Stop fooling yourself

Admit it.

Theres a very high chance you became conservative because liberalism was mainstream when you were growing up.

You just wanted to go against the norm.

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no. liberalism is a cancer that seeks to consume the goodness in this nation.

I'm apolitical but i tend to agree with liberalism in every topic i've considered and researched in depth

based, redpilled, and checked. fpbp

Nah, conservatism has always been the norm. Conservatives are nothing but stupid NPC's.

I have been considering this myself. Almost any perspective can be justified to a palatable extent. Since the only thing that matters is my happiness, and going against the norm makes me happy, I don't really care all that much anymore if my views are somewhat incorrect.

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Partly that. Other part is the extreme edginess of far gone "liberals" talking about gender, trans right and shit like that. Ya know, BS supported by 1% of the population that the internet makes look like an active and important movement? That shit is easy to radicalise you to the right.

You MUST be retarded to fall for it after you turn 16 though

No, I'm conservative because I hate minorities. It's as simple as that.

Sort of but it doesn't help liberals are acting like buffoons lately by preventing conservative speakers from doing their speech and supporting Ford even though she had no evidence. They also whine and bitch whenever they don't get what they want.

So I should be liberal because it's mainstream? Actually kill yourself you serious piece of stupid

That's not what he was saying at all you brainlet

Partly true. I wanted acceptance. Thus I started out as a liberal, then became a cuckservative neocon, then a libertarian ('cuz muh rational free thinking) and now I'm somewhat libertarian...

But I'm too liberal for conservatives, too conservative for liberals and too radical for centrists...

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The right killed satire and manufactures outrage for example the doom controversy

unironically triggered
you would make a great leftist

No, liberalism has an overly utopian "live and let live" mentality which is impossible to carry out by the milquetoast politicians that represent it

Point out flaws in liberal logic is too great a past time for me

That is absolutely being implied though.

Sjws ruined the left for me

Doubt it considering a brainlet like destiny has btfod countless right wing people from Jow Forums itself.

I went full commie sjw, along with militant fedoralord atheist (this was in 2004 so it wasn't mainstream yet) first in HS, just to be contrarian.

Then as I saw more and more what the left was about I went back right.

>government created a right for its people that allows citizens to arm themselves in order to fight back against the government should it become tyrannical
>"That right is so old and outdated... We need to get rid of it!" -The Government
>"Yep, that's right!" -liberals
>"[screams internally]" -Thomas Jefferson
Sorry, but I can't support people who paradoxically call for more "freedoms" while taking away the only right we have which guarantees our others will be taken away.

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Come to the libertarian side my dude, we don't care what you do as long as you don't fuck with other people, and want the government not to be able to fuck with people.

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Sorry I don't follow your youtubers maybe you should argue for yourself haha oh wait you probably do and lose that's why you worship big talking heads

Nah, I was staunchly liberal until 3 or so years ago. Being told that one party in a 2 party system is immoral and unelectable makes me very uncomfortable. The media and my environment has made me feel unable to even say my political views. A 2 party system makes finding a party that shares all my views impossible, so I vote for the party that is most interested in actually discussing issues.

No, it's because liberal are lazy faggots who are unable to effectively use logic to defend their points, atleast most of them are. These nu-liberals also believe in the government control of arms and guns, even though this is the most non conservative belief in history, seeing as how many rulers and monarchs in the past would just outright ban the use of weapons for the people, gun control is the most conservative belief out there. Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty and equality. If you call yourself a liberal, and you support the banning of guns you can fuck yourself.

It's only a paradox because you have no clue what libs what at all. The left don't want to really take your guns away. They want better gun control so mentally ill people won't hurt people.

Yea it's not like you slimy fucks will classify being right wing as a mental illness already have no problem calling everyone to the right of Marx a Nazi.

