The NPC meme has lost all value...

The NPC meme has lost all value, and now its just retards using it as a "get out of jail free" card when they get btfo'd by someone they don't like.

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Yeah ok NPCuck. Try arguing with logic next time and you won't get btfo like you just did.

The NPC meme was never really a thing because anyone using it unironically is either too stupid to read and understand the paper, or if not having read it, is just the kind of sheeple the meme is supposed to mock.

yep. its basically ''the people i dont like or disagree are NPC''. garbage meme

>has no argument
>lmao npcuck
Thanks for proving my thread right

I think his post was satire user

It indeed was my astute user.

I feel like the meme was funny at first but then it suddenly exploded and burned out all within about a week

This shitty trend can barely be considered a meme because it was never even remotely funny
>inb4 I get called an NPC by bandwagon hopping redditors

>NPC meme
>Literally nothing but a rebrand of "normie" or "sheeple"
>Just used to describe masses of people who have similar beliefs
>Coming from a group of NEET shut ins who all consume the same anime, argue about traps, play the same video games, and Brad about not working.
>Meanwhile NPC's are out in life making money and having social interaction

Really gets my noggin a joggin

barely be considered a meme because it was never even remotely funny

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/execute suppressnpcmeme.exe

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Absolutely NPC posting NPC thread. What a fucking surprise.

Every single reply to this post has the same opinion. fuck off kikes

So you also share their opinion?

Attached: whiteMaleReeeee.gif (400x385, 1.95M)

Who invented the NPC meme? Was it us or Jow Forums ?

>Heh you agree with each other and not at each other's throats like wild animals? Well I guess you are a Jew so ha

White and proud
Your time is limited
Since it was exposed how shills are paid to spam leftist opinions your post makes no sense( again fuck off jew)

>heh you don't provide a single counter argument t(again fuck off jew)

>Since it was exposed how shills are paid to spam leftist opinions your post makes no sense( again fuck off jew

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It's just Jow Forums quit over reacting.

Us, but Jow Forums like the filthy leaches they are, demonized it for their own use.

I'm british you daft shill, looking at the posts for the past year i guess your only strategy left is divide and conquer.

I believe it originated from Jow Forums, but Jow Forums likes to assimilate memes so it's more of a Jow Forums thing now

delete pls desu

hasn't that been the case for ALL namecalling for pretty much all of time?

All these memes really only last a few days. Onions, for example, has become a huge red flag for someone who is completely lacking in self awareness. And, ironically, the NPC meme too.

I've been here since 2009 and somehow there was a massive demographic shift in 2016, it's no coincidence polotics should be deleted from this site. leftis cuck invaded and poisoned everything

damn i didnt know euros thought americans were the jew haters kek