Does anyone else here have really fucking poor parents or are you guys just virgins with really comfy childhoods?

does anyone else here have really fucking poor parents or are you guys just virgins with really comfy childhoods?

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Both. They were the kind of poor people who get in extreme debt so they could pretend they're middle class, with the hope that one day their children would get rich and pay it all off for them. Obviously that last part didn't work out so well for them.

doesn't sound that poor desu

single mom, makes 30k a year. she used to make 15k a year working at a grocery store when i was a kid. lived in shitty neighborhoods my whole life. likely die poor.

how shitty is your life? my house is totally broken down and destroyed its really sad

On paper, they're probably poorer than your parents. They just don't live like it. On one hand, it's pretty retarded to get yourself into a lifetime of debt. On the other, it's pretty retarded to live in squalor when you have the option to not do so and you'll probably end up a life-long slave anyway.

i live in a small space two bedroom. its okish. neighborhood is super shit

I dont think so family. my parents are lifelong debt slaves too. always been poor dad finally got a decent job and then my mom got fired from hers and shes unemployed so now were back to the same level of poverty

big house but its totally broken down shit old windows shit old house leaking when it rains cant afford anything

>cant afford anything
Neither can mine, they just put it on credit since they're not going to ever pay it off anyway. They've both already filed for bankruptcy once, they'll probably end up doing it again eventually. Plus it sounds like you have the added bonus of parents who are together. Mine have been doing this shit independently from each other since I was only a few years old.

My parents weren't poor until a divorce fucked everything up

then I lived with no hot water and no heating (in canada) and I dropped out of school in grade 4.

yeah but they always argue and we live in a rural as fuck. well they dont argue anymore but they're massive alcoholics now and my mom is getting sick shes constantly shaking.

I haven't been able to mow my lawn all year because our lawn mower had the string break on it and I offered to pay to get it repaired but I kept sleeping all day cause my sleeping schedule is fucked and my dad gave it to some guy to repair and its been gone for a few weeks so probably stolen or something

wait how do you leave without heat in Canada? is that western Canada or something? in western Canada I can believe but in eastern Canada I think you'd literally see your breath inside

You should probably move out and try to learn another way to live or you'll end up like them.

im the fag who got stuck in his shitty small town getting a dui. im doing alright for myself I have a good savings and im investing in a business idea soon but yeah im pretty fucking scared because I didn't do college

What idea

here, although what fucked me up the most is their overbearing approach to raising us, "i.e. don't hang with those kids they're bad" and I became more and more socially retarded . I would've probably been a trashy normie people they gave us less freedom, basically stopped me from hanging with my friends and I grew more socially introverted

Dad left when i was in my early years, mother was and is still on benefits. Sister is a useless bitch with no job either but yet they both act high and mighty with me even thought im the only one who brings in any income.. Its a hard life eh

I hung out with the degenerates and it made me lose a ton of weight become social and turned my life around and is the reason im not a virgin but I got addicted to drugs and that addiction will never leave but I dont care about but im ass raped by legal problems now

how shitty is it? my neighbors live on benefits and have a nicer house than me

benefits pay better than minimum wage these days i think

im not sure about that my friend is on disability and makes 800/mo off it and minimum wage in my state pays like 1200-1400/mo

minimum wage is still 7.25 in some states it would end up being 800 usd a month

dang for once im happy about where I live I make a good wage compared to other states just making minimum

>parents weren't poor
>children was still shit
If it makes you feel any better.

both but my parents beat and neglected me

how was it possibly shit then? besides just hated by peers or something small

>people who aren't exactly the same as me can't possibly have experienced genuine problems

I probably expierenced all of the same things plus some worse things plus poverty on top of that

Do you really think the only problem someone can have is being poor?

being bullied seems pretty small compared to this plus I had to live in a rural area so it was really lonely

I love outside a town of 500 people in a destroyed house with my mother. My family is from a major city, we lost our home during the 08 crisis.

shit that pretty much sounds like me

How would it affect a child if you raised them asset poor but experience rich? If possession wise and neighborhood wise it was like the poor but for life experiences and fun the childhood was like the upper middle class?

In other words you have a middle class income but live like the minimum wage workers for necessities but you and the kid also regularly do the fun and activities of people with 6 figure incomes. I'm thinking of raising a kid this way.

Poverty is created by capitalism and the state.

