Do americans really preffer Mc donalds over other burger joints and fast food restaurants?
I get that you love burgers, but at least consume the objetively better ones.
for example, any other fast good joint that is not fucking mc donalds.
Do americans really preffer Mc donalds over other burger joints and fast food restaurants?
I get that you love burgers, but at least consume the objetively better ones.
for example, any other fast good joint that is not fucking mc donalds.
Jajaka taco burrito chingue a su puta madre peña!
I eat McDonholes sometimes because it's really cheap.
Sausage biscuits only. 2 for ~$1.30
Its the most popular. I personally hate it, and think all the others are better, Wendys, Jack in the Box, etc
Yo quiero Taco Bell
What do u guys think of whataburger? Whats the superior fast food burger joint to you
whataburger and steak and shake for me
If we are on the go, yes. Do you guys have mcdonalds in mexico?
i dont know anyone who enjoys mcdonalds, except children.
Nah, Mc'dicks is artificial shit that that turns young boys into low energy fat lards with boobs and erectile dysfunction.
I personally prefer to just buy my own organic grass fed ground beef and cook it over a charcoal fire then top it with lettuce or kale from my garden along with Swiss or blue cheese and eat it between a kaiser roll. I wish my fellow mutts would do the same and not poison themselves and their children with shitty fast 'food'.