>bored all day, no hobby no passion
>coursework drop
>be even more miserable working my ass off all day
>finish it
>go back to being bored
When is this gonna pay off?
i haven't been to class in 5 weeks
what do??
you should probably go to class if you're paying for it
government is paying for it
i'm just collecting my monthly check
>I drove 7 hours to visit gf af uni
>she has class until 3pm
>its noon
>laying in her bed trying to work up the willpower to watch these AWS architect training videos for work
>3 hours to more sec
Being relatively normie with some quirks is pretty comfy I guess.
Oh also if you are planning on going the computer route and not designing chips with EE uni is a fucking meme. I've been working in the field for 8 years now. Dropped out of college to work as a pen tester and never looked back. Just learn your shit yourself and be able to prove you know what you are talking about in the interview and you will totally land that comfy sysadmin/sec remote gig every Jow Forumsentooman wants.
75% on my linear algebra exam
going from a straight As to having a fat C is kinda relieving
Shes skipping class to come back and watch movies with me
>cozy intensifies
Also protip: hot cocoa mixed with Smirnoff peppermint vodka is an amazing daydrinking beverage that tastes exactly like girl scout thin mint cookies. Highly reccomend
>have to study for midterms coming up next week
>surprise! horrible back pain out of fucking nowhere
>can't sit on my desk and study
>gonna spend this day, and probably a couple more, in my bed, lurking on Jow Forums.
Fuck me, I should have started studying earlier.
Linear algebra is pwetty easy desu~ what pwart are you having twoble with? OwO
>not studying in bed
Max comfy desu