The last of the oldfags

At what point do you think the memories of oldfags (or at the very least pre-2013 anons) will completely be completely forgotten or distorted?

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its so funny to me that original Wojak was created by Pole on Polish imageboard. we fucking destroyed your memes lmao


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I know, I'm just saying even those memories are getting blurred. Also 2013 was the start of pepe and wojak recycling.

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>tfw you came here in 2016 and only know the bad chan

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No one will ever believe it but I really did make my first Jow Forums post in 2003.

I'm basically fucking the corpse of my wife at this point, aren't I?

user, Old Jow Forums was but a wave that crashed and rolled back, it hurts me to say but that same wave is not going to return no matter how much we beg for it.

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What did people talk about back then?

Jow Forums used to be about telling stories, especially this board.

We would tell stories of our shitty poor problems, of our rich boy problems, of every problem. And they were good stories too. Not just complaints or asking if 'if I like x does that make me weird'.

Maybe some of those stories were lies. But my tears were real user. I miss the stories. I miss you guys. What happened here.

Too many shitposts and the influx of people coming in changes things. Now it's all retards, normies, and reddit. Fuck man, I miss the days of the bartender listening to our feels and giving us drinks. You remember that butterfly story? Or the first ideal gf memes? The clown was pretty funny. How about kung pow or habeeb it. Before fucking /b/ became this shithole of normie garbage.

I really miss you guys. I know you won't come back, nothing will ever come back. But I'll sit here waiting. Waiting when we all laughed at shoop da whoops and rickrolls.

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I've been here since around 2008, I was underage back then. Most of us have left to different chans but I come back jist to check in sometimes.

Once flash dies thatll be the end. Theres some good stuff on the less accessible boards like bant and sh4s but most of the really popular boards are a complete circle jerk

I heard you like Mizugorou

I think I experienced the very last of this, sad that it's gone, I want the bartender threads back

The problem is that we've all been so disappointed by life that we no longer have any genuine enthusiasm for anything, which is kind of required to make a story work. We've heard so many self-serving stories now that dismissing them with a short phrase has become an art form. The infusion of right-wing politics also means that no one can ever trust anyone else - you can believe leftists are deluded and still admit that maybe the 24/7 race baiting is less about raising racial consciousness among white users who have already seen this shit a million times and more about picking fights with non-white users who have no noticeable impact on the discussion until baited by white nationalist posters. I'd be a fool to argue on Jow Forums that there's no merit in misogyny, but our paranoia about and obsession with "fembots" is way out of fucking hand. The people who scream "ROASTIE" when one shows up are giving them attention just as much as the discord orbiters - ignoring trolls used to be something we could do, remember? Last but not least, we need to stop shouting down anyone who disagrees with the hivemind. I know it's tempting but actually trying to talk to stupid people results in way more funny content then just screaming "RETARD" over and over until the thread is archived.

>been on Jow Forums for just over a decade
>still a newfag

remember when /b/ wasn't filled with traps and pirn dumps? remember when r9k was a place where people could actually talk about their problems. where wageslaves and neets weren't at war.

oh I miss those days. where every thread would actually be responsive and sometimes helpful.

>Once flash dies thatll be the end.
is it dead yet?

i'm a oldfag and the newmemes are better and funnier

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What hurts most is that Jow Forums is going to die (or live on) as some bizarre nazi site because newfags are so desperate to prove they're not normalfags.

Do people really remember the exact year they discovered Jow Forums?
It's not like my life was fundamentally different after discovering this site. I'd say my peak engagement started around 2015-16 but I have memories of going on here as far back as 2011.
Does this make me cancer or death?

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>Do people really remember the exact year they discovered Jow Forums?
I was on SA when I knew about Jow Forums in 2005. Only actually went to Jow Forums in 2010.

I've been here since 2007, but I never created OC, so I haven't contributed shit to this community. I've been lurking and shitposting and baitposting for over a decade now.

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>here forever
Man, I used to believe this.

