if a leader came forward and promised you a purpose in life, a place in society, money, land and freedom to live your life in any way you want (drugs, sex preference, whatever) in exchange for your loyalty and obedience, would you follow him to your death if need be?
If a leader came forward and promised you a purpose in life, a place in society, money...
Are you the leader in that scenario?
I would certainly do whatever it takes to find sex and intimacy.
I do want to change this world but I am not so sure I would be capable in terms of leadership
I just wanted to ask, because if a leader came forward and promised me that - a hopeful future with the potential for fulfilling my dreams and desires, and live like a human being, a free human being - I would follow that man without question
I feel suffocated, imprisoned in the world as it is. And it is just getting worse. Having no land, no wife, no children and no brotherhood or higher purpose is awful.
It does sound quite promising, and if all he'd want in return is my loyalty to him chances are I'd give him my loyalty, yeah. Maybe then I'd be happy, having some money, land, a nice house. It'd be like paradise for robots.
He would have to prove that he was better than me of course. Assuming he would be, and his cause was just then I would follow him.
I'm thinking legality of keeping slaves of non-citizens. And certainly no retarded sex laws like we have today. I mean, ffs, we're just a few years away where even sex dolls and sexual imagery is made illegal. We have people like Katy Perry advocating for the castration of incels. How fucked up is that?
Also the freedom to plant, keep and ingest what you like. And complete freedom of discussion and research on any topic.
The only illegal thing would be to deprive the freedom of other designated citizens. I.e., physical restraint and illegal use of force on another citizen.
This society would be absolutely patriarchical and most certainly civilized in the way citizens behaved towards each other; they would be the actual lord of their own home and family.
Better exactly how? Knowledge and consistency of thoughts and action? Or some smarmy, charmy fella?
Are you retarded? No fucking way. You also contradicted yourself
>promised you a purpose in life
>freedom to live your life in any way you want
>in exchange for your loyalty and obedience
In which case I'm only as "free" as he allows me to be. Fuck that shit, I'll kill him and send him to hell
Not really. Only that you would have to serve militarily and lay your life on the line. Your freedom hinges on preserving the society that grants you those freedoms. This leader cannot take away citizen rights as those rights would be constitutionally set, obviously.
I'm just saying that shit won't get done in this world without dedication to a cause.
No country on Earth today offers anything to white males. The untapped potential is there, it just hinges on males today. Are they willing to do what it takes? Or will they cower in their corner while some scabby dyke shouts outdated christian morality and liberal morality at them until they have outbred us all with jamal?
If Trump laid out a clearer plan, where there was clear incentive for me to back him in exchange for the promise of land, wealth and pussy, I'd grab my gun and sign up immediately. I'm a nordcuck btw, not a burger.
I mean, if Trump or Putin or whatever gave me a job and hope for my dreams, I'd move there right now. But they do not, alas. And I do have a job, so there has to be more offered.
They are both multiculturalists and liberals to some degree. I don't want that shit. I don't want dindus and pajeets living off our tax money. I don't want it spent on single mums. I don't want any of that shit.
may I ask about your life situation right now?
>this robots "free" paradise includes keeping slaves
What makes you think that you wouldn't be the slave instead of the freeman? You're the bottom rung of society as it is, why wouldn't you stay that way? Incelistan is a doomed concept because the people who subscribe to it are just horny retards who would turn around and do WORSE to their "lower classes" than the current society does to them.
No, becausexanyone who promise me what I already own or can acquire by my own means is a false prophet. Also I ain't pledging shit to some dude I don't even know who comes to me promising the world.
not if you are there from the start
if you choose to not enroll and dedicate yourself to the cause then you have effectively excluded yourself because you didn't want citizenship in this new, emerging state
so you are happy as it is...why are you here? and all prophets are false then, because jesus only offered eternal salvation in some fantasy world beyond
there are no guarantees in life, real life
What you're speaking of is not freedom, so the promise is a lie. A benevolent leader would show you the way to find which you seek by your own means by showing you that despite fear and self-doubt, you always had the strenght to prevail. Someone offering you your deepest desires in exchange for your very life is the Devil himself. Goes to show it doesn't take much to lead robots to do whatever you want them to do. Offer free sex and they'll genocide entire cities. I find this rather dangerous.
Jesus fucking Christ you sound like the biggest fucking tool I've ever seen. Your entire world perspective is obviously built upon Jow Forums memes. Can't you fucking look at yourself?
>Offer free sex and they'll genocide entire cities
This is literally all civilizations throughout existence. It's a matter of survival. The world is overcrowded as it is.
