Imagine if the gender roles were reversed

- You get approached by women every where you go
- Women want to fuck you all the times
- Never have to do any openning and let the girls do all the work for you
- Can live off a woman
- Can get tons of shit free
- Feel like shit? just post anything online and get tons of orbiter women ready to beg for your cock

The only downside is that your ass will bleed 2-3 days per month and you are physically weaker than females so they can rape you if you walk alone at night.

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Girls would be walking around farting all the time and talking about their dumps.

No longer attractive.

>weaker than females so they can rape you

Men don't do that. I'm a man and I never fart.. just eat healthy you degenerate fuck.

>so they can rape you if you walk alone at night.
It's a good thing that doesn't actually happen then

the healthier you eat the more you fart you fucking retard. thats why girls fart a lot.

> you're minding your own business
> some annoying cunt starts talking to you
> gives zero fucks when you say you're not interested in her
Thanks, but no.

you're so retarded stop posting idiot
why would making healthy make you fart? fucking idiot i swear

Because eating healthy is high fiber, and high fiber increases flatulence.

I literally already have to deal with half of this shit. I'd just get a nice cute feminine girl nerd to huddle together cause staceys keep trying to beat her up and rape me.

literally would be living the dream.

they're claim to be so afraid of rape yet are meeting strangers everyday through tinder
yea yea
really scary

>eating too much fiber is healthy
how dumb are you, no seriously?

What a (not) novel way of saying
>life on easy mode!
I'd take that. Rape me. With my current lifestyle I'm sure I'd be bleeding out of my anus in 3 years. Nothing to lose for me here.
>physically weaker
I exercise.

girls never fart, you hobo

My sister is a girl, and a very pretty one. And she farts non stop around the house.

lies lies lies

its all just your fantasy

Sorry man, not lies. And I wont even tell you what her dirty underwear has in them sometimes. Change your life forever.

the only reason you think this is appealing is because you haven't lived it

>You get approached by women every where you go
>Women want to fuck you all the times
Honestly that seems pretty annoying

Besides if I'd have everything handed to me I'd never have any reason to improve, accomplish or create anything and I'd basically be a piece of shit

It happens far less than you'd think unless you surround yourself with beta orbiters

girls don't fart at all dumbass.