Is having a sugar baby degenerate?

Is having a sugar baby degenerate?

Attached: 2017-04-12 2.jpg (1080x1080, 70K)

shit thread, but yes. you are enabling the worst aspects of females

>Is having a sugar baby degenerate?

No way, you need to burn as much disposable income on your sugar baby as you can OP :)

If you're only banging them in missionary and love them, then no

Beta shit

but they got themselves into that position, just like the person(male) using the sugar baby. Can't 2 people with issues be in peace without being a degenerate?

Usually yes.
Most sugar daddies are weaklings and end up actually believing their whores are human and into them.
Only a criminally dangerous man can keep a paid mistress and remember she is a tool and a scum. And only rarely.

No more or less degenerate than fucking bar sluts. Unless we start executing adulterers, sexual ethics are dead and gone.

How much money does a man need to have before he can afford a sugar baby?