600 billion on a military budget when we are really at war vs 34 billion budget to give all American healthcare. Why are conservatives with the former not the latter?

but im a monarchist

haha, try a real ideology

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>unironically trying to use semantics to override decades of political history
>why dont the parties just detonate their entire established platforms to satisfy political sciences autism
I hate democracy lmao. Thanks for voting.

Oh no, I believe that the military budget should be lowered, I just believe it's never gonna happen, under a "liberal" or conservative government. A lowering of budget would probably force the military to use their given budget more efficiently.

I am pro guns too but that argument is retarded af.

An AR-15 is not going to protect you against a modern military.

No, we call the people who go to protest yelling Nazi chants and talk about a white America for white people Nazis. I never stated all conservatives are Nazis. That would be calling my family that. Let's face it T_D and Jow Forums really have zero idea what libs are. They only believe the fox news version of them.

>oh wow Europe gets to spend all of its money on its citizens isnt that great.
You also complain endlessly about helping Syria, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine, Haiti, Taiwan, Africa, etc... not to mention containning China which is now an authoritarian dictatorship looking to wield the same influence the US does. How exactly do you imagine any of those things get accomplished?

Another lie. I've been called a Nazi more times than I care to count just for being against open borders and mass censorship.
You've got antifa on the streets calling fucking everyone a Nazi who dares not to agree with their violent mob mentality.
You may have never stated that shit, but it's a common shitlib stance and you know it motherfucker.

>You also complain endlessly about helping Syria, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine, Haiti, Taiwan, Africa,

Another great post showing how you know nothing about libs. Wanting the U.S. to stop bombing Syria and not to be involved in places like Yemen or Africa. We don't expect the military to be in be in. Haiti. We want a better humanitarian effort for Haiti. Conservative claim Christian they care more about Haiti and places like in Haiti like Puerto Rico. What makes you think we will actually stop China if they did invade another place like Japan. We didn't stop Russia attacking Ukraine.

It's a consecutive mentality that want military to be the World Police. Be okay with bombing a place like Syria, but complain when it's people need a place to stay.

>You may have never stated that shit, but it's a common shitlib stance and you know it motherfucker.

If that is your logic than you can't claim to not be a Nazi. Since the alt-right and proud boys are Cleary Nazi like groups and they are conservative. So by your logic you are a Nazi

Also as a conservative you are for Mass censorship. Conservative went to christianize everything. That Is a form of censorship

You're entirely right. As soon as the pendulum swings back to conservatism, Jow Forums will go back to hating conservatives

Jow Forums has always hated liberals lol sorry

First off, I'm not a conservative nor a Christian I'm a libertarian.
>Nazi like groups
Oh how many Jews have they gassed again? I missed the part where they killed people.
>Says he doesn't call people Nazis for bullshit reasons
>Calls people Nazis for bulllshit reasons immediatley after

Hey look at this newfag everyone

t. Came here from r/T_D in Kate 2016

>You've got antifa on the streets calling fucking everyone a Nazi who dares not to agree with their violent mob mentality.
Antifa is a spook and funny thing is they are HIRED protesters to inflate there numbers.

>mentally ill
Who defines mental illness? What mental illnesses are enough to stop you from having rights? If the 2nd Amendment is allowed to be taken away from the mentally ill, how do they have any security about their other rights?
I trust you see the problem, but given that you are literally arguing that mentally ill people are not allowed to have rights I highly doubt that.

Funny how you insult my argument as stupid when you don't even know that every member US military swear loyalty to the Constitution... that was intentionally done so that the government would NEVER have the military on their side if they were attempting to attack the Constitution.

Late 2016*

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t. Trying to rewrite history
Where do you think all the conservatives that the world has hated for the last 15 years hang out? I promise you guys liberals have been hated here for at least 8 years now.