Talks of the devil and morality? Are you a free spirit or an indoctrinated sheep?
There isn't enough room any more. Too many rich, and way too many poor.
Seething with anger? Can't you entertain a thought without breaking down?
I just want to know that if any of you are unhappy with things in your life, things that can quite obviously be fixed with material wealth or posessions, then why are you not open to those things that can provide that. This passivity is the entire reason the west is as is it. Hopelessness...nihilism.
Of course, who the fuck wouldn't?
you've have to submit to him them
> freedom to live your life in any way you want
> your loyalty and obedience
> follow him to death
My preferred way of life is simply living with access to Internet and vidya without any interactions with normalfags and following any kind of cause. Therefore, he cannot provide me my preferred way of life on these conditions.
Happiness is not a thing. I'm not happy, I'm simply determined to walk the path that I walk. I find peace of mind through discipline, self-restraint and incarnating the virtues that I admire. Those who are discontent with themselves are usually the lazy, the undisciplined, the indulgers and those who fail to incarnate who they wish to be. There is plenty of purpose inside of yourself. Walk a path of self-refining, dedicate yourself to a task and refuse yourself the luxury of excuses and you will find that you will be too busy to worry about that which you lack. Be it a purpose or material. The path you walk in itself is the purpose. Dedicate your life to it and nothing else will matter to you. What you lack in life will stop being an obstacle and through living a life of rigid discipline, you will develop the self-confidence you need to overcome the fears that prevent you from finding love for yourself and others. The peace of mind I speak of is very real and it requires that you let go of all the demons that drive you to fear and hatred. War will not grant you peace of mind, neither will stolen land and enslaved wives will. Everything you cannot gain by the strenght of your own virtue is meaningless.
In short, you speak like someone who want someone else to do it for you when the answer is simply that so long as you try to run away from the fact that only you can fullfill your own dreams through walking a path of virtue and discipline(stop leading such a shit lifestyle of indulgence, laziness and complacence , actually commit to a routine, actually commit to a goal and do all it takes to get it with your own teo hands) can give you the tools to get what you want. Jesus was right. This is what he tried to teach. The fancy afterlife is a misconstruction.
I would follow whoever promises the safest and most secure future for my children if I can't provide that for them myself.
>Why are you not open to those things?
Heroin can take away all of your worries too, but it is also a destructive product that ruins your mind and pollutes your body. Peace of mind through material means is like a drug. It does not satisfy a lifetime.
well, I certainly respect that
at least you are honest
while I wouldn't disagree with you, per se, I would ask you what would be the idiocy of that in an "immoral" world filled with lying, deceiving, uneducated shitbags?
pacifism is great in a world of pacifists
lot of buddhism and judeo-christian postulation here, but in a world of islam, global corporations and state capitalism, it's rather naive
and the straw-manning of material wealth and detriment of vices is rather retarded as well
have you seen the inner cities? the shithole is here already
This is all true, but unfortunately it's delivered to the worst possible crowd. Robots are almost the elemental form,of lazy self indulgence. If you want to destroy a man give him everything he desires. Let him jerk off as much as he wants to the craziest porn he can imagine, give him a Steam library full of any games he wants, and let him shut himself off from the world because social interaction itself is hard and scary to him. This is what creates the kind of people who would follow some slightly more charismatic Elliot Rodger to their death in an "incel uprising" trying to enslave women and "offer white men something" (fucking kek leave your basement, I'm a white man and it's great in many, many regards)
Self discipline is a completely foreign concept. I was actually thinking the other day while I was practicing a difficult piece of music and telling myself that every time I shit it up horribly was just another step in forcing my dumb brain and hands to eventually be able to actually do it, I realized I think what makes a lot of robots robots is that they don't know that. They never learned that practicing actually does improve you, they just try a couple times maybe and then give up. Thank God my parents forced me to do shit like this when I was a child so now I know I can force myself to do shit and it will get me somewhere, I feel bad for people who don't know that. Imagine a worldview wherein you are truly trapped being as shit a you are. Lifting weights is hard and "pointless" for meme reasons, developing skills is seen as almost literally impossible. Maybe if I felt like that I'd be willing to charge over a cliff like a lemming for the promise of sex and validation too.
