Women are the npc of genders

women are the npc of genders

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original originality of course

Women get no love from me. They had their chance and blew it. Now they can live with their choices.

implying they wanted your love in the first place XD

>follows gluten free or keto diet or whatever the new trendy diet is
>''i am ugly'' waits for comments that boost confidence
>''i am not like the other girls'' ends up with asshole
>text all day long but only type lol, aww and omg 99% of the times
>complains all the time at work about the conditions but only works 10% of the time
>dinner consist of her talking with other NPC girls about their week end with their boyfriend

Would you please suggest an alternative to the lifestyle depicted in the OP?

Its always the gayest memes that go viral and not something that normalfags should see/spread like this

there's nothing NPC about having a bucket list

oh please leave this place and never return please

>making fun of people for travelling, having fun, money, and friends

Is this a fucking joke?

who knew you could make the normalfag meme more annoying by insinuating that you're more special than normalfags?

Oh, you don't want love from us. But what about when the normie men start avoiding women? Oh, they are? Well i guess that's fine anyway, but what about chad? Chads next, and he needs you all the least, less than anybody else.

I don't think I'll even understand why people like traveling.

you can do all these things but why do you have to let everyone know and post it everywhere on social media

these people need to get approved by society, that's why they are also called "normies", they can't live without being approved by an authority figure

do you actually believe it's for the fun of travelling and shit and not for social approval? not for being seen as "unique and interesting"?

>this is how he interpreted this

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What do you watch? Foreign film? Liveleak? She just wants to watch shows to escape the same miserable existence you live in.
>Trendy diet
As long as she looks good, why do you care?
>Needs confidence boost
>Not like the other girls
Both of these stem from the same insecurities that half the people on this board have. She just reaches out to other groups of people.
>texting useless shit
Same as shitposting useless shit. I will give you that the posts here have to have originallio attached to them
>Complains about work but barely works
Pretty much true. Most women fall into either hard workers or shammers
>Having an actual conversation with other friends and people over a meal
This is healthy for you.

user, they're just as vapid, shallow, and scared as you. Even if you're one of the few who rise above all these things they do and actually accomplish something, why not just fuck 'em today and forget 'em tomorrow?

Of course people who do everything just for social approval exist.
But do you really believe that everyone who does these things does them for social approval? And do you think doing them for the experience and posting about the experience on social media are somehow mutually exclusive?

I dont fucking understand this meme desu lads, are we making fun nirmies here because i think we are the biggest NPCs of all because all we do is shitpost and play vidya and fap.

>'i am not like the other girls'' ends up with asshole

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i wouldn't say that they are not mutually exclusive, no. not everyone, but most people, at least from what i've seen, fall into that category.

this meme itself is quite generalizing and the OP even states that
>most importantly - never be able to explain "why" you have done any of these things beyond a sentence or two

this and trying to be "unique" by simply doing what everyone else does defines the NPC in my opinion, and OP just lists some of the "unique things" that they do

What would you say constitutes a valid reason?

Traveling is low key bragging about how much money you have,

Look I am rich as fuck I can wander around Brazil for 3 months

a valid reason is when you can actually explain what happened in your life that you decided to dye your hair/start doing yoga shit/travel. It is not an easy choice by any means, well, at least for me. examples are:
>dreaming about travel/anything else from childhood
that means that is your passion and you can easily explain why you wanted this experience, unless you're a 70 or lower IQ brainlet
>life got boring/depression/way to get away from problems
that's even easier. You don't even have to explain much. It is a valid reason enough. You can explain, your choice.
>it is a hobby
basically the same as previous. valid reason. Can explain why you like it, simple. if you can't explain why you have some kind of hobby even if it's vidya/anime or even philosophy/architecture shit, you're most likely an NPC

Anything else is just what said, or what i referred to earlier

I'd say 85 to 95 percent of girls are essential face less commodities used by chads and niggs

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>be roastie
>gonna go on a vacation and pay a shitload of money/put a shitload of effort to do scuba shit
>all for the brainlet reason of my liking pretty fishies
heh, at least I can actualize my goal of looking at the colorful aminals, shitlips.

lol dies it make you jealous? is that what this this meme is about?

t. reddit that doesn't even know what NPC meme is actually about

seriously, two normans in one thread, how is this shit even possible?

are you new here? Incels are just really bitter

fish are very important

was meant for sorry for the complication friends

And women as a gender will soon be automated

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I just learned I'm in love with an NPC

>Can explain why you like it
This is the core issue I believe. It doesn't even have to be a 'good' reason. Just something other than "becuz its kewl".
Its like living on auto-pilot or in a daze/trance. You don't even recognize or appreciate the significance of what you're doing, because you're brain is too busy planning your next instagram post about it.

