Do you think you would win in a fight against some Chad who provoked you? Would autism rage make you beat his ass up? Any stories?

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I've had martial arts training so maybe

Depends what kind of chad. If its a slender smooth talking chad then yes. If it's a dumb gym bro chad, then not a chance in hell.

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When I engage autism rage mode, I feel like a nigger monkey. I barely feel pain, or really dont care at the time. I just want to beat the absolute fuck out of the other person. Which usually ends with me getting the shit kicked out of me.

What makes you anons angry enough to be in this mode?

humiliation is the biggest trigger

I am pretty confident with my chances since I'm tall and work out somewhat. I might look goofy but so do hippos. Unless he's a martial artist or something but I highly doubt they would pick a fight with me for no reason

My biggest fear of when I engage autism rage mode is that I sometimes start to cry when I start to get pissed at someone. Anyone else?

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Eh, I think I tear up a little?

My biggest goal is to make the other person cry though, so it's all even in the end.

Can't get shit for being a bitch if you drag them down to your level.

This. When your ego is near death, it no longer cares about your physical safety or pain, it just diverts all energy in your body into fucking shit up

Lol. You wont stand a chance incel.
Autism doesn't give you strength

>humiliation is the biggest trigger.
Then stop acting the way you do

It's other people attempting to humiliate me that triggers it. Like one time my brother was trying to be funny and making up things about me in front of my face to extended family at a family party and I just grabbed his neck and threw him against a wall.

I beat up a nigger when I was in year 7 because he was flirting with my crush after school

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Dude. Wtf is wrong with you?
Keep doing things like that and you'll end up in jail,or worse.
You need to learn to ignore people.

I cannot control it, when I start to get heated and somebody is doing something attempting to harm me i cannot control it, there is nothing more in the world that would fulfill me more than ending that person's existence. It's like im a different person for a short moment, I get hyper aware and feel all of my muscles in my body, I feel 10x stronger.

>be me
>3rd grade me
>had broken my arm a few weeks before
>had a big purple cast
>was in gym
>my cat died the day before and i was really pissed off
>I told someone that and he said something along the lines of "I don't like cats so idc"
>this sent me the edge
>had a huge argument about cats with him that eventually lead me to swing at him with my cast
>pretty sure I got sent to the principles office afterwords

Most autistic memory.

>I feel 10x stronger
But you arent.
You need to learn to calm down.
Just because someone makes fun of you doesnt ever give you the excuse or the right to assault them. That's a crime my man.

>But you arent.
But I am stronger, and the exaggerated feeling gives me the confidence to stand up for myself. \

>Just because someone makes fun of you doesnt ever give you the excuse or the right to assault them.
They assault me socially, and I can not assault them socially back, then I will assault them physically.

Story time mother fuckers.

>Be me in 6th grade
>Wearing raggedy old as fuck hoodie because poor
>Get to classroom before teacher does
>5 minutes into class, still no teacher
>Scrawny Chad kid decides to impress others by messing with me
>Mother fucker grabs one of the holes in my hoodie and rips part of the sleeve off
>Went from zero to full on autistic retard instantly
>Charged him to the wall and pinned him
>Start punching while keeping him pinned to the wall
>Teacher finally comes in
>Teacher calls for backup and pulls us apart
>We both get sent to the office
>TFW never got in trouble because he ripped my only hoodie
>TFW school felt bad and bought me a new hoodie

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good story, he deserved it

Was it a nice hoodie?

Fuck yeah it was. It was my first hoodie that wasn't a hand-me-down from one of my older brothers. Very basic in design (it was bought by a school district after all) but that shit was so warm. I wore that instead of my winter coat for like 3 years in a row

Yes. I'm the size of a fucking child and still 100% convinced I could kill the average man with my bare hands, that's how confident I am. Not even just because of autistic fury.
>tae-kwon do with contact sparring and gymnastics as a little kid
>avoiding punches and having to bob and weave since I was 6
>martial arts autism so so extreme that in elementary/middle school I would stand in front of my TV/laptop and just throw hundreds of punches and kicks and do drills, in my room, for hours
>martial-arts autism is so extreme that I actually looked up how to do hand-conditioning exercises on obscure Chinese websites when I was 12 and did them until my hands bled
>smashed every surface of my hands, including my fingertips, into rice, metal, sand, steel shot, phonebooks, and eventually just straight-up wood and metal, for a period of years
>stand-up boxing in high school, daily speed/heavy bag training and shadowboxing, sparring/wrestling with the MMA and wrestling dudes after class and in PE
>more boxing in college, with sparring against dudes twice my size
>instruction from/sparring with dozens of instructors and random people for a period of like two decades
>actually been in multiple fights
They say it takes 7 years to really master something, right? I've done that twice, and then some, with punching people, and I unironically have like 5 different ways to do it. There is simply no substitute for the kind of muscle-memory I'm working with here.
Not even trying to be an internet tough guy. IRL I honestly do try to de-escalate and just be polite with people and it almost always works.
I'm just not really afraid of anyone, either. I fucking guarantee you gymchad is not ready for my power level.

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>gets stabbed/shot
lmao nice 20 years of training

I carry, too. Stabby and shooty.
And to be perfectly honest, the fact that people do carry weapons is realistically the only reason I do try to de-escalate with people. It's one hell of a fucking equalizer.

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Maybe. I have more of the speedy autism than the retard strength autism.
Nice, what do you carry?

I have a lot of knives, so I usually carry one or two of those. My favorite one is just a solid black spike with a tanto blade. So that and a derringer or 1911.

>Gun beats tae-kwon do

Well guess I win user, my autist rage is better.

And you wouldn't want to shoot me anyway. I'm such a nice person and I don't start shit.

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The autist inside me must come out user, and you are my target, I will find you and I will end you like the chads that came before.


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Dont see too much of those.
RIA? Surplus?

Based robochad. How would you respond to this:
>*chad makes you trip and fall while all the people around laugh at you*

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