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i make le post
kiss my penis
This is me
Even if I don't want to?
Georgia Rodger is cute asf
That's some freaky shit, ain't no way imma be in the same room as that thing
did they lower the file size limit to 2MB recently?
hardly none of the files i saved from Jow Forums can be reposted because of the fucking limit
I didn’t fucking want this.
I didn’t want to be like this.
I used to be innocent, pure. I used to not be a racist. I didn’t care what color people were. I wasn’t paranoid about going anywhere near a black person who’s not wearing a suit. I used to be oblivious to world politics, to the few companies that run everything and anything in the world.
I just wanted to be happy.
I just wanted to live in a small farmhouse with a girl I love, away from big cities or anyone else. I wanted to have peace and love. I wanted to be left alone, but I can’t have that, and it’s destroying me.
I’ll never be able to be innocent and oblivious again thanks to this fucking website, this fucking political climate and the fucking leftist agenda being pushed. I can’t sit at home and relax without recognizing propaganda everywhere.
I just wanted a comfy life with someone I love but now I’ll never be normal again and it sucks.
not true though
if that bitch dies, we'll keep her zombie corpse alive using technology
theres basically already no way to fully kill all humans, with anything, we're the smart cockroaches of the universe
just remember that BOTH sides have an agenda
BOTH SIDES shovel propaganda into you
yes even Jow Forums has propaganda & flat out fake images with fake sources, etc
just remember that, because from your post it seems like you've forgot
its okay user
Yo dude wtf is that reel
I don’t want any propaganda anymore. I don’t want to know anything. I want to be oblivious again. I want to be innocent. I thought I wanted knowledge, but what good is knowledge when either side can make up what’s real and what’s not and then decide what to push as fact or fiction? I can’t tell the truth from lies anymore and there’s no point.
It surely looked like those barbells had some weight on them.