Fly Over State Thread

These threads are always very comfy. How is life treating you boys? I'm a Michigan fag planning on moving to Iowa soon

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Everything is meh. In my life and my state.
t. kansanon

>both carolinas aren't flyovers
shit map t.b.h

personally i recommend Council Bluffs IA, because its a really beautiful part of the state, lush green hills and forests. and when you want you can go across the river to Omaha, which is a real nice city.

>shit map t.b.h
Agreed. Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine don't have shit. Just because Chicago is in Illinois doesn't make the rest of the state not flyover either. But I's just an Arizona nigger and I want to be free.

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Oklahoma user here, I like it here for the most part. Wish I lived somewhere colder though.

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Why is South Florida supposed to be "flyover"? I don't get it. You more than likely wouldn't literally fly over it on a domestic flight to most parts of the U.S., and it's an urbanized area.

Well my personal plan was moving to somewhere around this area so I'm near all the cities. Not sure if that's too good of an idea though but that won't probably be for another few years anyway. I'm planning on starting out in Carroll and making my way from there

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Kansas user here, with fall settling in everything quite cozy. The weather has a comfortable chill and the trees are changing, pretty good on all fronts.

Ndakotanon. Went to DMV sucked time to drink since no work today.

Central Illinois fag can confirm this whole state is shit tier

Well, let's see... My town is about 80% druggies and the refinery brought in a ton of illegal beaners.

I was a kid in poorer areas of Michigan and wondered why tons of my neighbors had Southern accents as a kid and listened to country. Then I found out from reading online that people from the South actually moved here. I've recently talked to some who told me they were visiting family down there.

Lawrencefag? Origineal

Nice seeing another AZ fag. What part are you from?

No, eldofag

>the entirety of Colorado is flyover
Yeah ok.
But seriously, I really am tired of living in Denver.
There is nothing to do here but smoke weed, yet people keep piling in.

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wow terrible map

Also a Michigan user.
Where in Michigan are you from? Post contact.

Imagine being this brainlet. Lol

What happens if you hug someone from a flyover? Will they go all blushy and shy?

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>planning on moving to Iowa soon
Christ. Why?

minnesota here
still sucks

I live in Alaska and we are flyover you mong.

Other flyover states even have it better than us because it takes less than a week to drive to the cities where the women are.

fixed it for pretentious cunts

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Come hang out with me in Mason City user.

mason city is depressing. Don't listen to him.

Tucson my man

Why not?
Maybe. Only city I've been to is Fort Dodge and Des Moines, and even then it's very little. I've been visiting Iowa every summer since I was 7 though so I feel at home there

I lived in Alaska and there are women. Even if you live out in the village... you just have to put a bag over their heads.

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Hey AZ fag, living in Chandler pretty comfy

>Alaska has the highest rape rate of any of the states in the US

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You live near KC?

Im a Lawrencefag. You in KU?

niggers are increasing in number i hope they all fucking die.

Is this aimed at the fly overstates or those that don't?
Because the term for the most part just means "quiet areas" for the last few decades?
Also the real fly overstates (states with the most planes flying over without taking off or landing) are Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

That shouldn't come as a shock, high male-to-female ratio, high depression, high amount of drugs(Alaska leads the country in that too), and the inability to enforce laws it basically breeds the beta uprising shit. Hell they kids get raped 4 to 1 in comparison to adults.

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I plant corn all dayyy and smoke meth at night
where am I?? where am I??

Michigan is the greatest of the fly over states who moves to Iowa ew

Is it though?

And Mom's the best governor.

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Nah fuck you Tyrone it sucks here

Where do you live senpai lol paw paw or some shit? Get to Ann Arbor east lansing metro Detroit etc

Utah fag here.

Trying to deal with the Mormons trying to convert me.

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Do you live literally in a temple or something? In my 24 years of life I have never been approached by a mormon or had them knock on the door.