I'd also like to say that the world is dying and your passive mode of "just take care of yourself" is contributing to that
war, even nuclear war, would be a much better alternative than what we are facing in 100-200 years (by which time it will all be too late and the earth would be dying irreversibly)
tell me how evil I am and how good and just the rest of the world is
Have you heard the expression "Give fish to a man and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Your ideal prophet is the man offering you fish without teaching you to fish on your own. It makes you dependant on him and everytime you need to eat, you will need to go to him. You speak of freedom, yet you would be 100% willing to chain yourself to a puppet master so long as he promise you the drug you are personally addicted to. You speak of sheeps, yet you'd rather leech a fisherman and suck his dick to eat rather than question him and get him to teach you how to fish yourself. As I said. Lazy, complacent, weak minded, easy to manipulate. You simply don't have the will to go through with your ambitions by yourself so you resorted to blaming society for betraying you even though society is mostly impartial to your suffering because it is mandated to take care of the problems of millions other. You blame the current times and accuse the world of letting itself go to shit, yet the historically educated would understand this is merely a minuscule step in human history in an age of dramatic changes and remaking. You'd rather dream of a savior than become it. You are in no place to speak of complacence.
The correct prophet would have taught you to fish and, then, let you enrich yourself by your own means.
You speak of growing your own food as an impossibility when I am growing my own garden in the yard of my apartment complex through merely asking my landlord if it was okay. The whole building gets to pick vegetables so long as everyone remains fair and let at least one of each so more can grow and it enrich my relations with my neighbors. The truth is most of all the things you dream of doing in a perfect uyopic society made for you, you can already do it in this shit, imperfect society. You already have the means to accomplish yourself, but you're too busy daydreaming.
>fucking kek leave your basement, I'm a white man and it's great in many, many regards
Your post is so utterly braindead that I don't know where to begin. First of all, why are you here? Second, tell me one specific positive thing in your life that you can attribute to being a white male?
Third, I also play an instrument, I also have a job. Do you think robots here are just lazy? It's strange that every other being on this earth struggling gets excused in every way possible, but when it comes to white males it's only our own fault.
People here have been bullied. By minorities even. People here have been robbed. Come from broken homes.
People aren't born broken, they are broken throughout life. That we see so many broken men in the West and Japan is a sign of something other than just they themselves.
So you were priviliged in life, a loving home and whatever else. Can you for one second imagine a different situation than yours?
Really, it's so childish and, quite frankly, retarded of you antinatalists here to spout your stoicism and nihilism when it's quite obvious to everyone else actually alive that procreation is your most fundamental drive and urge. To offer no future, no hope for having kids and to build a future,
So what if we take the resources we need for that. In most cases we would just take them back in our own countries from invaders that would kill you antinatalist kaffirs the minute they can.
Enabling and giving are two different things. Don't act stupid.
Quite ironic that the man who do nothing while waiting for an idealistic savior accuses others of doing nothing.
I am offering that right now. Thing is, I am in the early stages of development. If interested post your discord
Ever heard the expression "For evil to triumph requires only that good men do nothing."
Yet here you are, the alleged, self-proclaimed "good man", doing absolutely nothing, waxing poetics about morality on an imageboard, discussing of some utopic dream of the second coming of the just warlord. Before you belittle others for their lack of effort, you should start by picking up your own slack.
>Why are you here?
Because this is Jow Forums you niglet. It's not supposed to be taken seriously. Who gives a shit about needing a reason? I'm here, deal with it.
I've got a better one for you: Why are you here on the site in general if you think people actually need a reason to come to the internet's shitpost toilet? I'm bored, here's your reason. Furthermore, discussing on r9k does not change the world either, so you are wasting time doing nothing to improve it despite criticizing everyone else for doing nothing.
This makes you a giant hypocrite.
I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but he never said anything about antinatalism. Now you're just projecting. Honestly, you sound like a shill. You have all the mannerism of a textbook influencer.
I've done quite a lot to try to change the world. And that there is passivity among white males today is quite evident. You'd have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not know that.
That I even bother writing here and suffering through these captchas is an indicator that I am at least trying. What I have done in "the real world" is doxxing material, you know that.
Again, what do you know of my real world contributions?
And why are you as butthurt as a liberal when I talk in general about white males in the way Jordan Peterson and so many before him has done the last 20 years?
I'm not even touting myself. I just want to know the root of the hopelessness and nihilism.
And I didn't call myself good. But others sure have hinted at ideas, ideas I have posited, being evil, yet here we are in the world today.
There are wars going on all over the world today already. Even the war in our inner cities in the West. The war is here, I didn't cause it. Grow up.
>Because this is Jow Forums you niglet. It's not supposed to be taken seriously. Who gives a shit about needing a reason? I'm here, deal with it.