You are geniunely braindead if you think that is what was being said

It was implied. You can't deny that saying nonliberals are just against the mainstream implies liberals are just for the mainstream. Call me a brainlet again :)

back to r*ddit you go, newcancer

Blatant newfag zoomer.
Jow Forums and the internet has only become severely political in the last three years

>Oh how many Jews have they gassed again? I missed the part where they killed people.
First off I'm using your terminology. 2nd how do you think a white America for white people actually means?
>>Calls people Nazis for bulllshit reasons immediatley after
Are you saying your own logic is bullshit. All i did was what you did and even pointed out I was doing it. You can't complain about being grouped in with the extreme groups of the right and then do the very same thing. You can't do both.

I've been here since 2010. I wonder why you would push so hard to change the past narrative of Jow Forums to liberal? Are liberals scared of conservatives or something?

The person I argued literally tried to say that Jow Forums was left. Are you even reading before replying?

I think it helps to explain what one's definition of Liberalism and Conservatism is. In our current year, most liberals aren't entirely liberal, most conservatives aren't entirely conservative.

>I promise you guys liberals have been hated here for at least 8 years now.
This is a blatantly lie.

You didnt say that though. You said that it implies you should be a liberal because its mainstream. You cant even remember what you said, get yourself checked for brain damage

I can remember liberal hate threads in 2010, yes

fuck off retard, before the influx of redditors Jow Forums has been generally nonpolitical but most anons supported liberal ideas for the sake of being edgy and contrarian

>"Jow Forums was apolitical"
>"r u sayin 4chin wuz librul"
kek, you're fucking retarded

Now you're just twisting words, talk about desperate

Man it feels good to be a conservative and not on the side of the liars at least

There is no goodness in this nation as long as corporate interest is more important than the gentle laborer when politicians vote on policy.

>So I should be liberal because it's mainstream?
eat shit motherfucker

>go against the norm
i grew up with liberal beliefs and as soon as authoritarian leftism got more influence it was impossible to stay friends with people after several disagreements continued to happen. im conservative and hope one day things can go back to being less batshit

The difference is those extremists on your side are the main face of your ideology. The alt-right is not taken seriously by anyone.

They suggested something that literally didn't happen, Jow Forums ganging up on conservativism. Shameful argument tactics some more lib cuck.
It wasn't this right but there have always been nazis here. You fuckeds are literally trying to change the truth, Jow Forums never liked the left

Yeah you're still twisting my words dude, there nothing inconsistent there

>authoritarian leftism

>there have always been nazis here
on Jow Forums, yes. along with commies, liberturdians, anarchists and whoever else is there. they all stuck to Jow Forums and didn't shit up other boards before 2014 though.

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I'd like liberalism if it actually stood for all individual rights and freedoms. Right now its only protects the rights that are fashionable to protect

This. Jow Forums has always been contrarian, when conservatism was mainstream liberal ideas like degeneracy were popular here, now that liberals are mainstream conservatism is popular here. Though redditards have now permanently invaded and make up a larger percentage of the Jow Forums population than non redditards so idk if it will change anytine soon

>he didn't browse before Jow Forums
and I'm getting called the newfag

>What mental illnesses are enough to stop you from having rights?
Psychiatrist and therapist. Any mental illnesses that may cause you to harm yourself and others. When someone tries to commit suicide we lock them away for 72 hours evaluation because we legally don't want to hurt themselves and others. Why allow those people gun.

Better example are elder drivers. You can legally request to have your grandparents looked into for being unsafe driver. If the state detersmines that are unable to safely drive. It takes away their driver's license. Why are guns different?

>authoritarian leftism
Leftism is not liberalism technically.

>main face
Really because the antifa have zero leaders and no PR person. How can they be the mainface when they have no face. Yet the proud boys were all over the news recently.

>being this fucking oblivious
Oh the leftist controlled media you mean? oh yea I'm sure their reporting was REAL accurate.

>Leftism is not liberalism technically.
true, however i'm still not sure which current day political movement could be referred to as authoritarian leftism

before pol there was the news board which still functioned somewhat like a containment board

I trust the media more than some random Anonymous post on Jow Forums or Reddit.

