Serbs are whi-

Serbia hate thread.

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Who said we are wh*Te you manlet?

This guy.

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Serbs > apeshit > dogshit > crusty goat cum > niggers > albanian toe nail clippings > bulgarians


>Name your capital literally Whitecity
>It's literally neither white, not a city

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Ah what a fine Serbian specimen, i bet he has more testosterone in his left nutsack than the whole race of wh*Te sissies. He is obviously a great warrior and a proud descendant of KARA DJORDJE!

You're alcoholic subhumans. Every bulgarian at the hotel I work in is a fucking nigger.

Serbs come here and never cause trouble
I'd chose the worst serb over any bulgarian.

Saged again, I'm out, I'm fucking disgusted and frustrated as your kind. Learn to fucking behave, then call others names. You're angry at common people because their city translates to :white city:

Good fucking argument you complete imbecile.

> t. serb with a vpn

You do realize that the only reason anybody goes to your shithole(if that's not a proxy, anyway it applies to Serbia as well) is because of cheap alcohol and food right?
So in the same way Britbong retards come to our blacksea to get spastic drunk, bulgarians go to Cuba(a.k.a. Serbia) for the same reason.

we'll that's a gypsy but still dont know why is he wearing a shirt that says he is a serb, shame the serbs didnt't kill all gypsies like we did