Walking behind some cute girls

>Walking behind some cute girls
>This happens
Wat do?

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I would turn away

Despite their cheeky antics, I reckon the second I approach them they'd be scared the fuck off.

>look around to see if anyone else is there
>if no one is around cat call whistle
>keep going about my business

Immediately look away like the sperg I am while my face and ears go bright red

Show a look of disgust and hope to God that these thots will pay the price for their hedonistic ways.

Turn in 360 degrees and walk away

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Smile and give them a thumbs up gesture since I'm not a fag

You mean continue walking in the same direction

I would stare mouth wide open and walk up to them asking what they were doing tonight.

They obviously want to fuck so why hesitate.

"ew gross 3D ass cheeks"

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That happen all the time they think I'm rapist and increase their walking pace.

user i regret to inform you, but you have autism

take my peepee out and make it hard while looking at them

make ejaculate in my pants

>hand on zipper
>start sprinting at them

>Despite their cheeky antics, I reckon the second I approach them they'd be scared the fuck off.

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>He doesn't know
The state of Jow Forums

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>be me
>in school, heading late to class
>have to go up some stairs
>in front of my is stacy and chad, both seniors
>chad says 'hey lets give him a look'
>whips gfs skirt up so i see her wearing a white thong
god bless you chad bro

you've been rused, you dip

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Look away out of spaghetti overload

phone my mom and tell i saw the butt of a girl she never said i would

why is this arousing


Quickly wink and walk away.

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I would have a boner

i would drool and touch the bum

even tiny bits of justice are hot

Mouth the word "whore" and make a noose gesture

>they're making fun of me again

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go back to regaaydit

Kill them both and bury them in a nearby forest.

>stacy and chad

what is happening to this board, I don't remeber it being like this

He didn't specify when it happened, could've been years ago

did you just fucking moon me you bitch?

yeah im 27 now. it was ages ago but it was also the first time i saw a girls ass in person so i still remember it

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looking and not getting anything from it is a cuck move

"oh excuse me ma'am have you seen my dog gregor he's been our for a while"

Her face is not disgusted. This situation can't happen

Give them the ol' thumbs up

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Ask them if they bought Fallout 76

ask them if they like bionicle

Look straight ahead dont make eye contact and walk past them

think that's Riley Reid on the right, who's the whore on the left?

I kekkedd out loudly

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Use my gun to blow their brains

Get a hardon, and proceed to masturbate furiusly to the thought when i get home for the next serveral days.

Ask them if they want to fuck you and if not to leave you alone. Easy and no worries.

Jow Forums 2018

Run away, cuz i'm scerd

phoneposters on tard watch