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But no user, it only works if we're mean to each other.
Don't agree with my fish plans.
If you respond to me posting like an asshole in a nice and level-headed way than I'm just an asshole, but if you "ree" back like I planned then it's banter.

>tfw actually find craft beer interesting as a hobby because you get to make it yourself and enjoy what you created
>want to get into it
>also find wine interesting and want to get into it, making it, making concoctions and possibly bar tending
>meanwhile thots and women in general ruin it
why do women ruin so many things?

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Notice how no one responds, it is because they're all pathetic incels, who aren't cut out for normal constructive life.

It's a shame really.

>meanwhile thots and women in general ruin it
How the fuck are women "ruining" it?
I can see social hobbies getting ruined by broads infiltrating spaces and dumbing down the works but brewing is pretty solitary.
They aren't in the craft brewing supply shop, popping lids off of the vials of yeast, blasting menstrual blood in them and then running off.

how about they marry a nice guy and stay together for life?

>How the fuck are women "ruining" it?
by making it look pretentious

seriously though, I went to the GABF the other week and it was really comfy, almost all white dudes, with the odd roastie tagging along behind her husband/bf. All the beers were normal, there weren't any evil feminist beers.
Comics are cucked, video games are cucked, but brewing seems okay.

Funny how it's always roasties who bitches about them incels

Well that's obviously your own opinion and problem, different user here just had to respond to this stupidity, how about you act like a fucking man, and stop letting women intimidate you out of things you enjoy, how in the fuck are you like this.

>by making it look pretentious
women don't open their own breweries or make their own beer, if some hipster fag opens his gay brewery and makes shitty siriacha IPA in an attempt to get trim, that's his terrible gambit. If you let optics fuck with you you'll never be able to enjoy your life.
Make some beer, user. Drink that beer, user. Be happy and forget about fags and roasts.

Because you're literally failed, defective males gg

>tries to quote the SCUM manifesto
>writes "males" instead of "females because she can't even believe the garbage she's spewing
How very sad for you.

>The Alchemist
What is with people liking this meme book? I read it expecting some kind of enlightenment but it's literally babby's first self improvement parable

>pierced septum
I've never seen a person in public with that

stop caring what people think

Goblins typically hide in caves and marshes.

>never be able to explain "why" you do any of these things beyond a sentence or two.
I'll give it a shot:

>Visit Macchu Pichu
Being able to visit the site of one of the most unique and unknown empires on the planet. A place where an entire civilization lived on mountain tops in expertly crafted stone fortresses connected by rope bridges all without a written language. Walking there, where the Inca rulers once probably walked, wondering what the world would be like if events had unfolded just a tiny bit differently 500 years ago. Wondering if somewhere in the slums of Cuzco, or some isolated jungle village, someone still knows how to read quipu.

>Ride an elephant
Never interacted with an animal this big, because all the large animals in your region are extinct. Crazy to think just how smart elephants are, wonder what he thinks about you riding him. Knowing that mahouts have been riding elephants for thousands of years, even being one of the things that kept Alexander the Great out of India. That being said, I wouldn't be satisfied with just a short ride and a selfie. I'd want to spend more time working with the animals, getting to know their unique mannerisms and capabilities firsthand. Maybe do some elephant logging work or a cross-country trek.

>Attend Burning Man
See all the artistic people showing off their creations. Sure they're looney, but you gotta admire the dedication and skill some of them put into their crafts. Also get to people-watch and see firsthand just how debaucherous and crazy drug-addled people will get in a public space.

>Practice yoga
Meditation is verified as healthy and the refined kinesthetic awareness and control developed from the practice is also a very healthy and practical skillset. That being said, I'm more curious about the different types of yoga, not as physical exercise, but as a lifestyle and guide to a becoming a better person. I'm curious what kind of methodology for achieving moral excellence was developed in the Hindu tradition.