I'm conservative when it comes to immigration, affirmative action, and fiscal matters. I'm a liberal in all other regards. Ill be honest, the anti-white shit that's getting pushed everywhere makes me very wary of Democrats. At least Republicans dont hate me for being white

>i can name worse sources therefore that excuses the media conglomerates from using their control over the flow of information to advance their underlying political agenda
nibba i'm done with you.
stay ignorant.

i grew up in a conservative area so im liberal but now people are liberal so i guess im mainstream

im find with that, im no special snowflake faggot

>I blindly trust Anonymous post on the internet over verified sources.

You really have no room to call anybody anything. If you think all media is a Jewish trick than there isn't really a valid place for you to get any information.

>I used to be a liberal but the fact that I once a saw a greenhaired girl on a YouTube video saying insane stuff made me switch to the right even though Nazis on the right are far more numerous I don't care about them!

Who the fuck said I ever did that other than you?
In my own words I called the WORSE SOURCES you fucking retard, but no you only see what you want to see, you fucking moron.
Get necked.

>Why are guns different?
Being able to buy a gun is one of our rights.
Driving a car is not a right.

The reason why it is a right to own a gun is BECAUSE they can be used to kill people. Guns are the great equalizer in our world, a government can't oppress its citizens when its citizens are armed and ready to kill whatever G-man tries to fuck with them. It's morally irresponsible to take this (or any) right away from someone just because they suffer from mental illness. How about taking them from people who have committed violent crimes or plan to commit them, like someone on Twiiter who talks about "punching Nazis?" Seems a little more clear than assuming everyone with a mental illness will kill themselves or someone else, right?

Instead of being brainlets, liberals should appreciate that these white men cared so much about their country that they made it a law and a right to be able to kill government workers.

No it didn't and at anytime /b/ (which was a bigger deal of a board back when for you newfags) was filled with all the same right wing nazi stuff you see today. Quit actually lying, liberals

You literally turned me into a Liberal. Your continuous onslaught of propaganda turned me off so much that I'm literally finding myself associating more and more with Liberals even though I grew up in a conservative household (all of us are turning into Liberals). I don't need to come on here to find a bunch of brainlets preaching to me about the upcoming race war. Fuck all of you.


>New Survey Shows Young People Are Staying Liberal and Conservatives Are Dying Off

Kay bud, thanks for telling us that we made you a liberal except it was your parents except it was us

Do you seriously not remember Jow Forums hating fox news?

>It wasn't this right but there have always been nazis here. You fuckeds are literally trying to change the truth, Jow Forums never liked the left
I know it's hard to believe since you hadn't come here before 2014, but Jow Forums used to stay in Jow Forums (and /new/ before it) and not leak out everywhere like it does now.

>Instead of being brainlets
Imagine calling people brainless and thinking your shitty store bought rifles are going to stop a drone strike.
>How about taking them from people who have committed violent crimes
I'm fine with that, but again that would mean you would have to want some sort of gun control. The whole goal is to stop innocent people from being killed. I'm willing to give up that right if it means no more school shootings.

I litally asked you a question you dumb fuck. If You think all media is corrupt. Then how do you get your information?

>votes republican
you're part of the problem, NPC

to be fair to the Jow Forumstards for much of the 2000s the opposite was happening on the left. I think we're already starting to see the "cool" factor shift back towards the left wing now that they're out of power in all branches of government

There is something astounding in many progressive (not gonna say liberal because that is not what they are) people being unable to even fathom why someone would choose conservatism they have reason it's purely to be contrarian.

There is absolutely a pendulum so to speak but it never swings back so fast. The conservatives just started gaining momentum, why would it stop now? The liberals got like 20 years of popularity.

Dude though it's crazy how people who aren't right wing try to argue they're right on popularity alone, popularity that don't even have anymore.

fuck off underage retard, you're not worth attempting to communicate with.

hahaha you're retarded.
t. not the guy you were talking to but someone who can't believe how fucking adamant you are in your way of thinking. Are you an NPC?