Story Time

Let me entertain you with a story of when I was a Junior
(Pic related, was me around that time)
>Parents are going a couple states over to get my Grandpa's ashes
>I'm left to guard my 3 year old brother
>We have a good day, play, eat tendies, and I watch a couple episodes of Jojo
>I put him to bed and relax
>I start texting my bf and things get a bit lewd
>Next thing you know I'm in an apron with a sharpie up my ass while sending him pics and videos
>Ring ring
>Answer my mom's call with the sharpie still in me
>She reminds me to lock her bedroom door to the outside
>Hangup and clean myself up after that uncomfortable 3:30 call
>I'm wearing a T-shirt, boxers, and cat ears
>I go to open my parents bedroom door to lock the door
>As I open the door someone on the other side pulls it closed
>Dart to the kitchen and grab a knife
>Is scared shitless as your dozen guns are kept in my parents closet where the nigger that broke in is
>Call my dad and 911
>Toss my cat ears behind a recliner as my faggotry was secret
>Older brother shows up in 5 with his .45
>He sweeps the place
>Who ever was in the room apparently simply left after I tried to open the door
>Spend the next 2 hours shaking and playing xbox trying to calm down
>sleep mode on

Life in the fine land of Florida is fun

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who are you quoting?



No one.


I don't know how to respond to this
also you're kinda cute no homo

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No u

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Thats okay, and thank you my homie