a week for months on end with no issue.

That being said, taking a few consecutive days off from the gym a couple times a year is valuable, if as a mental exercise than anything else.


How much estrogen have you guzzled down? You write like a girl

Is this natty?

But let bacon nom nom XD?
Gotta have BACON on everything:D

All of them.
>be scrawny underageb& ponyfag weeaboo on Jow Forums
>discover Jow Forums
>I just shitpost at first but the memes start to get to me and eat at my self-esteem
>Do I ever lift? No, I don't. My stats are terrible. My pics looks like shit. I need to make gains. I'm the size of a middle-school girl, barely 100 pounds. People assume I'm a virgin. I need to get swole.
>impulsively buy a metric fuckton of brotein powder, tons of eggs and OATZ, a gym membership, gallons of milk, and tons of creatine and mass-gaining supplements, blow almost a thousand dollars
>start consuming all of this almost religiously even though I don't even lift yet
>start doing GOMAD and drinking raw eggs in orange juice and brotein shakes
>download hundreds of pictures of Ripptits, Scooby, JoJo, DBZ, and various goal bodies, plus Jow Forums memes and infographics, and spend all my free time looking at them
>begin lifting with free weights, literally start with my grandma's dumbbells because I'm tiny and can barely lift 10 pounds
>then 12, then 15, then 20, then 25, then 30, then 35, then 40...
>a few months in and I weigh an extra 5 pounds now for a total of 105 pounds, plus I can move 65-pound dumbbells with difficulty now
>I've still got laughable stats and I'm still the size of a fucking child, but my girlfriend keeps touching my chest a lot and I believe the memes now
>start going to the gym with my friends and pick up a cringy amount of dudebro culture
>catch myself saying "SQUATZ AND OATZ," "ASS TO GRASS," and "shoo gainz goblin" in real life often enough that my girlfriend now knows all the memes and repeats them back to me in a dudebro voice at random
>she even thinks squatting in the curl rack is funny
>make friends with this huge-ass Chad who can make his pecs bounce individually; he starts encouraging me to "get big" and texting me the word "SWOLE" with no context at random times
>ottermode officially unlocked after a year of this, but my GAINZ are at (CONT)

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You're missing out on huge networking and ego gains, you might feel like what you're doing is uneventful and see the retards whoring themselves out on social media as lemmings but not taking advantage of it is silly.

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cringe and copepilled.
there is no reason to do something if there is a 0% chance you can be good at it. cope harder.

this. all those "scientific" researches and when you look at some gymrat or dude bro he doesnt even have to roid and looks good.


With manletism and a pump it's almost peak

I couldn't tell he was a manlet that explains it.

>I look stronger than I'm actually are.

What's worse: looking stronger than you actually are, or being stronger than you actually look?

I look stronger than I actually am and it's honestly kind of embarrassing and demotivating at times. Sometimes I envy the unassuming looking guys that can actually lift real weight.

>Jow Forums tells me I need to track my macros and start eating big to get big
>I can't, I'm in high school and I can't just eat all day
>or can I
>buy a fuckton of syntha-6 because/fit/ told me to and throw about 700 clue bars in the trunk of my car
>eating 400 g protein a day now plus like 3500-4500 calories
>farts turn horrific
>actually pay 15 dollars for smoothies with bee pollen and acai and other bullshit in them at the gym because I forgot my post-workout and don't want to miss out on my gainz
>shits have never smelled this bad in my life, begin shitting football-sized logs that tear my asshole and leave blood on the toilet paper
>gotta shit big to get big
>bank account has lost like 800 dollars at this point just on food
>unironically put dry OATZ in a popcorn bag and tie it to my face while I'm at my PC playing Blazblue and TF2
>set alarms for my 3 AM pb&j's
>weigh myself after 3 more months of this
>118 pounds
>still a manlet but it's working
>decide I need to lift bigger or I'll plateau again

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Athlean-x reckons it's not so much the reps but how long your muscles are under tension for the set. Between 40-50 seconds is best. So pace your set of 5/8-12 reps across 40 secs for max muscle activation. Also don't forget the pace on the eccentric of the rep for that motor activation

>catches elk and fish
whoo based as fuck man
no dairy besides the whey?
Asking because, I've been on OMAD, with lots of cheeses and nuts involved since April. I don't get any fatter, I can bulk too, but I don't lose fat either.
As of now I'm on veggies and meat only + bone broth, and two 36 hour fasts/week, but only since 1.5 weeks, so I don't know wassup yet, I guess I lost some weight, but I don't want to scale until 3 weeks.

