is my back dyel
Is my back dyel
yes it is you delusional fuck
>answer by Jow Forums standards
yes ur dyel manlet eat more pussy fag gay
>answer by standards that involve people outside mom's basement/attic
bro looks good and strong!
No, but im sorry for your legs, the accident you lost them in must have been horrible
what to work on
i'm happy with their size
>he doesn’t understand how insertions work
>getting mogged by your own shadow
You should try lifting weights. You have literally zero muscle mass and you have couple dents due to low bodyfat. Put on tiny bit of fat and you will look like any other nonlifter out there.
>you will look like any other nonlifter out there
so it looks like i lift?
you don't look like you lift, you look like any 13-14 year old kid who does any outdoor activity and is never at home in time for dinner. You have a body of a skinny child. Every non obese black kid has this body
Looks good by normie standards. To small for fit standards though, you need to bloatmaxxx.
You need to cut that mop off though, I bet that thing is a pussy repellent.
Dont trust those fags its not that bad.but you have lot to improve
the majority of my diet is fast food and i easily eat over 3000 calories a day
i'm going to take the buzz bill after winter is over
>after winter is over
this is why you'rll never make it
It keeps my head warm
post body with timestamp you dyel neckbeards
they din't ask for opinions on their physique, OP did.
shittalking is easy when you are a dyel twink or a morbidly obese neckbeard
nobody cares about the opinion of these people though
i can see that his legs arent inserted into his hips
You first you fat shit
Just ignore them none of them lift and try to put others down to cope with their insecurities
t. fat shit
I wasn't the one who started shittalking OP without proving first my opinion is worth anything
fat shit detected
no need to get rabid in your defence of insecure blogposters, faggot
t. pic related
mirin bro, dont listen to shitposters
>proving your opinions worth
>they started it!!
damn you are an insufferable cunt
t. fat dyel shit
>ask for opinions
>get negative opinions
do you not know how to use the quote function properly? I haven't called anyone DYEL
I just think it's retarded that some posters think you need to be physically qualified to talk shit on Jow Forums - its fucking Jow Forums you autistic twinks
>ou need to be physically qualified to talk shit on Jow Forums
you absolutely fucking do you dyle fat newfag piece of shit
now post body AND kill yourself
lmao ok bb keep telling yourself that as we both continue to post on this site
you sound like a DYEL w/ poor-genetics anyways
What did you do for your back, OP? I don’t understand rows so I’ve been thinking about bw exercises
why should i listen to you, bitch. You won't even post body so you're probably a fat fag too
Your low back looks weak and frail, you need some squats and deadlifts. Your lats are not great. Your arms and shoulders look okay.
We all know you want to look at nearly naked men its fine user.
t. fat dyel newfags
>projecting this hard
OP you look like the strongest holocaust survivor
No, it's obvious you lift, jesus christ. Get a haircut though.
Would love to feel, no homo
I'm the guy you replied to but, I would suggest lat pulldowns and super set with pullups. Rows are pretty simple but use machine if you don't wanna use the bar
No but your feminine legs certainly are