Is high school basically torture for robots?

Is high school basically torture for robots?

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its only torture because it feels like youre wasting time. but you will never be around people your age like that again when you leave school. make the most of it.

Yes. It was a waste of time and if I could skip all of it and pass my A-levels right away I would.

Try university, retard.

It wasn't really torture for me, just boring

Yep. Im in my 30s now, but I still have my records from high-school.

I averaged 27 days absent per semester (4 semesters per year)

it is torture yes. sitting in an uncomfortable chair while people run their mouths for hours every week day
normies at least have equilibrium since they can socialize no problem to counter act boredom

definitely torture. Social anxiety and depression made high school a living hell. but the real world is worse so whatever.

how is this not torture?

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Learning stuff that is absolutely useless in real life. Everyday bulied by dumb teachers that need to proof something to themselves. Coexist with absolute morons every fucking day.... Schools are only good for learning how to socialize. But u can do it within 2 months at any job. Waste of time in my opinion

Maybe you should have stayed in school to learn how to fucking spell

For a robot, yes. You'll be constantly teased and bullied. Very likely no friends like kid in
Every day for 8 hours your life is hell.

Then the teachers will assign you mounds of homework, virtually all of which is useless busy work(think AT LEAST 3 to 4 hours of work a night, busy days will push 8). Then they'll get mad if you don't do all of it.

If your home life is also bad(for most robots, it probably is), life is an unending stream of pain and suffering, that you have to put up with for 4 years. Pure torture.
I tell people nowadays to just drop out after 10th or 11th grade and get your GED. If you really care about education you can enroll in college early, otherwise go to work. You'll be much happier for it and avoid a lot of mental scarring.

Easier said than done, do you really believe any parent will let his kid just drop out of it and get a GED or even make any plan for his future that doesn't involve any sort of college degree? that's the problem, the parent's ego. they want to show their kids off to others
at least poor people don't have this pressure since their parents are usually uneducated as well

You can get GED, go to community college for 2 years then transfer to top tier 4 year university.

How is It different from universities

I don't remember it being so bad but it was so long ago and I was basically too retarded to know what i was missing out on anyway.

Schools are Programming Prisons For Your Kids

You can still get a degree no problem. You will finish college ahead compared to the other students in your cohort, and that's easily something to brag about. If you frame it like that I'm sure plenty of parents will agree.

Not everyone is from english speaking country u idiot.... Learn my language fluently and call me on discord so we can talk (slovak) u idiot mongrel

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Honestly if you think like this whats stopping you from killing yourself? We all know you will literally never do anything that amounts to any kind of value either for yourself or others. I dont say this to insult, but youre genuinely a waste of space. The world would be almost entirely no different if you didnt exist.

I dropped out of uni. I'm doing fine. Only thing classrooms brought me were sadness, depression and suicidal thoughts. I'm living on my own now

Die fucking Slav shit. Learn to spell properly before you come ruin our board with the posts your subhuman brain produces.

It was for me I couldn't wait to get out.

My point is your life is totally insignificant. University is one of the only places on earth you can actually be trained to do something important in. Everyone gets depressed and stressed in uni. Im serious though, ask yourself what difference to the world youve actually made and I think youd be disappointed.

You're being naive, but perhaps that's true in the USA. My country does not invest in research and development, uni degrees are mainly money chasing, no wonder every rich kid wants to be doc, civil engineer and lawyer. They want status and money and could give less fucks if children are starving

Thats quite blatantly an excuse. Not only do your university likely offer degrees in STEM, but if they dont you can go somewhere where they do. If you cant be useful where you are, go somewhere where you can be.

Yes. What I hate most about education is break and lunch periods, it should just be a straight sequence of classes/lectures so I can go in, get shit done and fucking leave an hour or two earlier instead of sitting there with fuckall to do.

>The world would be almost entirely no different if you didnt exist.
This is true for pretty much everyone here though.

You're clueless about how bad beanerlands are. It really surprises me when I read someone from the USA saying that a Math degree pays a fucking lot. Here the best someone can hope for with such degree is teaching at a private high school, while the majority ends up in public schools being harassed by drug dealer kids.

A math degree doesnt pay a lot in the US either (at least, not for the price of living here). Notice I didnt say become rich, I dont give a fuck if youre poor or a billionaire, you still have to do something meaningful or there is literally no reason for you to exist.

I'm really curious what you consider meaningful

Almost no one got "depressed and stressed" in my uni. They had this perpetual lust for status and a high paying career that they would get on with everything, no matter how tedious. They were also high functioning normalfags.

Then you went to a shit uni. Whats your point? If youre working hard on something with real consequence it would be weird not be stressed.

I dont see any glaring flaws with googles definition of meaning:
>important or worthwhile quality; purpose.

my point is that your argument was bad and that also you talk out of your ass like the world would actually remember you instead. when you pick the Nobel up, give a shout out to r9k will you lad?

It was terrible, it got worse every year but I made it through.

I actually am doing something worthwhile, not that its relevant to my argument nor is it worth talking about since you wouldnt believe me regardless. You cant just say someones argument is bad, you have to show why its bad. So once again, whats your point?

I'll tell you something that happened in highschool and you take whatever conclusion you want.
David has bad grades in chemistry classes. Teacher asks him
>Why don't you study, David? Don't you want to be like me? I have a degree and teach many people.
>No, I'd rather be like my father. He didn't even complete elementary school and makes more money than you'll ever dream of
>Whole class laughs
>Teacher stfu
Maybe in fairytale land where you were born you have the luxury of dreaming about changing the world, making it a better place, holding your hands together. It doesn't work like that down here.

You dont need to change the world to do something meaningful, and school isnt required to do something meaningful. However, the people like Davids dad are rare, and youre almost definitely not one of them. Hence, university.

Hi, actual robot here. Yes school was fucking hell for me. Lost all of my friends, picked on everyday, still suicidial and highly asocial years after graduating. Not a day goes by where I don't get some horrible fucking flashback to having rotten milk poured on me or crying while eating lunch in the toilets.

I highly suspect the reason why I literally never get lonely or bored as an adult is because secondary school destroyed my personality.

Fucking hell, I wish I could go back in time and give 12 year old me a hug and some advice. He really needed it.

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whoops didn't mean to reply to you, meant to reply to OP

People like David is the average citizen here. They're not rare, they're the majority. We live in a plutocracy

I didnt say David, I said Davids dad.

Ah, yeah. They're not the majority. I might not be like david's dad but running my drugstore surely makes me happier and richer than I would be if I graduated in history. Lucky me

>3 to 4 hours of homework
Holy shit man I know that feel.

How the fuck is this considered acceptable? Kids should be able to have time to have lives outside of school. There was so many times I wanted to work on personal projects and was constrained by homework. Also sitting for 8 hours a day with people who hate you and harass you turns you into a nervous wreck.

Eat shit, goblino. You are the epitome of subhuman.

I dropped out and got my GED.

I just couldn't stand going to school for 8 hours and haveing 4 or 5 additional hours of work.

It is absolutely unacceptable for any child to constantly be worked for 10-14 hours while cramming in extracurricular work in.

I completed my GED at 15 and I'm in my freshman year of college.

At least there is much less homework (but more writing and studying.)

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What gets me the most is if you start using physical force that's when the no-tolerance policy kicks in and cucks you for defending yourself.
They'll slap the lightest possible punishment for the bully if you don't defend yourself but the moment you fight back is the moment """""both""""" of you receive the harshest punishment possible.