I rest my case.
Brown chicks (brown girls>everything btw) fawn over me, police treat me with respect even when I'm an asshole to them, I have literally never not gotten hired for a job I applied for. Seriously, literally never have I ever put in an application and not heard anything back. Other people apply multiple places but I don't anymore because I just feel bad. Panda Express has been emailing me for YEARS because I applied there but they wanted me to shave my beard so I said no thanks.
Honestly there's probably positives that I don't even notice, but I don't know how anybody could try to deny that I'm living a PRIME existence in the form of being a white guy. Nobody thinks I'm a stupid thug, nobody thinks I'm a low T Asian nerd, nobody even gives me dirty looks for speaking Spanish in public, which I do all the time. But my brown girlfriend gets on the phone with her pillar-of-the-community property owning, law abiding brown dad and says some shit to him in Spanish and people stink eye her, I see it and then I go ask them if I can help them and suddenly there's not a problem anymore because I'm so clean cut and white
It seems like your issue probably isn't about your skin color but about being a shit tier human honestly. Being white is, at least in my experience, the way life was fucking meant to be lived.
My heart goes out to all the other colors honestly, sorry you guys drew the short straws. I'm sure you get bonuses too that help make up for it, right?
Doubly reply from the white guy here just to say I've also been robbed a few times, and sure you'll just about shit your pants when they stick a gun in your face but personally I found the one time my home got broken unto and stolen from to be worse.
Also not an antinatalist, just an anti whatever you are I guess. Can't wait to make mixed mocha kids, they'll be superior because they have all the best genes of so many different peoples mixed into them, it's like the opposite of inbreeding.
I'll pass.
Sounds like the latest snake oil salesman, come to hoodwink people into fufilling his own agenda.
>total obedience
asduming he could even give me those things
>And why are you as butthurt as a liberal when I talk in general about white males in the way Jordan Peterson and so many before him has done the last 20 years
And why are you a pedophile who fiddle children in his basement when I speak of self-restraint? Can you stop touching children? It is very much illegal.
I can project too. Not once have I spoken of the white race, not once have I even mentioned liberalism or jordan petterson for that matter. Not once have I given even the slightest opening for this discussion to become geo-political. You are the one absolutely desperate to turn it into such. You are trying to derail our discussion by projecting and trying to throw off my balance. Stay on topic.
To further the actual discussion. I have no idea what you did to change the world, but obviously, you don't seem to have done much work since I don't recall ever hearing about you. It's quite possible that you're pretending too since you refuse to disclose your work and identity. It is safer to assume you did nothing so I will keep assuming so.
It doesn't change the fact that you criticize people for not jumping into action to claim their own freedom when you would rather follow someone else to do it.
He didn't, but being a passive fuck spouting "live and let live" in a world as it is for whites today leads to antinatalism. You can even sense the sharp antinatalism in a lot of Western countries today, and these same people who literally hate white births embrace third world immigration and growth.
The moral highhorsing and stoicism is a clear sign of such a person. A person who thinks himself so intellectually superior that he cannot escape his cuckcorner.
Perhaps sounds too good to be true. But Trump did boost the economy and provide jobs. What makes you think other promises cannot be made, promises that can also be fulfilled?
Does it mean all the things I mentioned? No, they were examples. Again, I am not even the leader here. I just wanted to gauge sense of dedication and loyalty to a cause and a leader among the people here and what their dreams and hopes are.
I'd die for Hitler in Stalingrad for a chance to create the world we wanted. I honestly mean that. Maybe that small contribution could have been everything. Or nothing. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I would have followed Augustus and Alexander in their dreams.
I think OP might think you're me DESU, I've been saying shit about being white
And I stand by it, white life is primo shit. If you're a white guy and your life sucks, I don't know what to tell you. Life in general sucks. Become clean cut and Jow Forums and if your life still sucks move somewhere else or something, cause I get treated like gold by strangers and I'm not even rich or pretend rich driving a flashy leased car or anything, I drive a Honda from roughly a decade ago and my usual outfit is literally jeans and a tshirt
I'm going to leave this thread now so I'll anticipate most of the replies to my white guy experiences
>hurr life can still suck when you're white
I know, but life just sucks. It definitely doesn't seem to suck as much as being any other color at least in red states in America, which is all I can testify to. Goodbye incel warlords.
No. I'm pretty sure he's so delusional that he thinks anyone disagreeing with him is a textbook leftist meme. This is your brain on pol9k
I'm glad you two found each other.
Ohhh someone is getting jealous.