If you didn't see it coming once the normalfags enter, you're a faggot.

>Bartender listening to our feels
>First ideal gf memes
This was like 2015 bucko

>Shoop da whoops and rickrolls
Now we're talking.

I thought it was kinda cool to be recognised. That era between 2008-2012, where the internet was starting to be recognised for the sheer talent it contained instead of the digital equivalent of an extra features on a dvd, was decent.

Then the mainstream took over.

I was here when the first post (a mudkip) was made here. I miss old /b/ and when Jow Forums didn't make the entirety of Jow Forums. I miss when we'd hunt down animal abusers instead of being contrarians applauding it. I sincerely wish there was a new place to go.

I occasionally visited from 2006 onwards and only started properly visiting everyday since probably 2011

There are no more losers of our kind.

I remember when the animal face memes started coming out like courage wolf and advice puppy. I thought it was a little strange and "forced" for a meme- but that was completely golden compared to what we have now.

i barely make the cutoff for oldfag. things have really fucking changed. i'm sick of all the same reposts and talentless memes created just to get people bent. bring back slowpoke combos and efg.

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Didn't the creator turn out to be brony or something?

>I thought it was a little strange and "forced" for a meme
Like you said, it's golden compared to now.

It's a strange situation we have now, where people force "memes" into existence and people bandwagon on things they don't actually like. I'm 100 percent sure that shit that was once niche like the furry fandom will become mainstream purely because people are so desperate to stay on top of trends.

Anyone actually hope that moot is forgotten to the point where people don't understand why jmoot is called jmoot?

I remember when everyone lost their minds when moot took the time to post in different threads, or when mods banned people just for the fun of it.

Jow Forums has become the hideout for everyone who obsesses about politics. Instead of people saying "go back to /b/", its become "go back to Jow Forums".
I tried figuring out if i could get onto futaba, but my japanese is so shit and you need a japanese vpn.
Where else do oldfags post?

you just gotta adapt your shitposting

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>Where else do oldfags post?
They don't, they grew up. We're the last ones.

>Be 2011 cancer
>2011 will soon be a decade ago

It feels weird being on Jow Forums these days, because I remember messing around on /v/ back when it didn't give a shit about politics either way. Now everything is "Jow Forums vs Resetera" bickering.

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Don't make me more depressed user, I miss the good old days.

It's already long gone, they actually think r9k is a incel board

This thread is incredibly depressing.

German image board, you fuck

organic internet memes have long since made their way into popular/commercial advertising, it is too late. the only thing one can do is make and distribute quality OC

The sad thing is: Within weeks of new Jow Forums memes coming out, people jump on bandwagons to start making merchandise out of them. Jow Forums unironically used to be like a "secret club". Nowadays there are scrying eyes everywhere.

This website needs to be nuked from orbit and started over. Maybe m00t will get bored one day and give people like us a new home..

well IRC is still a thing, and discord is similar. people still converge in small groups to discuss interests. however, i don't know of anywhere else that offers this level of anonymity.

>This website needs to be nuked from orbit and started over.
Lowtax is still alive. For now.

ive browsed Jow Forums since 2009 and i still enjoy it as much as on the first day

yea the site changed, but i think of most of those changes as being pretty neutral. i love this website, this is home, this is family. this is the only place in the world where i feel a sense of belonging

feels weird as fuck man ive been shitposting for a decade now

First time I remember hearing about Jow Forums was in 2008 when someone on a message board I visited was posting about chanology. I started posting back when this meme was popular, so it must have been 2009. I don't remember much about r9k before feels threads, but I seem to recall threads having convoluted themes/ games based around the filter, and people thinking of themselves as "intellectuals".

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i kinda miss roody-poo
at least we still have desu desu desu senpai

This post says it all. Unfortunately since Jow Forums is now the high traffic area, if it was deleted- the rest of Jow Forums would suffer.

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although desu it was much more fun desu when the filters appeared in dayglo colors desu

>this is the only place in the world where i feel a sense of belonging
It's basically reddit at this point. Almost everything here can be found somewhere else.

