From 1-10, how shit is your life ?

From 1-10, how shit is your life ?
Me: 7

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8. used to be a 9.5 so thats an improvement



Do you live in a favela ?

As bad as it can be without having disabilities, being homeless, being abused, or in a war torn country.

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one being the highest

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i thought norway was pretty user

2, but I feel completely aimless, have low self-confidence, and no friends

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it's enough to be bothersome but not enough for me to do much about it

10, because I live in the greatest country in the world! Any non-american that says 10 is full of shit.

lies, you don't have muh freedums

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I've got a job, muh gunz, muh freedoms, muh democracy, muh Whataburger. What more can a man want?

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2. Accepted the way the world is.

Ok emo larper

Bretty good, not sure how to rate it.

Kinda ruined my life, i think, by fucking up in school.

I accept it though

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go back and get your high school diploma. $100k starting, any job you want.

Well I'm about an eleven


About a 6-7 right now. No money problems anymore but everything is stressful and I’ve been thinking about suicide a lot lately

No job, stressful classes, no gf, away from family, and am fat but that's about it
Happiness is a state of mind, do not make yourself your own enemy.

>wealthy white boi
>private school
>fat (muh genetics)
>hate school with a burning passion


i've had worse come get some

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Put down the tim bits

>Dropped out of university twice now.
>Drink every day.
>Dad called the cops on me because I threatened him.
>"Girlfriend" just spent like four days on a bender with a "friend"
>Guys a fucking chad that's rich and can buy her cocaine
>didn't text me the whole time
>She decided to call me like six times today
>Throw phone in corner and ignore
>Diagnosed with Crohn's Disease last yr
>Still sexually addicted to an ex-gf from 1st yr college
>Get drunk and make facebook acc and talk to random people I used to know
>Always regret it and delete
>Got raped when I was 13
>All my friends fucking despise me because I'm a drunken maniac
>Lurk on Jow Forums
>Have enough money for one more month's rent and that's it
>Old job won't take me back
>Made $30/hr there
>Only job that called me back is fucking Mcdonalds
>$13/hr fuck that bullshit I'll sell drugs or something
>Just done caring about shit
>Literal scum of the earth
>Mooslims stealin my job/wife/livelihood
>Drift further right every day
>Redpilled hard

tl;dr 2/10

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i did. the fat comes from middle school when i didn't give a fuck/know a fuck about nutrition. it just kinda stuck with me. i got a bit slimmer with my growth spurt, but im still a chubster.

i lack the motivation to fix it.