Women are pathetic

Women are pathetic.

>craving attention
>I'll pose with the latest video game everybody is talking about

Attached: 43779434_280296099484717_3392505572685253974_n.jpg (1080x1350, 101K)

cause no guy has ever done this right?

Women are pathetic.

>craving ***CHAD'S*** attention
>I'll pose with the latest video game everybody is talking about


It's what they do, where there is attention the female must follow.

Her tits are nice. I'd get her pregnant and have a loving marriage and family with her.

Her shoulders are broad as fuck

Would you rather one night of sex or this game+Xbox One X?

>Women are pathetic.
>>craving attention
>>I'll pose with the latest video game everybody is talking about

>getting this upset about something that doesn't matter
Yeah. She sure is the pathetic one.

The game, so I can sell it. I need the money more than I need a one-night stand. I already have a gf in the works.

>Loving marriage

Sorry to burst your bubble famalam, but that's never going to happen...with any woman. It's not you, it's them. Women in this day and age aren't interested in having lasting relationships with another human bean like we were told. They are only interested in jumping from one cock to the next.

Do you really think the whore in the OP pic wants a happy marriage? Maybe she thinks she does. But her vision of a happy marriage is one where she is sucking away a man's resources and emotional energy until he is nothing but a shell of his former self.

Ever go to the bar and see those depressed 50-something year olds who are overweight, drunk of their ass and who are unshaven. Why do you think it is that they are sitting their nightly depressed in that bar, wasting their money on booze?

Imagine then 30 years prior in their early 20's, still blissfully ignorant to the fact that women are soulless whores only out to get a man's money, still full of hope of one day marrying a women who loved him for who he was.

But no. He had to find out through years of marriage exactly how horrible women are. Now when he's not at the bar, he works a dead end job barely able to make the rent.

The whore in the OP pic will not provide you happiness, user.

None of them will.