People love to hate on Jow Forums but it's maybe the most valuable board on this website, as it's the biggest reason why Jow Forums is still seen as controversial, which keeps normalfags and SJW's away.
Anons might complain about the state of the website but they still all agree it's still better than reddit, tumblr, 9gag etc., places where censorship and left-leaning politics are the norm.

Jow Forums is like those heavily armed cops that you see in places where they predict a terrorist attack might take place. You hate to see them, because it reflects the times we live in now. But it's still better then them not being there.

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I think you must be very very new here and maybe to the internet.

started lurking in 2011. feels weird that Jow Forums is almost twice as old as when I first started coming here

>but they still all agree it's still better than reddit, tumblr, 9gag etc.

You just parrot things you've heard don't you newfag?

i've been here 11 years and i still spend most of my life on the internet so i'm not going anywhere

there's nothing romantic about the old days Jow Forums was definitely less funny back then. addition of discussion boards has been a good thing. i miss ED's heyday more than anything

You poor thing. 2016 was the worst thing to happen to this website

I'm a 2011fag as well. I still think of myself as a massive newfag, but now we've been here for longer than most other Jow Forums users at this point, due to the massive increase in traffic that the site has had in the last few years.

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I wonder if any originalfags are left. Newfag here.

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What really sucked the soul out of this site is the fact that being cynical, detached, and acting """ironic""" is hip right now. People don't want to be genuine with their feelings

This. They left the site for other places or finally got their lives together. Or committed suicide

Jow Forums is insufferable. They cannot help themselves and bring politics into any discussion and its fucking irritating. They are the personification of your old boomer uncle that sits around watching Fox News all day and starting fights at the dinner table. Moot should have given them the /furry/ treatment.

Like I said before and I'll say it again, anons are dead. The underdog nerd is dead.

I've been here since 2011

You think reddit is better than Jow Forums then?

"Jow Forums" is usually triggered by an OP post that is on-topic for a board and already inclined to have political discussion about it.
For example, Jow Forums has threads about Linux's new CoC, which is technology related but also very much political.
You can't expect anons to stay away from this topic altogether since it literally affects the current state of Linux, one of the most important subjects of discussion on Jow Forums.
So it goes on most boards. Almost every hobby or interest is affected by politics in one way or the other.

Now the problem isn't that you hate Jow Forums. The problem is that you miss the old days when things weren't political. I feel the same way, I miss them too.
But we can't go back to those days. This "left vs right" thing is WAY bigger than just Jow Forums, and it's not going away any time soon either.
And I'd rather see the website in it's current state than as a place where people desperately try to avoid subjects that might be considered touchy.

It's already mostly forgotten because there's few of us left. 2016 election really did a number on Jow Forums. 2020 will kill it.

>I've been here since 2011
How old are you?

>Now the problem isn't that you hate Jow Forums. The problem is that you miss the old days when things weren't political. I feel the same way, I miss them too.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I'm , and I feel the same way. It's not Jow Forums specifically that I dislike, I feel really alienated and out of place on Jow Forums with all the political stuff on here now. I'm a shut-in NEET, so I honestly don't know what to think about all the political stuff people go on about now.

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I don't necessarily have a problem with people talking politics or bringing up things that will have politics in them. But 90-95% of threads over 100 replies devolves into
>s o i boy
>the media

Its so played out and boring and its especially annoying when you want to actually see what people think of a certain topic and 10 posts in someone starts bringing up nogs or some shit when it isnt even related.

To add onto this I think thats why many boards have seen a huge increase in "general" threads. Because these places will stay on topic better than a bunch of random threads that devolve into Jow Forumsshit. r9k and /a/ is actually one of the few boards where I dont just immediately look for a general

proud newfag and cancer poster here


That's not a good thing.

All good things come to an end user.
But at least you got to experience the good, that's what they say right?