Experiencing something that your body and instincts scream at you not to do, but your intellect manages to convince them to do it anyway. Reveling in the unique unnaturalness of reaching terminal velocity, seeing the ground from 3 miles in the air and feeling yourself fall though the temperature/pressure gradient. Enjoying the quite peacefulness after you deploy the parachute, with no sound but the gentle breeze tickling the edge of the chute, feeling the air holding you up, and if you tighten the chute cords, you could stay up there for ever, slowly drifting like a dandelion seed. Meanwhile your body is still having a silently repressed panic attack and desperately craving something to cling to like a cat stuck in a tree.

>The Alchemist
Never heard of it. Historical alchemy is pretty interesting though.

>Body Mods
literally garbage. I like Halloween and cosplay as much as anyone, but I'm not about to make any alterations that could have permanent side-effects, that's just dumb. I guess a nose-ring would be nice if you want to live as a sex-slave crawling on all fours and literally being lead around by the nose by your master. But I'd rather just use a plastic clip-on that I could remove after I get tired of roleplaying.

>multiple diet restrictions
Never had that problem. Just count your calories and avoid processed junk food.

So how basic am I?

>positive vibes
This one annoys me. I see men and women use this one though. Sending positive vibes my way doesn't make me feel any better. Same with sending healing vibes if I'm sick.

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Sorry you feel that way, user. Sending positive vibes your way

You are most likely not travelling with your hard-earned money and if you do then that means having a family is clearly not a priority. You'd rather spend small fortunes just for the instagram pictures and the likes.
>ride an elephant
see above
>Attend leftie festivals
Translated: Do drugs, ingest crazy amounts of alcohol and likely suck a whole rainbow of dicks. You prioritize thrill-seeking and mindless sex.
>the alchemist
cringe, but part and parcel with the modern vapid female
>body mods
part and parcel with the modern neurotic, mentally ill female
>diet restrictions
part and parcel with the modern neurotic, insecure, vapid, lost, confused female.

You are pretty basic and live up to the stereotypes.

it's really scary how accurate this pic is
the normalo has no real amibition or dreams, they only ape others in they way that they need to collect memories, but, most importantly, photo proof, of how "adventurous" their lives are

women who "want to travel" is the default turbonpc setting

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>What do you watch? Foreign film? Liveleak? She just wants to watch shows to escape the same miserable existence you live in.
Nothing. The average movie is for the unimaginative. Do something better.
>>Trendy diet
>As long as she looks good, why do you care?
A diet will only fix your weight.
>>Needs confidence boost
>>Not like the other girls
>Both of these stem from the same insecurities that half the people on this board have. She just reaches out to other groups of people.
Except these people deeply hate each other. Are you saying the average group of females is as toxic as this swamp?
>>texting useless shit
>Same as shitposting useless shit. I will give you that the posts here have to have originallio attached to them
These people at least have some meme going that changes now and then. Not much better, but superior to the mindnumbingly retarded conversations.
>>Having an actual conversation with other friends and people over a meal
>This is healthy for you.
Vapid words that achieve nothing. You're better off without them.

yeah, it really it
it's a testament to the shriveled up fantasy of npc, so they just copy others, hence fashion, for instance

lol, did it sting much, mr npc?

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we think and act independently and digest differing opinions and reflect on them
the npc is in a complete and total bubble and doesn't even know it

anyone else just want to punch this bitch in the face? surely i'm not the only one?

lel that pic really nailed it
get a load of this npc, hahahahaha
and he continues his monologue even when I don't click on the conversation option, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

all roasties get the travel money from bf, family or they ridiculous office job they got where they do nothing for 100K a year

I have never done any of these things but you have a point OP

I think I understand why normies like traveling

Their minds are empty so they need things to happen in real life for them to be stimulated. They're incapable of being stimulated by thoughts alone. Hence NPC. That's why they always want to:
>hang out
>go places (travel)
>do drugs
>have sex

They literally have nothing inside their heads. So they fill the void with external activity. For me though when I go to mexico or hawaii I felt exactly the same as I did when I was at home. There was nothing interesting there.

If you are so self-satisfied, why have you come here seeking external stimulation?

yes, sitting in my room everyday is so externally stimulating LOL

The thing is I do really want to "travel" to other parts of the world. I have a whole fantasy in my head of going on a roadtrip across Russia and the Eurasian Steppe into Mongolia then south through rural China. I know how incredibly dangerous that would be in reality, like I said it's a fantasy.
I even would be interested to go to more typical tourist destinations like India or Machu Pichu or whatever, so why do I always get this visceral reaction when a woman says she wants to go or likes travelling? Like I just immediately lose respect for her, I know it's totally hypocritical of me am I really just a misogynist looking for any reason to see her as lesser? Because it just immediately makes me place her in the "basic bitch" category

I suppose that's why the OP included the line at the bottom..