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Noice, I got family scattered all over that area so I travel around it a lot. It's a nice area.

that map is literal shit kys

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CO boy reporting in, c*lifornians need to get out
detroit's a shithole, nigger user.

Wichita jdbdkxnz

Kansas is the ugliest place I have ever been. The very eastern edge of Kansas is OK, since it starts to get a bit forested, but most of your state is flat, windy, and colorless. It was funny driving down the highway watching birds at a standstill in mid air because of how strong the winds were.

Very accurate. I've said the same. The far East of the state looks ok only because it's begining to look like Missouri

>t. Virgin giving opinions about a place he hasn't been

And metro Detroit means the suburbs you moronic cac

No women here in Idaho. Doesn't matter, I wasn't looking.

nice ad hominem, nigger.
>implying metro detroit isn't a shithole

Henderson Nevada here. I like the fact that it's fairly densely populated here, but it still has a mostly suburban feel, and it doesn't have the horrible traffic that LA does. Almost everything I need is within a 1 mile radius, and 80% of what I need is within a 1/2 mile radius.

Move to Aurora friend. That was my hometown.

Most likely

At least I will. I was raised around a bunch of Germans who were stoic and never touchy feely. Hugging someone here would get you punched in the mouth.

>fancy finance spreadsheets are the same as raw production

ww@ comfybois?

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>Tulsa driller
>crying indian

Yep, you're an Okie boy. (me too)

Wow I guess real life is a civ game. Just look at that mediocre city placement

>ad hominem
>implying there was a debate happening

No no no neanderthal a debate is two informed opinions differing, this is a spastic virgin giving his uninformed factually incorrect opinion unasked. It would be like if I was having a conversation about how tits feel and you jumped in and said "sand" then I called you retarded and said kys

See? Now kys

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Which lake do you live on?

lake elmo

You fly over fags are lucky.

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I live in Oakland County. It sucks. Full of kikes and wannabe gang bangers

That is an amazing looking burger. Are they only in Utah?

If you're 18-25 living in Michigan and don't live near uofM, MSU, eastern, somewhere like that or at least royal oak I feel sorry for you you're doing it wrong

In my state you could easily buy that outright for 40k

I also do not get it.

That was specifically why I left there. Once I left, I could buy a nice 1830 square foot house for $320K. What I saved on real estate, I put into the stock market. Now I have a nice paid-off house plus a whole bunch of stock. There's no way I could have done that in the bay area. Leaving there was by far the best financial decision I ever made.

Metro Detroit is racist desu. The White people there made the Black people live in a very dangerous ghetto city full of crime where there's no infrastructure or jobs and the buildings are crumbling.

howdy fellas, never considered louisiana as a flyover state

t. mississippi

Can any user tell me what Kansas City is like?

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wtf i love detroit now

There are more flyover states than that and all of FL is a state. What even is that shit?


Me too! Lived in aurora until my mother died of an aortic aneurysm at age 11. Best city and state ever.

>not a flyover state

Ohiofag here. I really don't mind living here. The cost of living is very low, I have access to all the necessities and entertainment I need within 10 miles at most, and there are plenty of jobs in my field (at least where I live).

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So let me get this straight, all of Illinois is worth visiting, including shit-ass places like Great Lakes, but the bottom of Florida is SO BAD that it's considered flyover. And yet, in the same state, the entire panhandle, the ENTIRE panhandle, is worth visiting. Even though Pensacola, where I'm currently at, is at least as worthwhile as, say, Mobile, Alabama.

Shitty map.

Idaho best state.

KCK is kinda ghetto. Johnson county is middle and upper middle class suburbia. KCMO is meh and ghetto. Only reason I'd ever go into the city was for the local comicon

People fly TO it. Mainly boomers and japs

New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado should not be flyover.

I would argue, because this state is a hellish tourist trap, but it's also like 90% wasteland that we actively forget.
Rarely any NV people on here too...

Cleveland is the most depressing place I have ever been to. No human being should step foot in that decaying shithole.

here for uni
stay for comfy