ITT gay encounters

>be me
>get to a train station
>the train is delayed for half an hour
>suddenly two asian guys appear
>sorry user how to warsaw
>help them
>have a chat as you wait for the train
>an older man approaches
>he has a white bike
>oh mr user you speak so beautiful english
>um, thank you sir
>he tells me that he needs a visa but hes to crappy in english to get it himself and he needs a translator
>i offer the help
>he asks for my number and assures me ill get paid
>call mom and tell her all the story
>she asks about the looks of that guy
>i describe him to her
>she says he is a well known local gay who has a thing for young boys
>tfw a 70yo gay guy hit up on me

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Surprisingly, I've never had a gay encounter because I'm mostly holed up in my room.
Well except for that gay guy who lived in the apartment below mine a few years ago, but just ignored each other.
Also, who quote?

Sounds pretty shitty, haven’t something like that but here’s something similar
>be me
>around ah 13
>start growing beard like crazy cuz muh puberty
>start getting more and more bold
>am loudmouth face of school
>get large group of friends
>life is good
>everyone getting gf/bf
>sitting at lunch with bros and realize I’ve never had anything other than small talk with a gal, and never found any attractive
>realize I might be gay
>realize that for years being a bottom was not the normal hetero thing
>mfw I still don’t know if am gay or not
>mfw I thought a kid at my school looked kind of feminine and I thought of a relationship
>mfw he’s a fuckin tranny, so I’d be straight

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When I was a kid, I went with my brothers and my mom to town's hall to arrange some papers for a job she was going to apply. While we were waiting for our town there was a trans man who wore a dress. I found it weird but I chose to say nothing because I was aware of his situation but my little brother started laughing. Luckily, nothing happened in the end

I’m glad that nothing happened, god knows too many cunts get too sensitive about it.

Do you masturbate to the thought of fucking women or men? if it the first then you are straight otherwise you are gay. Don't overthink it

I suppose you’re right, I guess am not gay.
But I still don’t find women attractive.

One thing that I never understood is that most of them dress or act like clowns and then demand to be respected. If I were gay i would keep it to myself. Nobody needs to know what I am doing in my bed.

Your sex drive might be low, you should check it just in case

I agree, now I’ve met gays, mostly bi’s and such. But those few who do that shit? They can really fuck off, it’s like the really retarded men and women at some “feminist” marches that dress in vagina costumes and demand respect. Fucking absolute loony.

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