I'm not in a field where networking works like that, it's more like kowtowing to a few powerful old men who have nothing to talk about in the world of personal fitness.
Yes, lifting has helped me build relationships with other guys my age which is fine and will help decades down the line but it does nothing for me now.

That girls care if you lift

You’re right about the manlet but wrong about the pump. The before picture is the one with the pump. The after is an early morning pic

Even if your on omad calorie in and out still applies

There isn't much you can change about it. Some guys need to do nothing so they grow a large neck and a huge back (I do nothing but rack pulls and rows, that's it), others pull higher numbers than you and I will ever be able to lift but look like Woody Allen with a minor muscle extra.

Coleman basically trained like he did in his powerlifting days with mostly lower reps and he was one of the most massive bodybuilders who ever lived.

They even made that clear in long term studies that it doesn't matter how many reps you do in your set, you grow regardless if it's 3 reps or 10 reps, but you get also stronger at 3 reps (also the chances of injuries get higher). If someone has the frame of a powerlifter or the frame of a bodybuilder has almost nothing to do with their training regime.

>decide overtraining is a meme
>decide there is no such thing as overtraining
>power cleans, chest press, overhead press, squats, curls, triceps extensions, burpees, pushups, dips, weighted dips, cable cross, running, sit ups, crunches, planks, bent-over rows, and box jumps on the same day because fuck it I'm an anime character now
>who needs rest days?
>going to the gym before AND after school daily now
>"cardio is a meme" is a meme so I do a bunch of stairs and treadmill too
>whole body is sore constantly know but I enjoy the pain even though I can't lift my arms high enough to grab cereal off the fridge anymore
>I meet Pukey and feel proud of myself
>still eating big, Jow Forums tells me I can smoke weed to stop vomiting and keep it all down
>great idea
>can no longer detect pain and decide I can weight those dips a little more just to make more gainz
>destroy my left shoulder and can't work out for a week
>RICE and more weed
>it's been months of this, decide to weigh myself because I look bigger
>110 pounds
>somehow I actually LOST my gainz
>the Aztec gods of fitness have forsaken me

Lifting 3 days a week and increasing the weight every time you hit 5x5 is a one way ticket to Snap City.
SS probably the same thing.

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I dont fall for memes or any "advice" I see on /fit. None of it is correct and the people who post it have no clue what they are doing.

i hate when those faggots say "no such thing as overtraining, just underrecovery" it's a different word for the same thing you retards

Dude shut the fuck up.
No one wants to hear you go on and on about lifting if its outside the gym.
You are being autistic and obnoxious.
You are also being rude.
Fucking learn etiquette you fuck /pol retard.

Well just being in the social media sphere helps. Its just a big ego circlejerk, as unfulfilling as it may be. I used to think it was gay too until I started doing it, it helped with my self esteem when I realized I was much more capable than the average dudebro.

Yeah I've pretty much come to terms with it. And I guess in daily life I'd prefer to look bigger but not be as strong. I think I'd be a lot more frustrated if I were one of those small guys lifting big weights but not really growing or looking big.

this wasn't on Jow Forums but the meme that when starting lifting you should always try to increase weight every session instead of waiting until the weight you're currently using becomes easy

>>unironically put dry OATZ in a popcorn bag and tie it to my face

okay thats pretty funny

That all I needed was compounds. Exempli gratia SS.

all of Jow Forums belongs to pol you homofag autist

Anyone who publicly advertises their love of bacon is pure soi

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