Destroy capitalism and the state to end poverty.

redpilled and based

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>if everyone is in poverty there is no poverty
Marx pls

There's a lot of poor people from major cities that moved into rural areas because the housing became too expensive. Life is shit out here, there's no resources to improve your life and clawing your way out of here is almost impossible because of the living cost change from rural to urban.

yeah man save up a few grand and get the cheapest thing in a big city that doesnt cost a fuckton

Had a rich comfy childhood, dad fucked up big, BIG time due to his undiagnosed autism and now mom carries my dead useless weight with a subpar job. Family unironically went from six digits to daily struggle.

wait what happened? ive never heard of anything like that before

>I have it worse so you can't have it bad

Problem with that is we have living costs in rural area too, and like in the city they're low enough so people don't starve to death but high enough we can only survive. I've been thinking of buying a travel trailer and living like a gypsy pretty much. Figure out some remote jobs or just move from shitty job to shitty job saving a bundle from living on nothing.

Why do you hate freedom, bro?

You really don't understand how rich the capitalist class is today, Or how much wealth the productive forces of society could generate if they belonged in the hands of the working class, therefore fulfilling our own needs and desires instead of the profit for a tiny minority at the expense of the many.

I mean, of course you don't understand. Because you said something stupid.

It's OK though. I forgive you. But do try harder instead of being a brainlet.

the more money people make the more being alive will cost.

My father had to close down his business around when I was born. But he wouldn't declare bankruptcy because it would be "shameful" (he was born before the war). He died last year, his debt is still there.

the slave whom does not know he is enslaved is unlikely to accept he is a slave when told so by his peers

Money came from my grandfather, my dad never learned how to manage that and wasted it in his mid-life crisis to start a luxurious restaurant in, quite literally, the middle of nowhere. He built from scratch, which skyrocketed the costs, and didn't close when there was still hope to bounce back. Long story short parents are divorced, dad is renting a single room with some stoner and mom works in retail.

edgy kids in college, you'll understand one day.

My mom is an anesthesiologist and my dad works for state, combined income of 347k a year who else here /comfy/

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>really comfy
I dont know whenever it's comfy or not. There were good moments and there were bad/awkward moments too. For example my younger brother is 24 normalfag and i'm 26 khv neet. I dont recall that we were treated that differently. Everything comes to character in the end.

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>move outside city
>drive when you need to
>food stamps
>try and get better job in the city

wow, it's almost like you don't posess critical thinking and are just parroting something somone else wrote that you liked and thought sounded cool

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you have to move far enough the driving distance is unreasonable for the cost of living to drop significantly. if people can live outside the city and work in the city they do it, that's how the suburbs developed.

id be broke for a few years working my ass off and see if you can find a good job there and if not move back and try and find another way

I don't know what you're talking but if you're that insecure have at it.
I've never watched rick and morty, its a about a n insane grandfather and some kid right?

I've been doing that for years. Maybe it'll work out one day.

It's almost like you lack reading comprehension and thus seem to be a complete idiot, no wonder, thanks

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Yep. That's capitalism. And what if you can't pay the cost? You end up with this thread and much, much worse. All the social ills await you within capitalism which is defended by the state.

Human needs are not infinite. They are satiable. The bare minimum of survival, the material inherited birthright of historical labor, social wealth, is denied to all within the existing capitalist regime as a form of blackmail for your "voluntary" wage slavery.

redpilled and based

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I meant be broke in the city haha. I wish I could move but the world keeps stopping me its fucking gay

We've had to deal with nazi shills for years and now you socialist faggots have to come to this board too. We're not going to change the world, we're trying to figure out how to live in the one that already exists. Fuck off with this bullshit.
I slept on a floor in a tiny apartment with no furniture for a long time in a bigger town.

lucky I wish I could do that

We should keep in touch so we can commiserate over life together. Email?

do you have discord? I dont use email much for chatting haha. I really want a robot friend tho


My dad is an hotshot engineer, and my mom is a neuro surgeon.
Our household income is ~42k USD, which is a whole fucking lot in our country. We have a maid to cook, and to clean our house. My sister goes to the most expensive school around the district and goes to badminton practice, horseriding lessons, and went to dance classes too.
I had a great childhood with all the toys I wanted (most of which I broke lel). I dropped out of Univ, and my parents tell me it's okay since they have enough money to take care of me, even if I don't work, so I am now a 27 year old kv handholdless NEET.