Am I an ugly POS or what?

Am I an ugly POS or what?

I cant seem to catch a break, lads.

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We went over this last thread, youre ugly

>large fat nose
Enjoy your ban.

Why are you posting your face here? This isnt SOC.

No one commented on me without beard tho
>youre ugly
Aight ima kms then

And fuck you normie shit. Go fucking somewhere else with your attractive dating privilege. Nobody wants successful people like you (with no problems what so ever) coming here and tearing us down.

You're fat. Read the Jow Forums sticky and start cutting, then start a clean bulk to put on some muscle. Lowering your BF% will fix your chubby face. Also get a good haircut and lose those glasses.

>lose weight

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You're definitely fat. Flexing won't change that. Just look at your fucking stomach, for fuck's sake. Cut until you can see your abs.


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I will try cutting when I absolutely plateau on all my lifts. Yeah I could lose 20 pounds, but eh.

lose weight, get a haircut and you will be good

Is there even such thing as a good haircut for hair like that

how tall are you? originalismus

you can tell from the table position he's like 5'4 kek

>gets called fat
>posts picture exposing fat
not sure what that picture is supposed to mean user

That I am a builtfat dude, which is better than being Auschwitz mode like any of you.

check the sticky then neck you're are self.

nah you really arent, you're fat
even using light and shadows to try and form some definition (yes, it's that obvious) those are still just fat arms

lose weight to gain face definition

you're not balding so you're doing better than me

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