Why is it becoming a norm for college kids who don't even have ADHD to take adderall...

Why is it becoming a norm for college kids who don't even have ADHD to take adderall? That shit is like meth in pill form. The scary part is that it's legal, cheap and easy to get.

Am I at a huge disadvantage competing with students drugged up?

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Yes you are. That's another reason why I refuse to go back and finish my degree, can't get a connect. Its like natural athletes competing against guys on steroids. Its dangerous though, I once worked with a guy that was going to flight school to become a pilot and was popping them like candy. He started getting that hollow meth face look at 24 years old

Why is it the norm for college kids to overconsume trashy food and alcohol

I can't imagine people popping pills to graduate from a community college. It's the 4 year srat frat culture that fucks everything up. Makes it okay for hot tan Stacy whores to sleep with their drug dealers and have it all

Because most college kids don't work while in school or if they do, have shitty part-time jobs. Healthy food requires you to cook it and its also expensive. Alcohol is something adults drink in general.

>Its like natural athletes competing against guys on steroids
That's what it feels like, especially in hard majors. I see guys flat out selling adderall at the front fucking entrance to a class building everyday.

When your society has gotten to a point that to be able to have a normal education you need to be on massive amounts of drugs, you're doing it wrong

Fuck you, 'mericans. I am trying like 2 years to get them prescribed, or Ritalin to be more precise, since adderal isn't even allowed in here.

Try modafinil.
Legal in europe.

>I see guys flat out selling adderall at the front fucking entrance to a class building everyday.
No you don't, LARPER.

Haven't felt anything at all with it.

This, you should just be a man and get some meth

I think you just answered your own question. It's an effective stimulant that's cheap and easy to get. Of course college students who are supposed to work their asses off to be competitive with everyone else are gonna abuse it.

Well why aren't you doing adderall user? Doctors prescribe it to little kids, while that's kinda messed up, as far as drugs go adderall is pretty safe.

I sell it at Algonquin

Yeah I did. You just need to know what to look for. It's not like they're carrying a sign shouting "SELLING DRUGZ HERE" moron

Doctors prescribing shit like this is why we're in the pill epidemic we are in. They honestly do not give 2 shits if you get addicted from it.That just means more money for them.

because school/work sucks and speed makes it slightly less unenjoyable, and also makes time go by faster

i used to do amphetamine every day before work, but since i became NEET i never take it or have any desire to. it was a coping mechanism, i took it to make life less terrible but since i'm out of uni and not working anymore it's kind of pointless to take

>download tor
>get $100 in bitcoin
>order 10g of amphetamine from dream market

look up huntersthompson or sthompson i have been buying from him for years, ships to USA also (from germany) most don't ship to usa

Too bad amphetamine powder doesn't exist in the USA and I'm too pussy to order international. Oh well, there's plenty of meth here I guess.

Meth is still far worse on your body. Once you take that you're gonna be hopelessly addicted.

they are weak willed people who have convinced themselves they can't do anything productive without being drugged out. You are better off not being some drug addict subhuman. As someone who thought they had anxiety and found benzos as the cure I can confirm to you sobriety is the best thing you can do for yourself.

>I'm too pussy to order international
i've been doing it for like 7 years. i've had a lot of packages seized, but that was from the netherlands. that german seller is good

adderral isnt meth, ya tards. it's amphetamine

modafinil sucks ass and it's prescription only.

ritalin (xr) is the best for us yuropoors, i never tried adderral since it's super fucking expensive on the black market

you are not at a disadvantage, and people like to take drugs ( you should know this ) that make them feel different.

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1) If you're not a normie it's hard to get. Even doctor's discriminate against people with medical problems.

2) It's not great if you're NOT a normie. I was prescribed Adderall and Ritalin at the same time and it couldn't break the apathy and depression.

3) I'm an Electrical Engineer, one of the hardest curriculums. Most students just cheated, in one class literally more than half the class was cheating on homework and they swept it under the rug. In other classes they'd just say "do it with your friends". In one class I reported graduate students cheating on a midterm through an ethics system they had set up. A Director of the EE department didn't even know it existed.

They swept the "investigation" under the rug. The "investigation" was the asked the prof if anyone cheated (he wasn't there at all) and they asked the single TA who left the room. Both said no, case closed, literally. I gave them my information, and they didn't even contact me. I brought it up every time they asked about the campus, professors, in reviews, etc. I fucking hate the university I attended. University at Buffalo, NY. Go if you want to cheat.

it's basically speed, you'll lose weight and get wired up

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>healthy food is expensive
This really activates my almonds

organic food grown in nice conditions without anti-biotics (which is healthier) compared to mass produced, anti-biotic fed food is much cheaper, user...

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Staff don't give a shit about students cheating because reporting them doesn't benefit the University. It just means they have to punish customers..err I mean students paying good money to attend.

College is a business now.

If you smoke hundreds of milligrams a day, yeah, but if you dose orally amounts in the single digits of milligrams meth is fine really.

much more expensive*

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>you'll lose weight
tfw i gained weight while taking speed

No it's not. It's literally not. There's a reason why billions of people in the world live and work. Real food works.

Yes, because I guarantee you they are taking Vyvanse too

(people on speed often skip meals and sleep, hence weight loss)

you're obviously an outlier

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No it's not. Sobriety means you are miserable doing things you don't want to do. Drugs make things you don't want to do but need to do pleasurable.

you realize not everyone buys their food from Monsanto, Tyson, General Mills etc.

Some people actually grow/hunt their own shit, which I still believe is healthier, and more costly than the shit large, factory farms produce.

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you don't sleep on speed

i meant to say people skip meals and skip sleep

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He meant by that that people on speed skip meals and skip sleep

yeah my dad has a garden and grows his own vegetables. its really easy if you have the yard space and live in the south.

It's not about eating healthy, if it was you could show wave after wave of how unhealthy the majority of the people on the planet are and how your way is explicitly healthier.

I can understand being anti-corporate but that's not why you're doing this. You are dumb and wrong. Maybe you should switch to eating real food instead of almonds and onions.

is it really that easy? because I love this fucking shit