I remember going to ytmnd forums around 2006 and this place got name dropped so I checked it out. I remember lolcats, rickrolling, early meme shit that got scooped up by other boards.

>tfw memory is so shit that I just barely remember stuff from the past
>I'm a massive newfag from 2011, but even that year feels like a vague and distant memory to me now

I always come late to everything fun so my only memories are of late times so sue for being new.
But I don't know how I can be faulted for coming to something that used to be fun but is now shit.

I started using Jow Forums in 2009.
I had just made an user so I could comment on a tech related forum I used to browse back then. Some guy replied to something I posted with "go back to /b/ you idiot" and I didn't know what /b/ was.

And so it began.

I've had a weird relationship with Jow Forums, I used to shitpost on obscure forums since 2007 which would always be affected by whatever was going on here, everybody knew what always happening around here. By 2013 most of them died and I would eventually migrate to this place in late 2014. Really bizarre shit

reddit is full of goody two shoes fags blowing each others dicks with their retarded opinions, it's nothing like this site. i've tried browsing it. it's god awful

>teehee 4 chan was zooo much bettdur when every1 waz randomz!
>pickles! :3
>hey whad are you doing posting those kids

You kids care too much about shit.

Imagine if we didn't meme about 9/11. Imagine actually being offended by the NPC meme. How spineless do you have to be?

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>you're here forever

Shut the fuck up and get off the ride kid. Pool's closed.

I honestly think the board with closet feeling to old Jow Forums culture is /jp/ which i think is mostly due to the elitism and not tolerating newfags. The oc they make really reminds me of the old days.

long car
WT Snacks
Moot tan
Waga wryyy
user pic not available
Emo duck
Azumanga daioh
Raptor jesus
O rly
pedo bear
Cracky chan
No u
Cock mongoer
Happy nigro
Wut du I win?

Pool's closed nigga. Fucking habbo raids. Can't believe that shit was so controversial at the time.

2005 oldfag reporting in.

>tfw I'm 31 now
>tfw I really am here forever

Your mention of pedobear reminded me of Digg. For those zoomers here, digg was a better designed reddit, but without the limp-wristed leftists running the show. It was very common to have things like ascii art pedo bears in the comments, making rape jokes, and reddit was mocked ruthlessly. Then v4 came out, and was a total shit shoa, so everyone left. Digg would have dominated if it weren't for that. The normies wouldn't be as reddity if it weren't for that (although they still would have been meme-recycling normies, but at least more self-aware)

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Don't you mean Poole's closed?

Smh im an old fag and people post that Jow Forums
is death and newfags ruined it since fucking 2008.
The "Jow Forums was ruined by newfags" is just a nostalgia meme

>digg was a better designed reddit
>Then v4 came out

I've never seen a website go from front-page-of-the-internet to literally-who-tier ghost town so fast. Neither before nor since.

The original was on a Polish board, then reposted to Krautchan

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Fuck man, should have came in 2014. Things got fucked here around the 2016 election, too much shilling and spotlight on Jow Forums ruined this site. pic related.

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v4 really was something special, for sure. You couldn't engineer a better fuckup.

Pepe sitting there so small and innocent, nobody knew he would betray and slay them all.

Arrived in 2008, just a few months before the boxxy flood.

The biggest change I've noticed in recent years is that the cancer has now metastasized.

And I don't mean the me-too banana-tier meme cancer. Now we have wave after wave of deeply, profoundly shit-filled posts. Reading YLYL just fills me with sadness now. It feels like a deliberate attack, but it's probably just the "regression toward the mean" of IQ that inevitably happens when something gets popular.

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Everything on the Internet was so earnest before, now you need to cake everything you do and say in a layer of irony for some fucking reason to seem cool.

I've been here since I was a freshman in high school so that would be around 2004. I didn't visit at all from 2011 to 2014. I'd say things got really bad when Trump started running for office but that seems to be the whole clearweb, not just here.

I miss all the party van servers in vidya. I want to go back.

but you love the big black cock threads right?