/Creative Robotics General/

/Creative Robotics General/

We are failures, lads. It's in our nature. There is a contingency of robots here who, if they were moots age in 2004, are pushing 30 now. The eternal originalfag walks among us. Jow Forums is clearly skewing younger for obvious reasons, but don't forget: you're here forever. 27+ Generals are evidence of this. It seems as though some of us who are oldbots and haven't an-heroed yet occasionally find more comples ways to cope because we're exhausted greentext as a mode of catharsis. And so, true to our nature, we take to failing at creative enterprises. ITT, we post the shameful artifacts wrought by reaching desperately for our creative goals, however meager.

If we were great musicians, we would be selling albums. If we were great painters, we would be making commissions. If we were great game designers we'd be working for a proper developer. That's not to say Robots can't make brilliant work. It is, however to say, that robots tend to aspire to comfiness, not marketable successes. We aren't the guy on /lit/ whose published 6 horrendous poetry chapbooks. We aren't the fag on /mu/ prattling on and on about >muh contract. We're more like the quiet fren at your local dead end job who is proud of a drawing he did last night but has no one to share it with, or who finally finished a song but has no one to bump it with.

We make things for ourselves, and sharing those things with like-minded people can be a good feel.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I just realised I don't want the lifestyle associated with being successful in the arts. The amount of normie you'd be forced to fake would be soul crushing and you'd have no decent relationships

It depends on the medium.
You could easily come up with a sucessful app and still retain your anonimity.
Who actually remember the name of those who came up with instagram?

Hello frens I finished this piece yesterday it's kind of rock I guess, hope you're having a great day. soundcloud.com/kadzu/reality-denial

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I've been having a go at video editing for a change.
My proudest achievement so far.


i been making music a year, melodic trap shit, gimme feedback :)

i think about this a lot, i don't want to be in the limelight, but have enough to support myself and family, theres varying degrees of success you know, you don't have to be the biggest star to make the most money

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Finished two new tracks since the last one of these. Could have probably done more if I hadn't slept 30 out of the last 48 hours.

You should pace yourself, it would be a shame to end up burning out.

I'm not even working that hard. I just have a really, really fucked up sleep schedule due to being a NEET. But thanks for the concern

I'm actually a gigging musician and aspiring tailor and I just come here to laugh at you people (and encourage you to get off your computers)

>he thinks he's any better than us for playing in some shitty dingy bars
>he thinks we want to play in front of a bunch of normalniggers

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validation is pretty nice though

And why should I leave my computer to get that validation? Especially if I live in bumfuck nowhere where anything other than shitty rap music and dad rock cover bands don't get any gigs. Aside from the fact that I'd have to spend hundreds if not thousands of bucks I don't have on equipment to gig. Even further, I'd also have to find other people in bumfuck nowhere that would wanna play with me

pic got deleted by the jannie or whatever so I hope posting a link rather than the pic itself is kosher


I really like your guitar shit series

>recorded a girl I like and added a guitar track

>recording in guitar center

Attached: 1539551483557.jpg (604x906, 148K)

would you ever make music your career?

Thanks dude, been planning to record some songs with "real instruments". Maybe even with vocals, not sure yet. Did you ever end up showing that girl what you made with that recording of her?

Oh and you might like this one if you like my guitar recordings

not yet, maybe tomorrow if I see her.

The guitar part at the end is nice. I think this could sound really good with some field recordings, like the inside of a cafe or bar.

are you fucking kidding me? I purposely never posted in these threads because I thought this was the last good part of Jow Forums

Hope it goes well for you then. How long have you been playing guitar by the way?

We don't really get a lot of people like that in here. Dump your stuff if you want to though. Always good to have some young blood

>We are failures, lads. It's in our nature.
>not only saves a thumbnail but actually manages to post it as an OP image

checks out for Jow Forums

Thanks, me too. I've been playing about 4 years on and off

I posted this yesterday I made it you dont have to listen to it of you want but i would appreciate some feedback


it's very spooky. what kind of vibe were you going for?

>always been creative
>always loved animals and been the only person who does in a family of hunters
>get to college, studying history, doing shitty construction work
>writing and painting for hobbies, along with some DIY stuff
>getting increasingly annoyed with marxist and Jewish professors endlessly pushing their bs
Uh guys, I just realized I'm very similar to a certain someone.

Attached: MysteryMan.png (728x546, 222K)

Not really my kind of style but it sounds pretty good. I wanna make some post punk-esque stuff soon so I'm gonna have to start practicing the guitar again real damn soon

i was going through a very tough dissociation episode so i kinda put this together to emulate it later but im glad it kinda works

Practice public speaking my man, you know you have to. If you make yourself known I'll come to Bavaria and join you in the beerhall

I've been investing myself into creative fields that are just unsustainable for someone like me. Lately I've been considering becoming a writer rather seriously. Is there anything comfier? No one needs to know who I am, I can even just use a pen name.

I like it and appreciate that it's not another generic suicideboys/trap worship track

But I'm American!
I've always had a penchant for giving improvisational speeches, though, and I've finally overcome my social anxieties.

I wonder why dissonance is scary anyway. Is it because we fear the unknown?

that's the goal lmao

Do you guys ever feel that overwhelming urge to make something? If I go a few days without recording or writing something, anything, down I kind of feel this miserable sickness all day. Then after I barf out whatever I've been keeping inside I feel better and can rest again.

I make history podcasts but I don't want to associate my "content" with Jow Forums of all places.

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>I make history podcasts but I don't want to associate my "content" with Jow Forums

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I am trying to stop desertification in the california forests by planting tons of trees and nitrogen fixing crops everywhere.

I wish for the world to turn into a mork skog where no light penetrated

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Yeah I get that too. Usually whenever I finished something I take a 1-2 day break though because creative work is kind of exhausting. But afterwards I need to get back to work. I also have this constant feeling of not doing enough, not working enough.

>Insert command: Read message.
>Determined emotion: Disgreement.
>Action: Post image macro.

it was just a rude thing to say, why even post

Not exactly, it's just that I can't leave things unfinished.

i wish dude. i really miss feeling like that.

How much have you spent on this project so far?


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delrese fucking cheated on me

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Is it not obvious why someone would not want to post their stuff on a board with a generally negative reputation? After all, if anyone from this thread makes it big say in music or something, all it would take is some dickhead on Buzzfeed going on Fireden and finding the archive of a thread where you posted. Boom, your now a racist woman hating incel creep etc etc etc.

Who gives a fuck what some faggot on buzzfeed thinks, art is art and speaks for itself. You shouldn't care so much about fame and money anyway.

i made this on landscape on paint
rate pls

Attached: paint 2.png (1008x630, 97K)

*this landscape on paint

Looks pretty ok for something drawn in paint with a mouse

probably what happened to mox and ivnar

he disappeared off the map while she turned normie cutie streamer

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getting pic related from my aunt for my birthday soon. ive been writing what i would call modern blues songs for the past 3 weeks and cant wait to try them out. may or may not record myself playing them but if i do ill share them on one of these threads

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nice, looking forward to it

If it's the first time you're doing this chances are they'll be shit but record and post them anyway. I'm sure you'll get some useful advice