How do i meet a girl like this if she never leaves the house

how do i meet a girl like this if she never leaves the house

Attached: wtisworse.jpg (1000x1000, 309K)

she can get chad to drive over to her place and dick her down any time she wants


And they're even bigger whores than normal girls.

>The Lolita Bible

break in obviously and originally

>>The Lolita Bible
is that a real thing

Do girls really have a trough for peeing?

>you dont


robot girls do, they can't pee in bottles user, they have a hole where the dick is

its an old magazine for lolita fashion
I used to own a couple back in the good old days

>its an old magazine for lolita fashion
weird bro wtf post pis

you enter her house

>you enter her house
how do


through tinder

One of these things goes to my school


ill bet 20 dollars that she has other friends and wears a death t shirt because she likes teh guitarist and rejects all advances

>get matches
>no response


Attached: im_visiting_right_now.jpg (667x667, 59K)

waaaat the fuck

I don't particular feel like meeting someone with a "pee pee trough" in the first place.

that's not cool bro she's one of us

>that's not cool bro she's one of us
this desu chan friend