I have almost zero photos of all the things I've ever done, maybe I should be a bit more of a normie.

You do not understand. If your mind is so incredible and amazing in and of itself, then why on earth would you be here filling it with garbage and stimulating it through participation in the threads?

In a room with Jow Forums, in a japanese bar surrounded by roasties, what's the difference? You are seeking stimulation from an outside source. You are empty, and want to be filled.

I like to be alone. If I'm out "traveling" and "hanging out" there's nothing stimulating my mind. At least one here there's things to think and argue about. In real life people just want to joke around. And that makes me head hurt. Which then causes people to hate me because they can tell they annoy me.

In here I can actually talk about serious things.

>If your mind is so incredible and amazing
Why are you putting words in my mouth? Is your pea brain so feeble you get butt hurt when I criticize people who aren't even you?

If having a family should be one's number one priority then why aren't you doing anything about it.

>If your mind is so incredible and amazing in and of itself
not being a completely brain dead fucking normalnigger doesn't make you a genius, why do you faggots always do this shit by going to the opposite extreme when someone makes a criticism

Why are you putting words in my mouth? Is your pea brain so feeble you get butt hurt when I criticize people who aren't even you?
Cool it, kid. I was just inferring from this:
>Their minds are empty so they need things to happen in real life for them to be stimulated. They're incapable of being stimulated by thoughts alone.
Unless you're actually the same as these people you're criticising.

nailed it
hope I don't get muted orgenalio

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Well you're the one who got sarcastic on me. Don't say cool it when you light it lol.

Anyways you gotta be pretty dumb if you think a guy who never leave his house is the same as a norman who likes partying, casual sex, and traveling. Obviously nobody is going to sit in an empty room and stare at a wall all day. So I'm not sure what you're even trying to argue about.

Op sounds like he has a face even his mother could love.

oops, for (you) with a faggot image original

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I really wouldn't want this life. I think I'll stick to being suicidal.

We are all assholes, just different flavors of asshole.

>Obviously nobody is going to sit in an empty room and stare at a wall all day.
Someone has never looked into the tradition of Zen.

I'm not trying to argue about anything. I'm just here looking for stimulation, just like you.

Have you guys tried being attractive and funny, it works for me.

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because they are THAT stupid

Meditating makes me sleepy. But I only do it to combat anxiety.

I totally agree with you, these misogynist extremists must be punished severely.
Removing them from Jow Forums is a good start, here is what we can do:
Ban pol to get rid of sexists and nazis.
Ban anyone who indentify as or uses the word "incel".
Implement upvotes(so that the popular threads are on top instead of of the controversial)

Not sure if you're being ironic but being anti free speech is never a good thing

this song fucking slaps

it's a joke.
>make it reddit

npcs count it as hate speech when they dont agree, thus circumventing free speech laws

I've been close to marriage twice already, with the woman getting cold feet about having children or outright suggesting we go childfree.

Get fucked.

Don't be too sure about that. Those people actually exist.

you're fucking retarded if you can't see the joke.

I'm unironically for banning the term "incel". It's as reddit as it can be and only those people keep using it. Robots and incels are two different things.

You really are remarkably stupid

>gives me a blowjob in a parking lot
>let's me fuck tits
Total NPCs lol

>those people don't exist
>if they do they would never post here
I think you're both the dumb ones

The russian part would be the only potentially dangerous part desu senpai and also very unlikely especially with proper planning. Don't let that shit hold you back. Do it.

>Being a moral slave to what other people think is beneficial and will for sure grand you happiness and intellect

Even fucking Aristotle said the fucking same, most women are biologically moral slaves of what other people think of them, they dont have much free will despite always wanting equality and freedom of choice.
But in order to society work in a democratic and healthy way, we still need to have both sides happy.

>''i am ugly'' waits for comments that boost confidence

Literally half the active threads on r9k right now. We need a purge.

I feel bad for Mr jingles

The Alchemist is a thoughtfully written book though. Don't let this discourage you from reading it, it's like a longer version of an Aesop fable.